"Come on, Liz, you can do it."

Liz clenched her fists and kept cheering herself up:

"There's nothing to be afraid of about Muen Campbell!"

She took a few deep breaths to calm her uneasy mood, and her pale face gradually regained some color.

When she raised her head and looked at the forest again, her big eyes were full of determination.

Liz is a first-year student and has just enrolled this year.

She had high expectations for life in the Unknown Academy, but when she enrolled, she found that everything was not as good as she imagined.

It was all because of that person-Muen Campbell!

Before enrolling, she had been warned by her father and brother not to get close to Muen Campbell, he was a shame to the nobility!

She had also heard of the notoriety of Muen Campbell. Her cousins ​​had already given her a vivid description of Muen Campbell's unbearableness in the academy, so she had made up her mind not to have any intersection with the famous son of the Duke.

However, when she entered school, she found that Muen Campbell was everywhere.

He was in the newspapers, and the classmates around him talked about him after dinner. Even the pure teapot parties and pajama exchanges of the girls often talked about him.

At first, it was all about the real and terrible side of Muen Campbell, such as how many ships he had stepped on and how many warships he had sunk. Liz thought it was not bad to use these as leisure topics.

But gradually, Liz found that the conversations of the girls around her began to change.

They began to talk about Muen Campbell's handsome, brave, beautiful naked body, and the precious qualities of a prodigal son who turned back from the brink of death. Some people even began to fantasize about trying to date him.

But how is this possible?

How can a person suddenly change so much?

Her father once told her that a person's fate is determined when he is born.

Just like the nobles like them, they are born with great and glorious blood, so their destined fate is to guide and lead the poor people who are also destined to have low blood.

Even the common people who don't know etiquette and are uneducated can certainly shine as they should under their guidance.

And even the blood of glory doesn't exist, and the blood in his bones is no different from those poor people. How can Campbell, who suddenly rose to prominence hundreds of years ago by taking advantage of the rising period of empire expansion, suddenly change his mind like this and become as elegant, kind and good as an aristocrat?

This must be an illusion.

She wanted to expose this illusion, but every time she patiently explained to others, she always got the cold eyes of those people, and even some ordinary people without noble blood would speak ill of her who was obviously polite.

This is terrible, those people were obviously not like this before.

All this must be because of that person, Muen Campbell!

And what happened not long ago confirmed her guess.

After hiding for a semester, Muen Campbell finally showed his fangs. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes for some reasons at the time, she could restore the truth of the matter through the words of several cousins.

"Moon Campbell is a monster, a complete monster!"

Lens, who was lying on the hospital bed, angrily slammed the bed board and said viciously:

"Monster, do you understand? I'm not talking about his strength, but he actually hid it so deeply! He deceived everyone!

I don't believe that he became so strong in one semester! He was hiding his weakness before. He must have some conspiracy. He is so despicable!"

"Yes, despicable!"

Blanqui was also angry and said: "That Moon Campbell is a despicable villain. Even if he defeats us, what does it matter if he is in the heart? It is dirty, and except for that beautiful yellow hair, it is still useless!"

"Don't mention his name!"

Dolanmus woke up:

"Don't mention the shame of that noble! My wound is starting to hurt again!"

"What, yellow hair? Where is the yellow hair!"

Oelzer sat up from the bed and roared:

"I want to fight that damn yellow hair, I want to avenge my beard, I...well, what are you doing? Don't stop me!"

Oelzer didn't finish his words, and was carried away by the nurse with the bed and sent to the intensive care unit.

"Doctor, bed number eight is sick again!"

"Woo woo woo, I'm not sick, I'm not sick... Let me go!"

"Quick, increase the dose!"

Looking at the figure of Orzer's cousin going away, Liz couldn't help but burst into tears.

Why is this happening? Shouldn't the challenge full of aristocratic etiquette and gentlemanly temperament be stopped at the right time? But that Moon Campbell actually hit so hard!

He is really a devil!

However, the changes are not limited to this aspect. Not long ago, Liz learned about the changes in the Lower Town of Belrand from her mother's letter.

In the past, at this time, when the winter snow covered the area, she would always follow her mother to the Lower Town to distribute food to the poor.

Although it was just simple black bread, as long as she saw the satisfied smiles on the faces of the poor, Liz would deeply feel the meaning of the glorious blood flowing in her body.

However, according to her mother, all the nobles' charity this year was banned.

The reason was the newly appointed governor of the Lower Town.

Not only did he prevent the benevolent nobles from going to the lower city to distribute food, he also persuaded the Emperor to issue an order, forcing many nobles to sell the food they had worked so hard for a whole year at a low price that almost cost them nothing. Sell ​​it to him, and then he goes to Lower City to resell it.

Too cruel!

So despicable!

In order to make money, he actually went to this point!

When she thought about the poor people who couldn't eat free bread and had to spend their own money to buy food, Liz couldn't help but cry with pity.

And according to Mother, the lower city consul alone cannot do this. Behind this, there is the shadow of the Campbell faction!

At present, the only person in the Campbell family who talks about things in Belland...is that Moon Campbell!

Everything is because of that devil!

So, from that moment on, Liz was determined.

She wants to stand up and challenge Moon Campbell!

She wants to be the hero who saves everyone.

She knew that she was no match for Moon Campbell, but she wanted to use her gem-like noble qualities to make Moon Campbell feel completely ashamed!

After withdrawing her thoughts, Liz finally gathered enough courage.

She stepped into the woods.

Following the melodious violin music, she trudged through the muddy path due to the melting snow, ignoring her white skirt that was stained by muddy water and scratched by branches, and finally reached the place where the sound of the violin came from.

She saw the hateful blond man sitting leisurely on the bench, enjoying the beautiful music.

His blond hair was accentuated by the sunlight falling in the forest, making it look particularly dazzling. His calm and handsome face with eyes closed made Liz lose her mind for a moment.

In front of him, the girl stood quietly, playing the violin, the sound of the violin was like flowing water, extremely beautiful.

Actually... actually forced others to play for him? How disgusting, Moon Campbell!

Liz shook her head vigorously, forcing herself to regain consciousness.

Come on, Liz, it's time for you to show the elegance, calmness and bravery of a noble!

Liz took a deep breath:

"Moon Campbell, I-"

At this moment, it seemed that she was disturbed, and the sound of the piano suddenly stopped. The girl in front of Moon Campbell, who in Liz's eyes was forced by him to play, turned back sharply.

And Liz's eyes also subconsciously fell on the girl who was playing.

Well, her figure is very good, better than hers, especially her breasts, which are majestic and majestic that she has never seen among her peers. With such a good figure, does she come from a noble family?

And a face...



This girl actually...has no face?

At this moment, looking at that blank face without any features, Liz's heartbeat almost jumped out, and the blood flowed back into her brain almost instantly...

This...this is...


The miserable screams echoed through the forest.

Thinking of the terrible stories she had heard since childhood, Liz's heart was instantly overwhelmed by fear, and her little bit of courage had long since completely dissipated.

Moon Campbell, actually... actually has a connection with the devil!

Woohoo, so... so scary!

Ignoring her own heroic act, the girl ran away.


Hearing the scream that resounded through the forest, Mu En, who had been immersed in the music, finally opened his eyes and looked at the embarrassed figure running away. He scratched his chin in confusion and looked at Liya aside. Wake up and say:

"You're scaring people."


Liya also hugged Qin and turned around, and said angrily:

"What's wrong with me? I'm the one who was shocked by the sudden interruption, right?"


Looking at Liya's blank face without any facial features, Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth and couldn't help but admire:

"Your disguise skills...are really getting better and better."

I finally made a mosaic last time, but this time I made it look like a blank piece of paper. It really looks similar to the faceless demon in some stories. No wonder it scares little girls.

"Humph, right?"

Liya stretched out her hand, revealing her cute and pretty face, and said proudly:

"I have improved this, and no one will see any flaws this time!"

...But in fact, your flaw is not your face at all...

Mu En glanced at a certain place and said calmly:

"You have been so cautious recently. Could it be that someone is challenging you?"

"Well...after all, in the eyes of those people, I have become a soft persimmon now."

Liya hesitated for a moment and responded in a low voice: "I don't like fighting, so I can only use this method."

"Where's Ariel?"

Mu En frowned slightly:

"With her here, others still dare to harass you?"


Liya bit her lower lip and whispered:

"She has been practicing hard recently."

64. The final performance


As expected of the protagonist Feng Aotian, with this level of hard work...

But Mu En looked at Liya, who was standing in front of her so handsomely at this moment, and felt an inexplicable strangeness:

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