Melodious music sounded.

Since it was her last performance, Liya had no reservations anymore, integrating her most sincere emotions and most attentive techniques into the sound that bloomed from her fingertips.

Coupled with the comfortable little rest just now, Liya's mental state has reached its highest peak in this month.

This time, she took the initiative to restrain all the holy light that would escape unconsciously.

But just listening to this pure music, Mu En's eyes became brighter than ever before.

Like a sea, sparkling.

In this forest with only two people.

The notes were mixed with the winter sun, the white snow, and the breeze, making Mu En's soul sublime and guiding him to the place of endless light.

Then, together with the sound of breathing and heartbeat, the "final" ending was counted in detail.

65. Morning

The next day, early morning.


With a breath of turbid breath, Ariel slowly opened her eyes.

She was sitting cross-legged in a huge bathtub at the moment. The bathtub was filled with medicinal liquid condensed from many precious medicinal materials, but at this moment the medicinal liquid had become extremely clear and looked like ordinary bath water.

After feeling it for a while and making sure that all the medicinal power was completely absorbed and no trace of it was wasted, Ariel nodded lightly with satisfaction and stood up from the tub.

Crystal water drops dripped down her fair skin, like a curtain of pearls.

Ariel looked at herself in the mirror. Her long hair was disheveled, her eyes were sharp, and her body was well-proportioned. Her slim waist and long, round and tight legs were perfect creations that were almost impossible for outsiders to appreciate.

Even the two little squabs on the chest... are still a little sad.

But through the fat-like skin, under this slightly thin body, it seems that it can be faintly seen what kind of terrifying and powerful power is hidden.


A ray of green smoke floated out from the ring on the table next to it, outlining an ethereal and beautiful female figure.

She looked at Ariel at this moment and praised:

"You have achieved some success in body training. Now, I am afraid that no one among your peers can catch up with you in this aspect."


Ariel clenched her fist fiercely, feeling the surging power in her limbs, and her iconic uninhibited smile couldn't help but appear on her lips:

"It seems that the overtime training these days has been very useful!"

"Don't be happy too early,"

The beauty's shadow smiled and poured cold water on her: "Although the warrior realm has been stabilized, what about your magic realm? How long have you been stuck on the edge of the secret ritual level? Are you ready for the materials for the next stage?"


As soon as she heard the word material, Ariel immediately became as stunned as an eggplant beat by frost:

"Not yet...not yet."



Looking at Ariel with her head lowered and a grimace on her face, the beautiful girl couldn't help but feel speechless.

This disciple of hers is extremely outstanding in every aspect. Whether it is character, perseverance, or talent, he is something she has rarely seen in so many years.

She can overcome almost any hardship or dilemma with ease. Even when faced with an opponent whose strength exceeds her own, she can deal with it calmly without fear, and even defeat the strong with the weak.

But the only thing... I don't know whether it is due to luck or other reasons during this period of time, but I have nothing to do with the word "money".

She began to wonder if Ariel had been cursed by someone. Otherwise, with a teacher like her who was experienced and had as many ways to make money as she could, why would she always be so poor for one reason or another?

"Forget it, you don't have to worry too much. The lack of money is only temporary."

The beauty's shadow comforted her:

"This trip to the Holy City is not only important to the little girl Liya, but it may also be an opportunity for you."


Ariel nodded vigorously, her eyes sparkling with light, and she quickly came out of her disappointment.

That's right, even this difficulty can't defeat her.

Money is a trivial matter, but the most important thing at the moment is to help Liya become a saint.

Anyway, sooner or later, she will become very rich and wealthy. At that time, she will say goodbye to black bread completely and eat a chicken drumstick with every meal...throw one away!

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Liya for several days."

The little worries disappeared, and the joy of becoming stronger filled Ariel's heart again. She quickly packed her clothes and luggage, eager to surprise her childhood sweetheart.

"We have to find her quickly. Hum, she will definitely be very happy."

In the early morning, Mu En walked out of the dormitory building.

Since he still had some preparations to make, he woke up very early on purpose, so even if it was school leaving day, the campus was still silent during this period.

In the still dark sky, he saw the figure waiting in the snow at a glance.

Although her hair is silvery white and purer than snow, the red student union uniform is as conspicuous as the flowers blooming on the snow.


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward,

"Why are you here?"

"Wait for you."

"wait for me?"

Mu En blinked in astonishment, stared at the girl in front of him who still had a cold and expressionless face for a long time, and suddenly said with a bad smile:

"Could it be came here specifically to see me off?"


Celecia glanced at Mu En coldly, said nothing, turned around and left.

Mu En was confused and could only follow.

The road leading outside the college is very long. Although it has been cleared many times, it is still covered with snow.

Originally, Mu En planned to kick him for troublesome Teacher Meira, but with Celcia here, such a thing was naturally impossible.

However, seeing the girl in front of him swaying her hair and skirt, Mu En suddenly wasn't so anxious.

"The incident when you were assassinated before..."

After crossing the forest path, Celcia suddenly said:

"I followed the assassin you caught and checked."


Mu En quickened her pace and stood side by side with the girl.

"Did you check? Didn't I leave that matter to Viscount Sean?"

"At that time, Xiacheng District had accumulated a lot of affairs. He was naturally a little overwhelmed when he first took office, so when I handed over government affairs to him, I helped him by the way."

Just to help Viscount Sean?

Mu En tilted her head, looked at Celcia's cold and beautiful side face, and suddenly smiled:

"So, did you find anything?"

"Following the clues, I found a viscount, but when I found the viscount, he had already committed suicide."


"Yes, he left a letter. It probably means that he was persecuted by the Campbell family and was resentful, so he planned the assassination. The letter also included evidence that he hired an assassin on his own."


Mu En scratched his head and said, "This range is a bit broad. I remember that my father had beaten many nobles before. What did you say in the letter?"

"I didn't go into details, but it happened that not long ago, the only son of the viscount went to a neighboring country as an exchange student, and his wife also went to study with him. He was the only one left in the family, so when we When he was found, he had been hanging from the rafters for two days."

"I see... the scapegoat?"


"That's a little scary."

Mu En sighed,

Being able to arbitrarily introduce a viscount as a scapegoat not only shows the terror of the mastermind behind the scenes, but also shows how seriously he attaches importance to assassinating himself. Maybe... this kind of thing will happen more than once.

"So, I don't understand why my father would allow you to leave Belland at this time. I asked him, but he just told me something to stop you from being too obsessed with the beautiful girl's breasts and thighs. Kind of nonsense.”

Celecia stopped, turned around and said meaningfully:

"Do you know anything about this?"


Mu En's eyes wandered, "You are overthinking. What can I know about His Majesty's decision?"


"Of course."

Mu En's eyes turned around and then drifted back to the girl in front of him:

"Actually, for some reason, I have to go to the Holy City, so your Majesty's deep thoughts are not important to me at all."

"Oh? So what's important to you?"

"The important thing is..."

In the brighter morning light, Mu En suddenly took a step forward and approached the girl. Feeling the silvery girl's breath and temperature close at hand, he laughed and said:

"Celicia, are you... worried about me?"

66. Get out

"Celicia, are you... worried about me?"

Mu En suddenly came close, so close that he seemed to be able to hear the other person's breathing.

Due to the height difference, when looking at each other from such a distance, Mu En had to lower her head slightly, while Celcia also had to raise her head slightly, making her swan-like white neck look even longer.

It's a pity that there is no wall.

Taking advantage of the skylight that slanted into the girl's eyes, Mu En stared at Celcia's icy lake-like eyes.

It seems that I want to see something deeper through that layer of indifferent ice.

Still cool.

"The worry you said...if you mean that you are afraid that you will suddenly die outside, that is indeed the case."

Facing the sudden approach of Mu En's aura, Celcia's slightly indifferent face did not change at all.

"After all, Belland has just calmed down from the previous big incident. If you, the son of a duke, suddenly die, and I don't know how big a ripple it will cause, I don't want to deal with the mess every day."

"Is that why?"

"Of course." Celcia's ice-blue pupils turned slightly, "otherwise what do you think?"

"How indifferent."

Mu En sighed, but soon her eyebrows flew up:

"But I'm still happy."

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