"At this time, it's a little bad that she still leaves you to indulge in cultivation."

Although the plot changed due to his joining, the original book did not challenge this plot.

But now is obviously a great opportunity for Ariel, the protagonist Feng Aotian, to show off and slap her in the face. Look, the poor and helpless childhood sweethearts and the fierce villains have been prepared for you, just waiting for you to perform on stage and stage a heroic rescue of the beauty. What a show, hitting these stretched out faces one by one...

But you are actually practicing?

Isn't this plot going to be scolded by readers?

"You are not allowed to speak ill of Ariel!"

Liya puffed up her cheeks cutely, then lowered her head, clasped her fingers and said:

"Ariel works so hard because of me!"

"...Okay, just pretend I didn't say it."

Since Liya didn't think anything was wrong, Mu En was naturally not qualified to say anything.

He shrugged and looked at the girl in front of him, thinking that he was still disgusted by the destined protagonist Feng Aotian, and his favorability was still negative, and suddenly said with some sigh:

"You and Ariel have such a great relationship."

"of course!"

Liya raised her head, revealing her swan-like white and smooth neck, and said slightly proudly:

"We are childhood sweethearts who have the best relationship!"


Mu En couldn't help laughing.

Although the old Siji Ariel will start to take action later, the kind of pure friendship that truly belongs between girls blooming from Liya's eyes is really very beautiful.

But with this emotional foundation, I'm afraid this wall has become an iron wall, and it won't work even if Yu Gong comes to dig it.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

Mu En asked with a smile after restraining those inappropriate thoughts.


Liya hesitated, "I want to rest for a while first."

"Then sit over here."

Mu En patted his side, moved a distance to the side, and generously gave up half of the bench.


Liya did not refuse. She smoothed the hem of her skirt with her hands on her graceful hips and sat down at the other end of the bench quietly.

But even though it is called the "other end", the bench placed next to the path is not that wide. There is probably only a gap of one person between the two.

Mu En could still smell the sweet baby-like fragrance from the girl next to her.

The warm winter sun shone from the branches, weaving into a net that enveloped the two of them.

Unconsciously, the girl who was originally extremely wary of him no longer minded sitting in the same chair with him.


"Have you not had a good rest recently?"

Mu En looked at Liya's slightly tired eyes and wondered: "The list has been confirmed, why is it still so hard?"

"No... no hard work."

Liya said softly: "I'm just... a little nervous recently."

"That's it..."

It's probably because I'm going to the Holy City soon.

Even with Ariel's help, for Liya, the next Holy Mass Ceremony will still be one of the most important things in her life, so it is reasonable to feel nervous.

It always feels like the college entrance examination in my previous life.

No, for Liya, that holy ceremony was more important and more difficult than the college entrance examination.



"Those who want to challenge me are a little annoying."

In the side face illuminated by the faint sunlight, Mu En saw Liya puffing up her cheeks again, showing her little displeasure.

This is a very childish movement, or expression. Liya will only show this expression when she accidentally reveals her innermost thoughts. Mu En has only seen it a few times, but it does not make people feel childish. , but I just feel very cute.

Just like a squirrel eating, there is always something that makes people want to poke it.

...No, no, I have to control my hand that is intermittently convulsing. If I really poke it, it will be hard for me to get rid of the girl's defense. I'm afraid Liya will have to build a strong wall between them immediately, and then Look at him with a perverted look.

Mu En controlled his frantic hand that wanted to release the power of the ancient world, and suggested with a smile:

"Then you can take a good rest now. As long as I'm here, no one with a bad eye will bother you again."


Liya suddenly turned her head and looked straight at Mu En. Her cute big eyes blinked, and there seemed to be some ripples in the depths of her eyes.

"You shouldn't secretly do anything to me while I'm sleeping."

"What do you think?"


Liya suddenly turned her head again, but did not refuse.

She gently took off her white deerskin boots, revealing her small white feet in the air. When the cold wind blew, her ten little bun-like toes suddenly shrank, and then she quickly hid them in her long skirt. among.

Liya just hugged her knees with her hands, buried her little face between her legs, and curled up on the bench. Her hair fell naturally, covering her side face. This picture of herself balled up reminded Mu En of the fireplace. An orange cat snoozing next to her.

Going back to the topic just now, now Liya can even completely let down her guard and take a nap next to her.

After all, we have been together for a month.

Mu En smiled, looked away, leaned back on the back of the lounge chair, and closed her eyes.

He did not sleep, nor did he consciously sink into the black book to practice. After all, he had promised the girl to look after her. It would be really rude to be distracted at this time.

He just closed his eyes and meditated.

This was a rare waste of time since he came to this world.

But listening to the sound of the surrounding snow melting and the gradually even breathing of the girl beside him, Mu En felt that this was not a waste.

After all, having a beautiful woman by your side is the greatest comfort to the soul and spirit.

As a result, his heart gradually calmed down.

I don’t know how long it took, but I could only see a faint sunset glow, falling on the gradually thinning white snow.

Mu En heard the sound of clothes rubbing gently beside her.

Liya raised her head from between her legs, with a trace of confusion and confusion on her pretty little face, her hair stuck to the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were still a little dull.

"woke up?"

Mu Enxiao asked:

"How did you sleep?"


Liya blushed for a moment and quickly stuffed her feet back into her moccasin boots. She stood up and hurriedly smoothed the wrinkles of her clothes and arranged her hair. After making sure there was nothing embarrassing, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"I didn't do anything strange just now."

"Strange behavior...are you talking about what you just said in your sleep?"

"Dream...talking in sleep?"

Liya suddenly became nervous:

"What did I say?"

"you say……"

Mu En put on a straight face, imitated Liya's tone, and said seriously:

"Classmate Mu En...you are so handsome...especially that blond hair...it makes me want to stop..."


Liya suddenly blushed to the root of her neck.

She actually said such embarrassing sleep talk, but how is this possible? Although classmate Mu En is indeed a bit handsome, she can't...

At this time, Liya finally noticed the smile in Mu En's eyes.

Only then did she realize that Mu En was just joking.

"Too...so bad!"

With tears in her eyes, Liya said bitterly. She looked around, but couldn't find anything she could find. Finally, she took out her violin:

"You...how could you do this?"

"Wait, wait! Classmate Liya, stop, stop!"

Seeing that Liya was really trying to make a show of herself, Mu En immediately comforted her with a horrified expression:

"I was wrong! I was wrong, put the piano down, put it down!"


"We have to play next, so you can't play me a piece of music with your bare hands!"


After hearing the word "play", Liya slowly put down the violin, but still gave Mu En a fierce look and muttered:

"You are indeed a bad person."


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched and she breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the future saintess should not make jokes casually.

It's too easy to get fried.

Very cute though.

"Then I'll start playing."

Liya took a deep breath and raised the violin. The turbulent emotions in her chest gradually subsided.

But looking at Mu En, who had been with her for a month, she still felt a little complicated.

This guy can always make himself do something rude, something that is absolutely contrary to the path of "Saint Girl" he pursues.

Sometimes she wonders, if this continues, will even the goddess hate this shameless woman in the future?

But fortunately, this is all coming to an end.

Tomorrow they will set off for the Holy City. Although they will still be together for a short time, after arriving at the Holy City, they will take two completely different roads.

He is the son of the Duke of the Leopold Empire.

She is a candidate saint of the Church of Life.

Maybe they are like two parallel lines that will never intersect again.

"I will leave for the Holy City tomorrow, so this is the last time I will play for you, Mr. Employer." Liya reminded softly.

"I know."

Mu En also immediately entered the audience mode, sitting straighter than ever before, and smiled:

"Please begin, my lord the musician, I will listen carefully as always."


Liya also smiled and pulled the bow.

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