"Because Moon Campbell is also working hard. His final exam scores this time are all above 90 points."

"Huh? Is there any?"

Ariel thought about it for a while, but was not impressed.

Also, except for a few people, she rarely cares about other people's results, let alone that Moon Campbell.

"However, spending all his time on preparing for exams, doesn't it mean that he is not very good in terms of strength? After all, he was still the weakest in all aspects last semester. In just one semester, he made up for his overall strength and test scores. How could anyone do that?

You say so, Liya. "


Liya nodded slightly, but hesitated to speak.

But looking at Ariel's confident expression, she finally said nothing.

Because in fact, it was once possible for someone to improve their overall strength and test scores at the same time in just one semester.

that person.

It’s Ariel herself.

After she entered the school as the illegitimate daughter of an earl and suffered ridicule and prejudice, she soared into the sky in just one semester, as if the soles of her feet were cast by explosive magic, and slapped many guys in the face who originally looked down on her.


Ariel suddenly turned around and looked at Liya warily,

"Why do you know this? Could it be that...you, like everyone else, have begun to care about that guy."

"No, no, no, no, no."

A lovely blush appeared on Liya's cheeks, and she waved her hands vigorously:

"I just... I just saw it accidentally, because when the results were announced, Moon Campbell's name was quite close to mine."


"Of course, Moon Campbell is a well-known villain, how could I care about him." Liya clenched her pink fists and said seriously.

"That's it."

Looking into Liya's pure eyes, Ariel's doubts disappeared.

At the same time, I feel ashamed of myself.

Damn it, how could I doubt Liya?

Liya has nothing to do with Moon Campbell at all. What is the reason for her inexplicable uneasiness?

Are you too nervous?

It seems that I have to reflect on myself. If I want to hold Liya too tightly, it will make her feel painful.

Lao Siji's strategy manual No. 3: Giving the other party a little free space and enough trust is the emotional warmer!

"Oh, let's not mention that annoying guy Moon Campbell. I'm going to practice next. Where are you, Liya?"

"……I go to the library."

"Then let's see you tonight?"

"Well, see you tonight."

60. The lesson people learn from the past is that they can’t get any lessons.

"Long time no see, classmate Mu En."

As soon as he walked out of the big bell tower, Mu En saw a pretty girl leaning under a tree not far away.

The girl's features looked familiar, and she was wearing a third-grade uniform. She seemed to be here specifically to wait for Mu En.

"Senior Fanny?"

After recognizing the girl's identity, Mu En asked curiously:

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to congratulate you."

Senior Sister Fanny smiled: "To be honest, you were suddenly selected into this list, which really surprised me. I scored 80% on the Introduction to Magic Examination before, and I still felt as if it happened yesterday, so I I also wanted to ask you if there is any secret to your rapid progress."

"No, I should be the one congratulating senior sister."

Mu En clicked his tongue and said:

"I didn't expect Senior Sister to be so powerful."

Fanny Sawyer.

A few months ago, the third-year senior who wanted to invite Mu En to join the Magic Painting Club was also the first name on the list.

Judging from the fact that she can stand in such a conspicuous position openly, almost no one would have any objection to her quota.

"What, do you regret it?"

Senior Sister Fanny winked playfully:

"I heard that Anna Kablin dropped out of school. Would you like to consider joining my club?"

"Forget it, thank you Senior Sister Fanny for your kindness."

Mu En smiled and declined:

"I haven't had much time to join any clubs recently, and I haven't withdrawn from the Ancient Potions Club yet."

"Oh? In other words, classmate Mu En is now the president of the Ancient Potions Club? How interesting. I never heard that classmate Mu En is actually proficient in potions."

"Come on, I still can't even identify the most basic magic potions. I just..."

Mu En looked into the distance with a touch of tenderness on her face:

"I just don't want that place to disappear."

"That's it..."

Senior Sister Fanny looked at Mu En, a little dazed.

Under the warm winter sun, Moon Campbell's handsome side face was rendered with a faint halo, outlining sharp-edged but extremely soft lines.

Although she thought she had no feelings for the son of a duke, she had to say that in terms of appearance, he was indeed worthy of being pursued by so many first-grade girls.



what sound?

As if she suddenly heard something, Mu En frowned and turned to Senior Sister Fanny.

But her face remained as usual,

"Actually, I was just joking just now. It's impossible for me to invite you to join the Magic Painting Club now because I have already withdrawn from the Magic Painting Club." Fanny said with a smile.

"Quited? Why?"

"Because I joined other societies."

"What club can be so favored by Senior Sister Fanny?" Mu En was slightly surprised.


Fanny's eyes suddenly became erratic:

"Strictly speaking, I am also one of the founders of that club. Although I am not the president...but as for what club it is...it is a little inconvenient to tell classmate Mu En."


Mu En was puzzled.

Are there any shady societies in the college?

And with the excellence of Senior Sister Fanny, she founded the club, but she is not the president?

Click click click.

"...By the way, Senior Sister Fanny."

Mu En glanced around, looking at the bare trees, walls, flower beds and shrubs with dense leaves little by little. He seemed to say casually,

"Where are those three little girls who liked to follow you?"

"You mean Emma and the others?"

"Yes, actually I've always wanted to meet them."

The cold wind in winter blew slowly, and Mu En heard the rustling of leaves.

"They have been supporting me during the previous exams, so I also want to express my gratitude to them face to face." Mu En said with a smile.

The rustling of leaves became more and more rapid...

"Those...those three guys are a little timid and I'm afraid they don't dare to see you."

"Huh? Am I scary?"

"No, I think it's because of other aspects..."

Senior Sister Fanny hesitated for some reason.


Mu En didn't seem to notice anything unusual about her, he just walked in as if taking a walk, then passed her, seemingly casually walking to the... dense bushes covered with snow beside the tree behind her.

"Then there's nothing I can do. Since they don't want to see me, I can only...take the initiative myself!"

Mu En's movements suddenly accelerated, and his figure almost turned into an afterimage. Before Senior Sister Fanny could react, she suddenly thrust her hand into the bushes and pulled out...

A rabbit.


Mu En was stunned when she looked at the cute little white rabbit in her hand, which was still chewing leaves in its mouth.

It's not what I thought, it's a rabbit?

His eyes swept over the nameplate on the rabbit's neck, and when he heard the clicking sound of the rabbit chewing, Mu En's mouth twitched fiercely.

Hey, who the hell raises such a normal rabbit in the academy?

Didn’t I hear that the top two favorite pets in the academy are the Coors Demon Snake and Terry’s Three-Headed Dog?

"Huh? Classmate Mu En, what are you doing?"

Senior Sister Fanny blinked and asked curiously from the side.

"Sorry, I saw it wrong."

Mu En put the rabbit down and awkwardly changed the subject:

"It's getting late, so I'll go back to the dormitory first."

"It just so happens that I want to go in that direction too, shall we?"


The two left together.

The area returned to quiet.

Then, after a while, in the place where Fanny was standing just now, the tree she was leaning on suddenly became weirdly twisted.

The realistic camouflage props faded away, and the big tree fell softly, revealing three girls who were stacked together in a stacked posture.

"Phew, it's so dangerous."

The girl at the top put her little hands on her eyes, looked at Mu En's disappearing back from a distance, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I almost got discovered."


The two girls below staggered and screamed,

"Now that we're gone, can we come down now? Emma, ​​you're so heavy."

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