

Mu En took another half step closer.

This time they were so close that the tips of their noses almost touched each other.

He looked at Celcia's beautiful face, touched his chin, and said with a smile:

"This time I was so close and you didn't even hit me. This is really..."


Mu En raised her eyebrows instantly when she saw Celecia's sharp sword-like eyebrows, and the premonition of death in her head suddenly began to buzz...

"Moon Campbell!"

But before Celcia could say anything, she was suddenly interrupted by a shout, and even Mu En's premonition was extinguished.

"I finally found you!"

The silence of the forest was broken, and a group of people, Wuyang Wuyang, appeared out of nowhere and immediately surrounded Mu En... and Celcia.

They first saw Celecia on the side, her pupils narrowed slightly, and they immediately greeted respectfully: "Hello, President!"

Celcia had no expression on her face and nodded slightly.

Then the eyes of these people fell back on Mu En, and the leading man showed a cruel smile like a wild wolf:

"Moon Campbell, you didn't expect that at this last moment, the last chance, labor and management will challenge you!"

"Who are you?"

"Third grade, Podol Mutt!"

"Bodor Mutt?"

never heard of that……

Mu En touched his chin and carefully looked at the strange man in front of him, making sure that he could not feel any dangerous aura from him. His intuition was not even as good as that of the previous foursome, and he said with a strange expression:

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?"

"Hmph, aren't you the ones who have recently defeated the strongest people in the third grade? Don't be so arrogant, Muen Campbell!"

Podol smiled ferociously and said:

"I worked hard for seven days and finally figured out the loopholes in the rules. This time, I came with the certainty of victory!"


"That's right!"

Podol said excitedly: "Professor Plan's rule is that if a qualified person defeats you, he can take your place, but he does not prohibit people who do not meet the conditions from challenging you!!"

"Even if those people can't get a spot by defeating you, they don't have to defeat you at all! It's enough that I defeat you in the end!"

"Do you know why I came to you at this time? It's just to prevent you from having a chance to react!"


Mu En was stunned for a long time, and finally realized Bodor's intention.

He turned to look at the large group of people, raised his eyebrows and said:

"You... are the seniors in the senior class. It's not good to bully the younger ones with the older ones, and to bully the younger ones with the more powerful ones."


Those people looked embarrassed and coughed dryly:

"We are not very willing, but...he gave too much.

Don't worry, classmate Campbell, we won't hurt you, it will just consume your physical strength a little. "

"But, the challenge must be agreed upon by both parties. Isn't it okay if I don't agree with your challenge?"

"Huh, I've thought of this little problem a long time ago."

Bodor sneered:

"Otherwise, why do you think I want so many people to surround you? Anyway, we are not the ones who are in a hurry to gather now!"


So in the final analysis...it's just about being a rogue.

But unfortunately, this kind of rogue behavior is much more troublesome than those honest challenges.

But the good thing is...

Mu En glanced to the side and suddenly smiled strangely:

"Okay, I accept your challenge."


Podol's eyes lit up, "In that case, let's do it now..."

"Wait, don't be so hasty."

Mu En looked at the group of senior students surrounding him, leisurely, and said calmly:

"Since you have used such despicable methods, don't blame me for using my ultimate move!"

"Ultimate move?"

"That's right, watch out! My ultimate move..."

Mu En took a deep breath, her eyes shone brightly, she raised her hands high, and then fell down like an eagle swooping down, and... she hugged the slender waist of the girl next to her:

"Secret Book: The Technique of Holding the Thigh!"


For a moment.

The atmosphere at the scene cooled down.

Both Podol and the seniors surrounding Mu En looked at Mu En with astonished expressions, and he... hugged the hand next to him and even touched it a few times restlessly.

Who is that?

It's Celcia Leopold!

She is the famous princess of the empire!

He is the student council president of the college!

Her coldness, indifference, aversion to the opposite sex, and inhumanity are known to the world!

Everything is done according to the rules and no personal emotions are involved. This is why these people still dare to surround Mu En when they see Celcia.

It is said that there was once a senior who pursued her without any reason. He just accidentally touched her with his hand and was frozen into an ice sculpture by her, which was displayed in the college square for three days and three nights!

But how dare Moon Campbell...

Although they are engaged, I haven't heard of any romantic scandals between them.

That Princess, is not someone who will be merciful just because of her status as a fiancé!


Under everyone's pity, Celcia slowly lowered her head, looked at the hand holding her waist, and then slowly raised her head, looking at the side face of the man beside her.

His expression was as cold as ice, and his red lips parted lightly as he said:


Take a look.


The student council president, Her Royal Highness the Princess, didn't care about her demeanor and just told her to get lost.

Moon Campbell...


Looking at this scene, everyone thought so in their minds, and felt more pity in their hearts.

It's a pity that a rising star in the academy is about to die here...

Podol's lips almost reached his ears. If Moon Campbell had committed suicide, he would have saved himself a lot of trouble.

"I mean……"

But just when Podol was opening the champagne in his heart, Celcia suddenly turned her head, glanced at everyone quickly, and then her cold, trembling gaze fell on Podol:

"Let you go away."

67. Title

"I mean……"

"Let you go!"

In an instant, endless chill swept through, the biting cold wind mixed with snow like ice blades, spreading with Celcia as the center.

The people around him were staggered by the wind in an instant, and the cold wave passed by. Bodor was actually frozen into an ice sculpture, and there was still disbelief on his face with a stagnant smile.

Everyone finally managed to stabilize their bodies, looked at each other in shock, and ran away without caring about so much anymore.

But one of them ran, then turned back, smiled apologetically at Celcia, picked up Podol who had turned into an ice sculpture, and turned around to continue running.

I had agreed before that I would pay regardless of whether it was successful or not, so I couldn’t default on my debt!

Everyone disappeared from sight.

Soon, the thin winter sun peeked out from the horizon, and amid the wind and snow that gradually subsided, tranquility and peace returned to the edge of the woods.

In the gentle morning sun, the blond man put his arms around the girl's waist, looking like the most intimate couple. Only from the back, there was a sour smell that made people smile and raise their middle fingers wildly.

But the perspective shifts to the front...

"How long will you continue to hug me?"

Celecia suddenly turned her head and stared at Mu En, her eyes as stern and captivating as ice knives.

"wait wait wait."

Sensing the dangerous aura, Mu En quickly let go of her hand and took a step back, waved her hand and said with a smile:

"No...that's not it. Haven't we touched everything we should touch? It's just a hug around the waist. If you feel that you are at a disadvantage..."

Mu En puffed up her chest and said seriously:

"I can let you touch it back."


Celecia stared at Mu En for a long time, then suddenly her eyes narrowed slightly, and she took the initiative to take a step forward. The girl's sweet breath mixed with coldness came over her face, and the terrifying aura actually made Mu En become shorter unconsciously.

"You seem very proud of yourself lately, Moon Campbell?"

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"After what happened in the past few days, your current reputation in the academy has almost reversed 180 degrees. Especially among the first-year girls, they even think that the stupid things you did before were either Either others are spreading rumors to discredit you, or you are deliberately slandering yourself to prevent others from targeting you. In short, it cannot be your fault.”

"Huh? No, not really."

In the past, I was indeed a 100% pure dude. It can't be said that the rumors were all lies, and self-destruction...whose brain was so big?

Mu En wiped her nose and suddenly felt guilty.

"And thanks to some people's special promotion, you have ranked second in the popularity and charm rankings of Santa Maria College."

"Second place?"

Mu En blinked and asked curiously:

"What's the first place?"


Celecia did not answer and continued:

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