Could it be that Leah meant that there were many people betting?

I have been immersed in cultivation for some time, so it seems that I still have time to pay attention to these things.

But Ariel thought about it and became more and more excited.

If the base number is large enough, even if the betting ratio is so outrageous, it may be a considerable income for her.

"Huh, so lucky, I almost stood on it."

At this time, Fanny looked at the commotion in the academy, and couldn't help wiping the sweat from her forehead and sighed.


Vicky Morse beside Fanny asked curiously:

"You can also play this?"

As a competitor and friend, she knew that this third-year head should never touch this kind of thing.

Although she seemed to have recently quit the Magic Painting Club and joined a strange club, becoming a little mysterious and weird.


Fanny thought of her three little troublesome but helpless ones, and smiled bitterly:

"I was forced to participate."

"What was the result?"

"The result..."

Fanny suddenly turned her head and looked at Vicky and said:

"I heard that your family started selling new magic crystals?"

"Well, my family discovered a new magic crystal mine in the north, and dug out a lot of high-quality goods from it. The purity is very high, and the adaptability and channeling of magic are extremely strong. Whether it is used to make a wand or to strengthen weapons, it is very good."

When it comes to her Commodities, Vicky began to talk endlessly:

"I remember that you seem to need this for your cultivation, do you want to buy it?"

"I want to buy it!"

"Well... the best quality top-grade goods are 100,000 Emile each, I can give you a friendly price of 80,000, with your financial resources, it should be about the same..."

"What do you mean one?"

Fanny patted her chest, her beautiful eyes widened, and she said with great pride:

"I want to buy ten!"

69. Equal sorrow and joy

"I want to buy ten!"

Fanny's extremely generous voice also reached Ariel, making her subconsciously look over curiously.

"Did that senior sister Fanny also make money?"

"And from her conversation, she also relied on this bet?"

"That's great."

This equal happiness made Ariel smile knowingly, and she couldn't help but want to communicate with that senior sister, thinking that they would have to travel together for a long time after all, and it would be good to get to know each other in advance.

But before she could step forward, she heard a serious and familiar voice behind her.

"Are all the people here?"

The old man in a gentleman's suit stood in the middle of the crowd without knowing when, and his vicissitudes but still sharp eyes swept over everyone.

"Professor Plan?"

Ariel looked at the old man who suddenly appeared, and suddenly felt a little flustered:

"Are you really accompanying me in person?"

"Not me."

Professor Plan denied:

"I just came to see you off after finishing my work, and escorted a guy who makes people worry."


Before Ariel had time to understand what Professor Plan meant by "escorting a guy who makes people worry", she heard Liya beside her raise her hand and ask with courage:

"That... Professor Plan, are we still short of one person?"

She counted again and again, why are there only six people.

And, it happened that the bad guy was not there.

"There is indeed one person missing, but he will be here soon."

"Professor Plan, I don't think I saw any transportation for the academy."

Marshall, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and asked:

"Are we going to walk to the Holy City?"

"As for this, I think we will arrive soon."


Professor Plan's answer was a bit confusing, because from his tone, it seemed that he didn't know much about it.

But before they could continue asking questions, they heard exclamations from the crowd around them.

"Quick... Look!"

"What is that?"

The street in front of the academy gate, which was particularly spacious and could accommodate eight carriages side by side, suddenly became noisy and chaotic after a bell sounded. The nobles who were taking this opportunity to chat politely with each other seemed to have seen something shocking. Their expressions changed slightly, and they urged their coachmen to make way quickly.

Soon, the street that was originally crowded with a large number of carriages actually opened up a road, and then an extremely gorgeous convoy slowly came from the end of the street.

There were six carriages in total, each of which was inlaid with extremely gorgeous decorations. The pale gold lines still sparkled under the not-so-bright winter sun.

From those pale gold lines, everyone could clearly feel the fluctuations of magic power. It should be that some defensive magic was attached to the outside of the carriage.

But what surprised them was not only the carriage itself, but also the horses pulling the carriage.

Each of these horses was much taller than ordinary horses. There was no groom controlling the reins, but the horses had high heads, powerful steps, and spiritual eyes. Under the flowing and long manes, they were covered with ferocious scales!

They didn't look like horses, but more like terrifying monsters.

These horses just passed by, and the ordinary horses around them all trembled slightly, knelt down, and some even collapsed to the ground, with white foam flowing out of their mouths, which made the surroundings quite chaotic for a while.

"This... is this... a subspecies of dragon blood?"

There are dragons in the world.

Naturally, there are subspecies with dragon blood.

Although most dragons have disappeared, due to certain characteristics of dragons, the number of subspecies is not rare.

But since they inherited dragon blood, these subspecies naturally inherited the violence and arrogance from dragon blood.

Therefore, subspecies are often extremely ferocious monsters that are extremely difficult to tame.

And this subspecies that can be tamed often only represents one word.


Extremely expensive.

Ariel remembered that her father, an earl, had a few subspecies of horses with a bit of dragon blood. They were so precious that most people wouldn't even look at them.

But now, these horses are actually used to pull the cart?

How about two horses pulling a cart?

What a luxury!

Ariel came back to her senses and said in shock:

"Are these carriages what we are going to ride in this time?"

After a brief pause, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Professor Plann.

"Probably so." Professor Plann glanced at the last carriage in surprise, raised his eyebrows, and replied.


Ariel suddenly became excited when she heard this.

Not only her, but also several other people swept away the annoyance of waiting and looked curiously at the carriages, especially the dragon-blooded horses that exuded a different temperament.

I didn’t expect the college to be so generous this time, even the carriage was so gorgeous. Is this how top students are treated? Love it, love it!

The motorcade slowly stopped in front of everyone. There was obviously no driver driving it, but these BMWs were like soldiers in the army with forbidden orders, their movements were frighteningly neat.

Ariel rubbed her little hands nervously and cautiously approached those dragon-blooded horses worth thousands of dollars, with many little stars already appearing in her eyes.


so good.

I thought it would be an extremely boring journey, but not only did I not have that annoying guy accompanying me, I was also able to ride in such a luxurious carriage!

In addition, I made a lot of money before setting off. Sure enough, is people's luck balanced?

She was unlucky to make no money before and could only eat black bread every day, but from now on, will her good luck finally come?

Finally, I don’t have to worry about money every day, and I finally don’t have to eat brown bread every day!

This is really...

"I advise you not to touch it casually, Ariel-san."

At this moment, a voice that Ariel was very familiar with but never wanted to hear sounded in her ears.

"Although these dragon blood horses have undergone special training, they can still be very violent towards strangers, so you have to be careful."

Hearing that voice, Ariel's body suddenly froze.

She turned her head with a stiff neck and looked to her side.

The curtain of the carriage was suddenly lifted, and a handsome face came into view. The blond hair like the sunset was far more dazzling than the luxurious carriage next to it.


Looking at that familiar face, Ariel was stunned and murmured:

"Mu... Mu En Campbell? You, why are you here?"

"Huh? Of course I'm here."

Mu En said in confusion:

"Don't you know that I am also on the list this time, so naturally I want to go to the Holy City."

"I know, but you..."

Shouldn't you be defeated by others and disqualified?

Could it be that for seven days, none of the hundreds of qualified people in the academy were able to defeat you?

And if you were here, those gambling dogs on the rooftop just now, and the seniors who made a lot of money...

Ariel turned around suddenly.

The gambling dogs were still crying bitterly on the rooftop, and Senior Sister Fanny... came over excitedly and said shyly:

"Junior Mu En, I...can I always be your fan from now on?"


Mu En looked confused and had no idea what was happening.

But in this moment, Ariel understood everything.

The happiness between her and Senior Sister Fanny is not equal.

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