All the onlookers were stunned to see the development of the situation in the field, and fell into an unbelievable confusion.

What happened?

Why did that Orzer suddenly fall down?


Many people subconsciously stepped back a few steps after smelling the stench from Orzer's lower body.

This male lion, who was famous for his ferocity and viciousness, was actually incontinent?

What did Muen Campbell do to him that made him so scared?

Many of the onlookers were just there to watch the fun, and there were too many people and the distance was too far, so few people could see how Muen Shi made his move. Most people were still confused and puzzled.

Until more and more people discovered Orzer's flowing beard and his extremely smooth chin.


Shaved off?


Looking at the white blade in Muen's hand, many people's pupils shrank suddenly.

It's not a terrible thing to have your beard shaved off. It's normal to lose some hair and beard in a fight.

But the problem is, it's so clean.

It was so clean that it looked like it was done by a professional hairstylist. In an instant, the mature and steady Orzer looked ten years younger, but even his skin was not hurt.

But to achieve this level, how much time would it normally take, and how many times would it take to swing the knife in an instant?

In this process, how many times would it be enough to kill Orzer?

No wonder Orzer was scared like that.

The shock began to spread in everyone's eyes like a plague.

But at the same time, this shock gave them new doubts.

Muen Campbell, when did he become so strong?


Muen didn't care about the surroundings. His handsome face still had a standard aristocratic smile. With impeccable etiquette, he said to the yellow birds in front of him:

"Come on, I'm in a hurry, you guys come together."

"... Muen Campbell, what trick did you use?"

After a short silence, Lance shouted in a deep voice.

Looking at the limp Orzer, Lance was also shocked for a moment, but after looking at the people around him, he quickly calmed down.


Absolutely impossible.

This is definitely not the power of Muen Campbell himself.

A second-year playboy, the last-place student in the school last semester, only took a few months to become strong enough to kill the best of the third grade?

Unless this guy colluded with the evil god and gained power from the evil god, otherwise the novel would not dare to write like this!

Magic device, ancient relic, or some special prop?

Lance's eyes flashed. He didn't find anything special about Muen for the time being. Only the knife in his hand looked conspicuous.

But he still felt that his guess was correct.

"Moon Campbell, although the academy does not prohibit the use of props, are you really worthy of the title of the Duke's heir by doing this?"

Lance strode to Muen and said in a deep voice:

"Bet the name of the family, come and have a fair duel with me!"

"A duel is really a waste of time."

Muen sighed helplessly.

But Lance did not give him the opportunity to continue complaining. He directly pulled out the gorgeous rapier carved with golden roses and lilies from his waist, put one hand behind his back, pointed the rapier diagonally, and suddenly brought his legs together, saying loudly:

"In the name of the Rokiel family, I challenge you, the heir of the Campbell family, Muen Campbell!"

"I hope you can live up to the name of Campbell, be fair and just, and fight me without any despicable means!"


The corner of Muen's mouth twitched.

What the hell, are these people so stupid to introduce themselves before fighting?

If it were any other time, Mu En would have slashed at him first. After all, it is basic common sense in combat that you cannot let the magic girl transform in advance.

But the figures around him made him dazed for a moment, and he came back to his senses.

This is not a life-and-death fight, it's just dealing with a few greenhouse flowers, it's not worth it.

Speaking of which, that O-something just now also said a lot of nonsense before the fight.

Unconsciously, has my mentality become so different from these people?

Sure enough, I can't learn anything from fighting with these people, it's just a waste of time.

But since I want to convince the other party...

Mu En took a deep breath, stroked his chest with one hand, and returned the greeting without any criticism:

"In the name of Campbell, I accept your fair challenge, but as I said, please hurry up, my time is precious."

"Don't worry."

Seeing Mu En return the greeting, Lance suddenly showed a grim smile,

"I will be quick!"


End you!

Lance held the sword and stabbed forward.

In an instant, the fighting spirit far more magnificent than Mu En flowed, and the sword light bloomed like stars.

Five styles of Rokiel style swordsmanship, the stars of the goddess!

"Moon Campbell, be careful!"

Lance reminded him very gentlemanly, but his eyes were already filled with the fire of victory.

Since it is a fair duel, there is nothing to be afraid of!

I think no matter how dandy you are, you can't ruin Campbell's reputation in front of everyone.

However, being defeated by this proud swordsmanship that I have been honing since childhood, Moon Campbell, you are also...


The sudden crisp collision sound made Lance's face suddenly stiffen.

"How... is it possible?"

He looked forward with straight eyes, and saw Mu En leisurely holding the pure white blade in his hand horizontally, accurately intercepting his unstoppable thrust.

But how is this possible.

Rogil's swordsmanship has always been famous for its lightning speed, and the continuous thrusts like a torrential rain are enough to make any opponent unable to parry.

But there was no time to spread the rain this time, because the first attack was easily blocked.


No, this is not an accident.

Because Mu En did not use the blade to block the attack, but... the blade.

Blade, to the point of the sword.

"This is impossible...this is impossible!"

Lens looked crazy. He turned the tip of his sword, and countless sword flowers spread out from the tip of the rapier again.

The sword flower is bright, but fleeting.

Because every time a flower blooms, a brighter light blooms, crushing it completely.

The blond man in front of him seemed to be able to predict the future. Every time the blade was moved horizontally, it would accurately block the path where the sword tip must pass.

No one can really predict the future, that is to say...

My own skills... were crushed?

I have been learning since I was a child, and I have broken countless wooden swords, chopped countless wooden dummies, and conducted countless practical exercises with teachers hired by my family. The sword skills I have learned are now in use. On the technical level... was he completely crushed by this duke's son who had nothing but his identity?


This guy doesn't even swing his sword a thousand times a day!

"The swordsmanship is good."

Mu En resisted and commented sharply:

"It's just that the way he attacks is drier and more rigid than Professor Prang's face."


Rensi's eyes were split open, and the moves in his hands suddenly changed.

If technique is not enough, then use strength to crush him!

Lance took a deep breath, and the rapier in his hand suddenly glowed with a cold light.

A strong fighting spirit clung to it, and a terrifying strong wind swept up the snow on the ground.

The moment the man-made snow covered him, Lance moved. In front of him, the ground was instantly torn open, turning into a half-meter deep ravine.

The terrifying sword light seemed to turn into a dazzling meteor, carrying a huge force and suddenly attacking Mu En.

Level three versus level two, the advantage is mine!

And it's the same moment.

Among the chaotic snowflakes, Lance saw Moon Campbell finally look slightly solemn, raised the pure white dagger in his hand, and then bloomed from it...

The deafening thunder!

"Why... why?"

Lance finally asked this question:

"Why are you... so strong all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing."

Mu En shrugged casually:

“Go to bed early and get up early, exercise diligently, see more beautiful women, and live hard.

That's all I did..."


Are you kidding...

Do those words you said have anything to do with becoming stronger?

Lens looked at his broken rapier, smiled to himself, suddenly coughed up a large mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground slumped.

Mu En still didn't look back, crossed Lens and continued walking forward.

"Next, it's you."

He looked at Blanqui and Doramus who were blocking the road, still playing with Elizabeth in his hands, and showed a peaceful smile:

"I've really had enough of coming one by one, so...I'll challenge you this time, okay?"

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