"What's so important is that you guys are too neglectful to exercise! I've said it before, if you want to carry forward our great societies and organizations, physical strength is essential!"

Emma, ​​a girl with twin tails, jumped down from above, waved her little hand, and the cute little white rabbit ran into her arms and rubbed against her chest very intelligently.

"My dear Mumu, it's all thanks to you this time."

Emma stroked the little white rabbit's ears.

"How's it going? Was it successful?"

At this time, the other two little girls also came over nervously.

"Don't worry, I will take action and it will definitely succeed."

Emma's fingers were slightly open, and a clear picture bloomed from her palm.

Photo magic.

And the person in the picture is naturally... Mu En.

"Hmph, after unremitting training in my photo-taking magic, I can now take photos a hundred times per second! No one in the entire academy is as fast as me!"

Emma said proudly.

And not only was she fast, the lighting and composition of the pictures she took pictures of were all perfect, highlighting the handsomeness and handsomeness of the blond man in the picture.

He even seems to have a temperament that surpasses that of a real person.

"That's great!"

Alva clenched her fists excitedly, "With these photos, we can abduct again... No, we can attract new members!"

"Yes, it's just a pity..."

Amy sighed regretfully: "If it weren't for Sister Fanny's cover, we would definitely be discovered. Otherwise, how could there be a lack of photos?"

"about this……"

Alva turned her head and looked at Emma suspiciously:

"Since Student Mu En actively wants to see us, why don't we get his consent and then film it openly?"


Emma knocked Alva on the head and said:

"How can there be secret thorns in the aboveboard... How about the good shooting results? Some scenes just need to be captured to be perfect!

Moreover, as single fans, shouldn’t we support him secretly? If we take the initiative to stand in front of him, what is the difference between us and those coquettish bitches who want to flatter him because of his identity? "

"I see……"

The two looked at Emma with admiration: "This realization is worthy of you, President."

"Hmph, let's put this little thing aside for now. Speaking of which, we have more important things to do!"

A glint flashed in Emma's eyes and she asked:

"Have the odds been announced?"


"How many?"

"Twenty to one."

"Twenty to one again?"

Emma gritted her teeth, "Those guys are so disrespectful."

Obviously everyone who lost last time wanted to jump off the rooftop, but this time they didn’t even remember it!

"Bet! Let's bet too!"

"How much is the deposit?"

"Everything! Pocket money! Living expenses! Deposits! Including the membership fees that were previously used to expand the club!"

"But it contains the share that Sister Fanny saved..."

"Also pledged!"

Emma raised her chest and raised her head, and said domineeringly:

"In our Moon Campbell True Love Fans Underground Support Club, I am the president!"

"Huh? The newspaper came out so quickly."

Ariel, who was returning to the dormitory to prepare for today's practice, suddenly stopped and raised her hand to grab the newspaper that fell from the sky after the bird flew over.

"As expected of the green guy from the news agency, but this time he actually sold newspapers for free. Has he changed his gender?"

Ariel opened the newspaper, and as expected, the most prominent page contained what happened in the auditorium today regarding the quota for the Holy City.

Regarding the top six candidates, the newspaper briefly mentioned it. The most space was spent on analysis and speculation about why Moon Campbell was selected and whether he could persist in subsequent challenges.

Ariel scanned it quickly and curled her lips:

"It seems that most people are like me, thinking that Moon Campbell is finished this time."

This is not the answer she came to because she hates that guy subjectively, but a very normal analysis conclusion.

After all, it might just be a bit surprising that the scumbag in the class suddenly got good grades, but the thinnest bean sprouts in the class suddenly punched away the famous school bully in the college, and it was a group of school bullies. That would be extremely unlikely.

You can learn secretly, but there must be a process to become stronger. She, Ariel, also worked her way up to the top position in her grade step by step.

You, Moon Campbell, still sleep every day, so you can't practice in your dreams.

"Well, the betting is open again? As for whether Moon Campbell can successfully persist to the end, the odds are... twenty to one?"

Ariel's breathing suddenly became heavy.

"No, no, what I'm spending now is Liya's money, how could I use it for such a thing?"

Ariel shook her head, suppressed her unnecessary thoughts, tossed the newspaper, and walked towards the dormitory.

But as she walked, she stopped, her eyes struggled and she bit her lip.

"But... I also want to pay back Liya's money early."

"The results are so certain this time, so there should be no problem."

"I'll just throw in a little bit, a little bit..."

61. Challenge

"It seems that I can't go back leisurely today."

Mu En, who was walking towards the dormitory, suddenly stopped and turned to look around.

There are birds flying across the sky.

The bare branches were blown by the north wind.

It was quiet.

But in this quiet atmosphere, something suddenly became lively without realizing it.

Figures appeared in the corners of the vision, silently casting incomprehensible glances.

"It moves so fast..."

Mu En glanced at the strange-looking birds flying in the winter sun with his peripheral vision:

"Senior Mingott from the news agency is really impatient."

"Feel sorry."

Senior Sister Fanny on the side also sighed helplessly:

"There is no way I can send you, Mu En, to the dormitory."

"No, thank you, Senior Sister Fanny."

Mu En turned around and smiled at Senior Sister Fanny and thanked her.

"It's actually not necessary."

Mu En also knew the purpose of Senior Sister Fanny traveling with him.

Most likely, as the leader of his third grade, he was here to help Mu En intimidate those who wanted to challenge him.

Because it is a challenge, there is an obvious loophole to exploit.

——That is, as long as Mu En does not accept it, or hides, the challenge will not be established at all.

So Fanny thought to send Mu En to the dormitory and let him hide in the dormitory until the day of departure, and nothing would happen, because after all, the college would definitely not allow fighting in the dormitory no matter what.

However, Fanny was not the only one who thought of this.

"Moon Campbell, I thought you went to the office to cry and beg Professor Plank to take back those words."

Not far in front of Mu En, a man slowly walked out of the shadows.

His body is much stronger than that of ordinary students. Through the tight uniform, you can clearly see how strong his muscles are.

Under that calm face is a very conspicuous beard, which looks like a lion's mane, and it also highlights that the man is much older than his peers.

"Lion! Olze!"

Fanny's expression suddenly became serious.

"You actually want to get involved?"

"Of course, as a devout believer of the goddess, how could I give up this opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the holy city."

Olzer took out a small statue of the goddess, touched it lightly on his forehead, said something, and then solemnly put the statue away.

His extremely oppressive eyes swept over Fanny, his eyes darkened slightly, and then fell on Mu En:

"Why, the professor couldn't ask for help, so he chose to hide behind the woman? You really did not disappoint, Moon Campbell."


Mu En didn't pay attention to Olzer's innuendo. He glanced at Olzer's beard and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

This title, and this look.

There is always a feeling of being taken advantage of, which makes people a little unhappy.

"Olze, what's the point of bullying a second grader from a third grade? If you have the guts to follow me..."

Fanny was about to help Mu En stop Olzer, but found that Mu En suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of her.

"It's okay, Senior Sister Fanny."

Mu En turned around and smiled:

"Thank you for your help, but please believe me, I can solve it..."


Fanny hesitated to speak.

To be honest, she was one of the people who didn't believe that Mu En could survive this test on her own, otherwise she wouldn't have come to help him.

However, when I think of the miracles he once created...

"All right."

Fanny sighed softly and took a few steps back.

"But you have to be careful. This lion Olzer is not a good person. His strength can be ranked among the top five in the third grade. He is also famous for his fierce attacks and vicious moves. I have been defeated by him. Don't worry, you must not confront him head-on..."

"I see."

"Oh, you..."

Seeing Mu En's indifferent expression, Fanny couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what, you shouldn't underestimate your enemy.

"Have you finally stopped hiding behind women?"

Seeing Mu En walking out, Olzer stretched his strong muscles and showed a cruel smile,

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