His record this semester is...defeated a second-year student in martial arts class, and——

Running naked?

Well, although running naked and facing monsters is quite handsome, and his figure is also very good, but with his grades last semester, he was the famous top scorer in the college, and it has only been one semester, how strong can he be?

And he seems to have mysteriously disappeared for a while...

But he was actually selected into the list. Could it be that...

"Moon Campbell! Did you...open the back door?"

Ariel suddenly stared at the hateful guy in front of her and said angrily.

"How shameful!"

How could Moon Campbell have the strength to be selected?

Just in case, she even asked her master specifically.

"The second level peak of the warrior realm."

"The magic power...is still pitifully low."

Look, he doesn't know magic, and he hasn't even broken through to the third level of warrior realm. In terms of realm, he is far behind the others!

From every angle, there was no way he would be chosen!

Otherwise, what are your efforts during this period of time?

I have worked so hard, worked so hard, and spent so much money...

But this guy Moon Campbell, I bumped into him several times, and he was always sleeping and lazy!

"Damn it..."

When she thought about going to the Holy City with such a guy, she...

"Did they really put me on the official list? I thought they were looking for some other reason to let me accompany them."

Hearing Professor Pu Lang's announcement, Mu En was also stunned for a moment.

But then, he shrugged nonchalantly at Ariel.

"Whether you believe it or not, I actually quite want to open the back door. That's something I can't say."

He also noticed the dazzling sights around him, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

Anyway, those people could only stare at him and couldn't really do anything to him.

It's just a pity that the reputation I earned so hard may have deteriorated again...

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Professor Plann’s voice always sounded just right:

"Since the list does not have public selection criteria, everyone has doubts about the qualifications of some people. St. Mary's College has always upheld the principle of fairness and justice, so..."


Mu En looked at Professor Pu Lang's serious mouth and suddenly a smile appeared, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Wait, you Professor Plan with thick eyebrows and big eyes, could you...

"So, before the departure day comes in seven days, any student who meets the criteria can challenge the selected candidates..."


Professor Plann paused and glanced at Mu En vaguely:

"I swear on the name of the college that this seven-day challenge will not involve any identity or status, nor will there be any subsequent revenge."

"Depend on……"

As soon as Professor Pu Lang said these words, Mu En's expression suddenly stiffened.

Because he clearly felt that the eyes of those around him who were just dissatisfied suddenly became sharper.

It was like seeing a mighty lion suddenly turn into a clawless sheep.

And someone even touched his palms and laughed without any concealment:

"Haha, Moon Campbell, you're done!"

59. Trust

"Pu! Lang! Teach! Professor!"

"Want some coffee?"

"Ah, thank you Professor Grant."

"You're welcome, you are a rare guest in the office."

"This coffee is really good."

"Haha, of course. I cultivated these coffee beans myself, but they are not available on the market."

"Really, then can I have the honor to go...ah, no, I'm not here to drink coffee!"

Mu En, who was almost led astray by Professor Glenn, came back to her senses, looked at the old man drinking coffee leisurely across the desk, patted the table and asked:

"Professor Plan! Why are you suddenly making such strange rules? Didn't you invite me to represent the college to the Holy City?"

"Of course I invited you. As I said before, this is also the result of many considerations."

Professor Plann slowly tasted the coffee and said calmly:

"But I have also said that the rules of the academy are rules, and they do not conflict with my invitation to you to the Holy City. Moreover, I am not targeting you specifically. What I announced is equally applicable to everyone. "

"But, you can't say that."

Mu En sighed:

"You said that there won't be any identity or status involved, and there won't be any follow-up revenge. Your words are obviously aimed at me, the son of a duke, who has nothing but status in the eyes of those people."

"Why, no confidence?"

Professor Plann glanced at Mu En.

"Of course I have confidence."

Mu En shrugged, "On the contrary, the reason I don't like it is... I think it's a waste of time."

"A waste of time?" Professor Plann raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, it's a waste of time."

Mu En repeated it again, very seriously.


Looking into Mu En's eyes that showed no hint of joking, Professor Plann paused, put down his coffee cup, and sighed:

"It seems like I'm overdoing it, but I've said it out loud, so just bear with it."

"Professor Plann can also cheat..."

Mu En smacked his lips, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp:

"Speaking of which, I came to you with one more thing."

"What's up?"

"Who are the accompanying personnel of the academy this time?"


Professor Plan subconsciously tapped the table twice and said unexpectedly:

"You are still interested in this?"

"Of course, this is related to my life safety."

Mu En said seriously: "You can't be careless at all."

"Haha, I just said you were confident, but I didn't expect you to be so timid."

Professor Plan pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled meaningfully:

"But don't worry, the academy will definitely do its best to protect you. In addition to the necessary teachers, there is also a special strong person in the accompanying personnel this time."

"Special strong person?"

Mu En asked: "Who is it? Do I know him? How strong is he?"

"Of course you know him, but you will know who he is when the time comes."

Professor Plan touched his chin, "As for how strong he is, I can only say... not weaker than a crowned person."

"Not weaker than a crowned person?"

A crowned person is a crowned person.

What the hell is not weaker than?

Is there any fierce person who is not a crowned person, but can stand shoulder to shoulder with a crowned person?

Are there any such people among the guys I know?

"What does this mean?"

"I've told you everything. You'll know when the time comes."


Seeing that Professor Plan didn't want to say more, Mu En lost interest in asking again.

But then he started thinking about it.

How about making some preparations just in case?


After Mu En left.

Professor Grant sat in the seat where Muen had just sat, and asked curiously:

"This kind of behavior that makes people hate you is not like your style. Do you still dislike that guy like before?"

"Hehe, I am not the one who dislikes him the most now."

Professor Plan picked up the coffee cup again and took a sip calmly,

"I am just following someone's orders."


Professor Grant was stunned for a moment, then reacted and whistled happily:

"So that's it, I understand, this is still a family matter."


Professor Plan rejected it and said seriously:

"This is a national matter."


"Hehe, now Muen Campbell can't go to the Holy City with us, that's great."

On the way back to the auditorium, looking at the restless crowd around looking for someone, Ariel put her hands on her hips and nodded with satisfaction.

There is still justice in this world.

What if you have a little money and status? After all, the most important thing in this world is your own strength!

Moon Campbell, in the end, will have to pay the price for his arrogance!

"But...but, I don't think so."

Liya suddenly said on the side.

"Well, why?" Ariel looked over in confusion.

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