"Anyway, congratulations first. You have finally gotten rid of other people's prejudice against you and become a son of a duke who is extremely outstanding and dazzling in the eyes of outsiders. Now if you want to harm those little girls, I am afraid that you only need to beg your finger and they will come to you on their own initiative. Maybe this time you will not only not have any bad reputation, but also be praised for being a fan."

It was said to be congratulations, but Mu En suddenly felt a fierce chill along his spine and went straight to his forehead.


Mu En immediately cursed and glared, and firmly retorted:

"Celysia, don't be fooled by those illusions. Am I the ultimate scumbag who sounds like he will be chopped? In terms of feelings, I am very pure..."

The words were not finished.

Mu En felt a piercing coldness suddenly hit his face.

The cold wind carried the ice and snow, which scattered like fireworks. Mu En was thrown into the sky by the terrible external force, and performed a three-and-a-half-week, five-and-a-half-week, twelve-and-a-half-week turn in the air...

Finally, he landed on the ground with a puff, and inserted himself into a pile of snow mounds in a head-down position, leaving only a raised buttocks facing the sky, skillfully accusing the injustice of the sky.

The force this time was obviously much lighter than the last time, so Mu En did not lose consciousness directly.

But just as he twisted his body and tried to pull himself out of the snow pile, he felt a small leather boot fall on his buttocks, and then slowly pushed himself back.


"I heard that you have a title now, which is widely circulated in the academy?"


When he heard that he had a title, Mu En was stunned for a moment. He was busy during this period and did not pay attention to the things around him, so he naturally did not know what title he was given. He subconsciously said nervously:

"Is it yellow hair or something?"

"Yellow hair? What are you talking about?"

"Not yellow hair?"

"Of course not, but it's close."

Cecilia loosened her feet and stared at the twisting buttocks. The ice lake in the depths of her eyes rippled slightly, and she said softly:

"Now some people call you-Blond Campbell."


Mu En was silent for a while.

"...so zhong ni."

"Very zhong ni."

"I prefer Flash, Quicksilver, Jackknife Avengers and the like."

"What is that, a pathetic fantasy in your head?"

"...But, Blond Campbell...sounds good."

Moon raised his head from the snow, the snow mixed with the morning sun, forming a blurry picture in his sight, making him squint unconsciously.

"Very good."


Cecilius gently lifted her hair, "That's good, it seems I don't need to spend extra effort to rectify the atmosphere."

"I'm leaving."

"Huh? Are you leaving now? We haven't even reached the school gate yet."

"I don't have so much free time to do such meaningless things."

Cecilius turned and left without looking back.

Moon turned his head, looked at Cecilius's gradually receding back, and suddenly sneered:

"Dead proud..."


The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

An ice crystal sword shot from a distance, brushed Mu En's cheek, and directly pierced through the tree behind him.

Feeling the coldness that was different from before, and seemed to be able to really put him to death, Mu En was frightened and his face turned pale, his legs became weak, and he said to the back in grief and anger:

"Damn it, are you going to murder your fiancé?!"

Celysia seemed not to hear it and still did not turn back.

Her silver-white hair fluttered, and her figure gradually disappeared from Mu En's sight.


When Mu En finally calmed down and turned to leave,

In the breeze that blew up the snowflakes, there was suddenly a sentence that was indifferent, cold, and weak, but like the warm winter sun, which made people's lips curl:

"Be careful on the way, don't die, Mu En Campbell."

"...Of course."

Mu En was stunned, then smiled and hugged the back of his head with both hands, crossed the last section of the trail at the edge of the woods, and strode towards the bright and clean road:

"Now I am no longer the carefree me at the beginning."

"So, I will naturally work harder to live."

68. Gambling dogs are not allowed...

"Huh? Not allowed yet Are you ready to go?"

At the gathering gate of the academy, Ariel looked up at the sun that was almost hanging overhead, frowned and said:

"Didn't we agree to gather in the morning? But it's almost noon now."

"I don't know."

Liya also shook her head, glanced around quietly, and whispered:

"It should be that everyone hasn't arrived yet. It seems that the professors and teachers haven't arrived yet."

Because it was the day of leaving school, the gate of the academy seemed very noisy. Students rushed out of the school gate dragging their luggage, and the street outside the gate was already blocked by carriages from various families.

But in this chaos, there was an area that seemed to be specially divided out, and it seemed extremely empty. Only a few people were standing with their arms folded, or closing their eyes to rest, or talking in a low voice like Ariel and Leah.

All the students who passed by, all looked here with envy and admiration.

"Will Professor Plan be late too?"

Ariel frowned, thinking of Professor Plan's stern face, feeling a little unbelievable.

"It's not necessarily Professor Plan who is accompanying him."

Liya guessed:

"After all, although he is only the head of the magic department of the college in name, I heard that he is handling many affairs now, especially during the handover period between Acting Dean Pink Bear and Dean Kathaway. I'm afraid he will be even more unable to leave. ”

"makes sense."

Ariel nodded, "Traveling is usually done by teachers."

"I just don't know which teacher it is."

Liya answered:

"It would be nice if the control could be looser."


When Ariel heard this, her eyes suddenly became sharp. She smiled evilly and rushed over to scratch Liya's itchy flesh:

"Okay, you little prodigal, you want the teacher to be more relaxed, are you trying to do something bad?"

"No, no!"

Liya's cheeks were slightly red and she pushed Ariel away and said angrily:

"I just feel that the journey is already boring, and if there is a strict teacher, it will be really uncomfortable."

"makes sense……"

Why does it feel like this little girl's reactions have become faster and faster recently, and she can't get enough of it.

Ariel retracted her hand regretfully and touched her chin.

Having said that, it usually takes at least ten days to travel from Belland to the Holy City. If there is a teacher who cares about everything, she, who has always been uninhibited and loves freedom, really can't stand it.

And in that case, she wouldn't be able to do some of her little tricks. After leaving Belland, she was still thinking of using other means to collect the necessary materials.

Well, forget about that for now.

Ariel came back to her senses, suddenly rubbed her hands nervously, stretched her neck, and secretly looked at the people around her.

That sweet-looking senior student must be the third-year president, Fanny Sawyer. Because she is very good-looking, she has a deep impression on her.

And the rich lady next to her dressed as Vicky Morse, the rumored only daughter of the president of a large chamber of commerce.

The guy with his eyes closed and concentrating under the tree in the distance, with a look on his face that he should not approach strangers, and the guy next to him who is proudly enjoying the admiring glances around him, should be Marshall and Aaron on the list.

Adding myself and Liya...

Although Professor Plan has previously announced rules that can be challenged, there has been no change in the quota until now. This also proves from the side that the college is really strict in selecting quota, and its vision is very vicious.


"No Moon Campbell!"

Ariel glanced around again, this time she didn't even let go of the students around her, the carriages blocking the street, the increasingly empty college, and the departing figures in the distance.



still none.

As a nobleman, Moon Campbell may not be good in other aspects, but having received an elite education since childhood, he should not make such a small mistake as being late.


This time, I won!

Thinking of the bet she had mustered up the courage to place before, Ariel couldn't help but feel a little restless.

Although I calmed down and thought about it later, I actually didn’t make much money at all.

But in the end, she won!

"Huh? What happened over there?"

Liya suddenly exclaimed.

Ariel cast her gaze over and found that on a building at the edge of the college, some students were standing on the rooftop, looking like they were about to jump off at any moment.

Although there were teachers below who had set up buffering magic, the students' faces were filled with tears and their extremely miserable appearance still made the onlookers shed tears. Seeing the sadness, they cried out that they would die.

"Hmph, those guys are the so-called dog gamblers."

Ariel smiled disdainfully in her heart.

He must have been attracted by the exaggerated betting ratio and wanted to take a gamble, so he bet on Moon Campbell. As a result, now that Moon Campbell did not come, he naturally lost all his money and could only vent his grief on the rooftop.

It's a pity that this kind of behavior has long been of no use.

How can you be as steady as yourself? If you are not 100% sure in your heart, you will never place a bet!


Liya tilted her head aside and sighed:

"Then there are a lot of gambling dogs in the college this time. It's really pitiful."

"Huh? How much?"

Ariel was stunned when she heard this.

Is it much?

This is twenty to one.

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