
This arrogant look instantly angered the two of them. They looked at each other, said nothing, and turned into two afterimages, rushing towards Moon Campbell from different directions.

Different from Olzer's inexplicable attack just now, this time Moon Campbell almost defeated Lens head-on, proving to everyone how powerful he was.

Therefore, both Blanqui and Dolanmus knew that they must not hold back. Even if they would be accused of bullying, they must defeat Moon Campbell here!

Blanqui's speed was much faster than Dolanmus. In just an instant, he was close to Mu En.

He waved his hand violently, but instead of a weapon appearing in his hand, a... simple hourglass appeared.

Ancient relic—snake-eyed hourglass!

Although using props in this kind of challenge is very despicable, he is not a fool like Lens who adheres to the so-called aristocratic code.


To be able to defeat those two people so easily, Moon Campbell, it was you who fired first!

There was a trace of ferocity in Blanqui's eyes, and he turned the hourglass over without hesitation.

The snake eye on the hourglass suddenly emitted a strange light.

For an instant, like a pause button being pressed, the entire world in Blanqui's sight slowed down.

It's like time has stood still.

But he knew that this was not a time stagnation.

Even precious ancient relics cannot achieve the impossible thing of freezing time.

This is acceleration.

The special power in the hourglass gave him ten times the physical acceleration, twenty times the reaction speed, and fifty times the thinking speed!

In addition, he is good at speed and agility, and Blanqui, who is called the Black Snake by others, cannot even match Chief Fanny Sawyer based on his speed alone!

Blanqui looked excited, and with his thoughts accelerating fifty times, although his movements seemed to slow down, in his field of vision, Moon Campbell was like a photo transformed into a magic photo, almost unable to move at all.

So, kneel down and beg for mercy, Moon Campbell!

Blanqui slapped the defenseless Moon on the chest.

However, the moment his palm almost touched Mu En, he felt an inexplicable sight.

Sight, where does the sight come from?

Blanqui looked up in horror, and then realized with horror that just like the legendary photo possessed by a ghost, the picture of Moon Campbell suddenly came to life.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Blanqui, then curved the corners of his mouth into a sarcastic smile.

"That's it?"

The elongated tone rang in his ears, and before Blanqui could react, he felt a terrifying force bursting out of his chest.

Moon Campbell didn't know when he had taken a step ahead of him and slapped him on the chest.


Everything is back to normal.

Blanqui spurted out blood, his breath suddenly became weak, and his eyes showed a ghostly look.


Why can Moon Campbell keep up with my speed?

Could it be that……

Blanqui thought of Olzer's beard that was hung up. Could it be that it was not some prop used by Moon Campbell, but that he was so fast?

There was no time to think so much, Blanqui showed a fierce expression again, and the hourglass in his hand once again bloomed with a strange light.

This hourglass has more uses than just that!


Mu En suddenly frowned and looked at herself.

It seems like he can't move?

Is this... petrification?

Looking at the snake-eyed hourglass in Blanqui's hand, Mu En raised an eyebrow in surprise.

It was said to be petrified, but it was not really petrified. It just made Mu En temporarily unable to move.

But taking advantage of this short opportunity, a chill suddenly arose!

In the shadow of the blind corner beside him, Dolan Mous, who was waiting for an opportunity, suddenly rushed out, the dagger in his hand pointed directly at Mu En's vitals.

Even the onlookers could not help but exclaim. No one expected that Dolan Mous, who was also the son of a great noble, was so good at assassination and had never shown it to others!

Seeing Mu En who was unable to move and had become a lamb to be slaughtered, Dolan Mous couldn't help but smile like a winner.

After all, only the one with the last laugh is the winner.

So die to me, Moon Campbell!

Belland can't tolerate the second one...


There was a clear sound of flesh being torn apart, and Dolanmus's smile suddenly stiffened.

He lowered his head and looked at the dagger that was thrust into his stomach mercilessly. The thoughts in his mind were in a mess.


He and Blanqui, who was watching this scene blankly, asked the same question:

"Why can you still move?"

The petrification of the Snake Eyes Hourglass is not magic, but a curse.

But just because it is a curse, shouldn’t it be even more difficult to guard against?

"You asked this..."

With a calm look on his face, Mu En pulled Elizabeth out of Dolan Mousse's abdomen, then stabbed Blanqui with a knife while he was still able to jump, and said casually:

"Don't you know that the higher the resilience, the less control you have? It just so happens that I have a thicker skin and a higher resilience."


Doramus showed an incomprehensible expression, and then slowly fell to the ground, blood gurgling from his abdomen.

Moon's injury was not fatal, but it was enough to make him lose all his fighting power, and the same was true for Blanqui.

However, in his gradually powerless confusion, he could not help but ask the same question as Lance:

"Moon Campbell...you...you are obviously a useless son of the Duke, why are you suddenly...so strong?"

Strong, like a monster.

Is there really someone in this world who can become a different person in just a few months, or...

the you before...was all a disguise?

"Useless son of the Duke?"

Hearing this, Muon laughed, suddenly squatted down, grabbed Dolanmus's hair, and forced him to look at him.

The eyes were blue.

Like a lake.

So peaceful.

But Dolanmus seemed to be facing something terrifying, with a fearful expression and his body gradually trembling.

Because he felt...murderous intent.

A spoiled son of the Duke would never have murderous intent. He seemed to see the suffocating...sea of ​​corpses and blood in the deepest part of Muon Campbell's eyes.

"I didn't mind you talking nonsense behind my back before. First, what you said was true and I couldn't refute it. Second, I didn't have the qualifications to shut you up at that time."

"Now, I have corrected those bad things and I have the qualifications to shut you up."


Moon looked at Dolanmus in front of him with a smile that seemed to never disappear. His tone was as calm as an old friend who was speaking from the heart:

"In the future, please be more respectful to me and the three words Campbell, okay?"


The snowflakes subsided.

The world became more and more silent.

It seemed that everyone was under a mute spell and could only use a dull expression to express the shock at the moment.

On one side, Mingott in the news agency almost tore up the newspaper he had just drafted. After being shocked for a long time, he slowly lowered his head and looked at the large amount of Emile he had bet on in the gambling game for the purpose of trading. His face gradually turned pale.

On the other side, Wei'er, who stayed behind, almost stared out her round eyes.

She looked in the direction where Cecilia disappeared, as if she wanted to shout something, but her lips moved and she couldn't say anything.


This seemingly long battle was actually very short.

In the eyes of outsiders, Moon Campbell simply chopped down the four people in the same way as cutting melons and vegetables.

In the entire third grade, except for Fanny Sawyer, the four strongest people.

No one expected it.

Or rather, no one could have expected it.

This outrageous strength reminded some people of another monster who also slapped many bystanders in the face every day.

- The head of the second grade who can now arm wrestle with the fifth grade, the former illegitimate daughter of the earl, and now the first heir of the earl who will not be looked down upon by anyone, Ariel Bugard.

It's a pity that she didn't seem to appear here, otherwise some people have begun to guess what the picture would be like when these two people collided.

And another part of the people still couldn't believe the picture in front of them, and were constantly thinking about the reason why Moon Campbell suddenly became stronger, and seemed to be thinking about what loopholes to exploit.

“Are there any more people coming?”

Mu En looked around and found no one responded.

He let out a long sigh and shook his head:

“Only four? I thought we had to fight at least ten. I’m not very good at pretending.”

“But that’s fine. I should be able to have some peace and quiet for a while.”

Mu En turned around and said goodbye to Senior Sister Fanny beside him:

“Then I’ll go back first. See you in seven days, Senior Sister Fanny.”


Fanny’s eyes were dull and her lips were open, as if they could fit a goose egg.

Until Mu En disappeared from her sight, she finally came back to her senses and smiled bitterly:

“Student Mu En…as expected, you are the most surprising one.”

63. Devil!

Time passed, and it was St. Mary’s College six days later.

The weather today was still very good. It seemed that after months of snow, God was finally willing to be merciful and give the world long-term warmth.

After a week of sunny days, the snow in the college has melted a lot, and everything seems to have been washed and sparkles in the sun.

Tomorrow is the college's departure day. At this moment when this important day is approaching, every student should be filled with a happy smile, waiting to return to the warm home with a burning fireplace and reunite with their loved family.

However, outside the quiet sycamore forest, the girl with long wavy hair was hesitant and wandering.

She pinched the corner of her clothes and stretched her head to look into the depths of the forest from time to time, but retreated in fear after hearing the violin sound coming from the depths of the forest, as if there was some terrible monster lurking in the depths of this forest.

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