Equal to her are the gambling dogs on the rooftop.


"Ariel-san, are you okay?"

Looking at Ariel with a dull expression and lifeless eyes in front of her, Mu En felt confused and was about to ask a few questions cautiously...


There was a pop.

Ariel knelt down, first looked at the sky in confusion, then leaned down and beat the ground with grief and anger, and then let out a roar that seemed to come from the depths of her soul:

"No—my money—"

"The north wind blows—snowflakes flutter—"

"What are you singing!"

Ariel raised her head and glared at Mu En.

"Ah, no, I always felt that the sense of déjà vu was too strong, so I sang it subconsciously."

Mu En touched her nose, smiled awkwardly, then turned around and walked around Ariel, although she didn't know what was going on, but felt it was best not to provoke Ariel, and came to Professor Plann's side.

"Sorry, the preparations took a little longer than expected. I kept you waiting. Let's get to know each other, Moon Campbell."

Mu En first smiled apologetically at everyone. Liya and Senior Sister Fanny naturally didn't need to say anything. He took the initiative to walk over and greeted the remaining three people who were not very familiar with each other politely.

"Vicky Morse, just call me Vicky."

"Aaron Mike, I have watched your battles before. We must spar when we have time."


After casually chatting with a few people, Mu En looked at Professor Pu Lang and said:

"Professor Plan, where is the accompanying teacher this time? Isn't he here yet?"

It has been said before that he is a mysterious top powerhouse who is not weaker than the one who wears the crown, so Mu En is still looking forward to it.

"Here, we're already here."

Professor Pu Lang pointed behind Mu En with a look of disgust.


Already arrived?

He didn't notice it at all.

He is indeed a top-notch man who is not the one who wears the crown but is the one who wears the crown as Professor Plan said.

Mu En turned back in the direction pointed by Professor Pu Lang, and then saw...

A funny pink puppet bear had already pulled onto the first carriage of the convoy at some point and began to attack the two dragon blood horses that were trembling with fear.

While touching, he was having sex and said with a smile:

"What a good horse, what a good horse. Look at this butt, look at these thighs, and look at this beautiful curve. One of them costs a million Emiles. Hehe, if it can be sold, I don't know how many boxes of top quality can be bought." Cigar and saint's photo..."


Seeing the pink buttocks twisting back and forth, Mu En was stunned for a long time before finally coming back to his senses and said harshly:

"Fuck, why is it him?"

Dean Pink Bear?

That puppet bear that looks unreliable?

Is he the macho man that Professor Plan mentioned?

Can he do it?


As if aware of Mu En's thoughts, the pink bear turned back sharply, staring at Mu En with its small black eyes, and suddenly stretched out a furry hand from the bear's mouth, gesticulating back and forth:

"You brat, do you look down on me?"

"No, how could it be!"

Mu En stared, and suddenly said with an upright face:

"Your Majesty, the dean is wise, mighty, and handsome. He can protect us as we go to the Holy City. I'm so happy that I can't help but look down on you."

"Hmph, you have a sweet mouth."

The pink bear hair turned his hand, scratched his butt, and sighed:

"But I'm not the dean now, so you can just call me Pink Bear. Alas...I thought I, Pink Bear, was handsome and had an extraordinary temperament, but I didn't expect that I would be reduced to such a situation as a nanny for children. It’s true that the world is deteriorating and people’s hearts are not as good as they used to be!”


Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth, quietly approached Professor Pu Lang, and asked in a low voice:

"Is there really no problem?"

"Don't worry, his strength..."

"I'm not talking about strength."

To be able to become the acting dean during the absence of Dean Hathaway, a casual guess would tell that this puppet bear who looks like a funny character is not simple in terms of strength and identity.

"I mean...he seems very unreliable."

"It doesn't seem to be the case, he is just very unreliable." Professor Plank's face was expressionless.


"But don't worry, I have a way to cure him. At least on this journey, he will play a role in protecting you. With his strength, coupled with your..." Professor Plann glanced at the last carriage. He glanced at it and continued: "Under normal circumstances, there will be no problem. Teachers from the academy have already gone to the Holy City in advance, and they will come to pick you up later."

"Besides, as that guy is, you can try to have a good relationship with him. There will be no harm to you."



Professor Plan shook his head and did not answer. He turned to look at the pink bear, narrowed his eyes and said seriously:

"Former acting dean, as I said before, I have asked someone to take your beloved collector's edition cigars and collector's edition photos to the Holy City in advance.

If you don't want to see them being torn apart, take these children to the Holy City without losing a hair! "

Mu En: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"Tsk, despicable old thing."

Pink Bear clicked his tongue in displeasure, twisted his body, turned around and lay on his side in the front room of the carriage, waving his hands towards the people:

"Okay, without further ado, let's go quickly. What if the time is wasted and the treasures of labor and management are wronged in the Holy City? They will be visible and shameless there!"


Mu En turned to look at Professor Pu Lang: "Then let's set off, Professor."

"Go ahead."

Professor Plann patted everyone on the shoulder in turn, and a rare hint of kindness appeared on his serious face:

"This trip to the Holy City may be a little special, but you will know the specific situation when you arrive in the Holy City. Until then, just treat this as a trip."


Everyone responded in unison, and then unconsciously, their eyes fell on Mu En, as if they were waiting for something.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"There are six carriages. The last carriage is a bit special and cannot be moved. Therefore, except for Pink Bear and I, who are in one carriage, all the seniors are in one carriage. No objection."


What objections can there be to riding in such a gorgeous carriage for free?


Mu En stretched out his hand and waved it vigorously, "Then our Santa Maria College representative team, let's set off! The target! The Holy City!"


The echo was loud and full of vitality.

I just don’t know why, but there is also someone who is extremely reluctant, but has no choice but to do it. In the midst of grief, anger and despair, I wish I could go to the rooftop and howl at the top of my lungs.

As the motorcade drove away, the students also left one after another. The originally lively college gradually fell into deep silence.

Professor Plann stood at the entrance of the college, holding a silver cane in his hand, watching everyone leave.

Suddenly, the space beside him distorted, and Meira, wearing a pink nightgown, stepped out.

"Teacher Meladomir."

Professor Plank bowed.

Meira nodded slightly and looked into the distance, but that was not the direction Mu En left, but the center of Belland.

"It's so lively."

"Yeah, it's really lively."

Professor Plann also followed her gaze, and with his extraordinary eyesight, he could easily see the huge team winding through the city of Belland.

That was also the team that set off for the Holy City, representing the official Leopold Empire. In addition to the accompanying ceremonials, knights, officials, and people traveling with them, as well as gifts sent to the church on behalf of the empire, there were several carriages full.

After all, it is a holy ceremony held only once in several decades by the Life Church, so all parties will definitely show their respect.

But in fact, this time, for all parties, the important thing is not the ceremony at all, because who becomes the saint has no impact on most people.

The important thing is...

"The Lost City of Canterville..."

Professor Plann sighed, "Obviously, all parties expected that the Life Church would take at least another twenty years to crack the entrance to this ancient country, but I didn't expect that they would dig it out so long in advance. It was so sudden."

"Moon's death, in a sense, has great benefits, doesn't it?"

Meera shrugged casually, and quickly moved her eyes away from the winding team, then passed through countless obstacles and landed on her disciple.

"Now, all forces are moving like ants smelling honey, using the excuse of watching the ceremony to congratulate."

"Boy, I'm not coaxing you this time. There are really many benefits and surprises waiting for you when you go to the Holy City this time.


Meira spoke for a moment, seemed to notice something, and her tone became inexplicably weird:

"For you, it seems that this road alone is not easy to walk."

A biting cold wind blew over Belland.

But in the cold wind of late winter, there was a very light shadow, like faded ink, passing quickly.

The shadow circled over the city and finally caught the convoy speeding in the distance.

Soon, the shadow penetrated into a towering chimney, and continued to solidify as it descended.

Finally, it turned into a... robin.

The robin sat down and looked around at the silent animals waiting with bated breath. Finally, his eyes fell on the majestic tiger in the center, and he nodded slightly.


Tiger suddenly stood up and announced in a deep voice:

"Get ready, our time has arrived."

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