
Mu En suddenly felt a chill.

He turned his eyes away from the rapidly receding scenery and quickly searched for the source of uneasiness, but he only caught a glimpse of a flying bird with his peripheral vision.

"This is not the academy. Spring is not here yet, so where are the birds?"

The feeling of being watched stung his skin like a needle. Mu En frowned slightly, and suddenly leaned out of the window, stretched his neck forward and shouted:

"Uncle Pink Bear, can you go faster?"

"Damn it, don't call me uncle, I'm still in my prime, and I'm determined to pick up a hundred beautiful girls with big breasts and long legs!"

Pink Bear cursed angrily, then kicked the dragon blood horse on the butt, laughing:

"But if you seek excitement, I can carry it through to the end. Sit tight, little ones!"

The dragon blood horse roared, pulling the carriage, like a gust of wind, flying forward.

71. Reinvigorate

In the barren mountains, six particularly gorgeous carriages maintained a very regular long snake formation, speeding at full speed, raising clouds of dust.

At Mu En's request, the team did not walk on the flat road, but took advantage of Pink Bear's familiarity with the terrain and roads and plunged into the extremely remote forests and mountains.

Although everyone was skeptical about this, after all, the entire team was funded by Mu En, so naturally no one would say anything.

But in addition to being skeptical, everyone couldn't help but marvel.

On such a rugged mountain road, the speed of the carriage was not only not weaker than driving at full speed on flat ground, but the people sitting in the carriage could not feel much vibration.

It seems that the faint golden lines on the carriage are not just decorations.

Is this the power of money?

Love it.

“But… Damn it, is it so great to be rich? Can you be so arrogant just because you are rich? I… I will be richer than that guy sooner or later!”

In the carriage, Ariel buried her head hard in the big and soft sofa, feeling the comfortable touch from the luxurious silk and the stability of running at full speed without noticing it at all, and an inexplicable feeling of grief and anger surged in her heart.

She sharpened her sharp little tiger teeth and grabbed the blanket with both hands, as if she was ravaging that hateful guy, and subconsciously opened her mouth to bite it.

But thinking that she couldn’t afford to pay for it if she bit it badly…she retracted her neck embarrassedly.


“By the way, practice. Since I can’t compare to him in terms of money, I can’t lose in other aspects. Now that no one is disturbing me, it’s the best time to practice!”

Ariel sat up suddenly and waved her fist with a firm look.

I am a woman who is determined to open a crystal palace. How can I be defeated by such a small setback?


"...But I just advanced a small stage, and now dry training is of no use. It's better to consolidate my strength through actual combat."

Thinking of this, Ariel was discouraged again, and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window that was rapidly receding:

"It's really strange, such a desolate place, why haven't you encountered any monsters or anything? There are people on the road to maintain and drive away monsters, there can't be people here."


"Oh, you can meditate even if you don't encounter monsters. You have to keep your spirits up before going to the Holy City."


The girl slammed the table and stood up, angrily saying:

"If you do this again, I won't pay attention to you anymore!"


Listen After hearing this, Ariel, who had been avoiding the topic, could no longer ignore the girl's call. She slowly turned her head, but did not dare to look into Leah's eyes. She pinched her fingers and whispered:

"Sorry... I was wrong, Leah."

"Why do you want to apologize?"

"I, I used the money you gave me to bet, and I lost."

"So this is why you have been so weird all the way?"


Ariel lowered her head, grabbed her thighs hard with both hands, and muttered:

"Really, I'm sorry..."


Liya quietly looked at Ariel, whose eyebrows were no longer flying and whose mouth corners were no longer wearing an unruly smile, but who was dejected like a child who had done something wrong, but she was not angry.

She sighed softly, suddenly leaned over, and held Ariel in her arms.

"I've already said it, why should I apologize? Ariel didn't do anything wrong."

"But...your money..."

"Ariel, you're actually trying to make money, I know that, you used to be like this too, when the probability of something is over 50%, you often choose to gamble, you used to win, but no one will always win, so it's normal for you to lose now, how can I blame you?"


Feeling the warmth and softness, Ariel's eyes were slightly red, she stretched out her hands to wrap around Liya's small waist, sniffed:

"You're so good to me."

"I'm your childhood sweetheart, who will be good to you if I don't?"

"Damn it, if this goes on, I won't be able to leave you."

Ariel sniffed the charming body fragrance of the girl, and couldn't help rubbing it hard.


Liya looked down at Ariel, stroked her head, her eyes flickered slightly, and then whispered in a very light voice:

"Ariel is so strong that it's okay to leave anyone. But I'm so useless. I can't do anything without Ariel."

"Huh? What did you say, Liya?"



After a brief embrace, Liya pushed Ariel up, then stared at Ariel with her cute big eyes, and said nervously:

"Now can you tell me how much money you invested?"

"...Actually not much, that is...all..." Ariel hesitated.


"No, no, no, I don't mean everything that Liya gave me before. I didn't touch the money that was originally intended to buy supplies for Liya."

Ariel lowered her head again, and the mosquito buzzed:

"What I'm talking about is all the money I originally planned to use to purchase materials, maintain weapons, and... eat."

During this period, Liya successively lent her a lot of money, but Ariel did not spend all the money.

Instead, the money was divided into two parts, because Ariel knew that the holy ceremony was coming, and Liya would definitely need to buy some supplies for emergencies.

But with her temperament, she would definitely spend all her money to support herself.

That's why Ariel temporarily saved the money. She originally thought that if she won this time, she could give more to Liya, but she didn't expect...

"Don't worry Liya, the money will definitely be enough for you to spend!"

Ariel quickly took out all the money she had left and placed it in front of Liya.

The scattered banknotes were a little wrinkled and looked like they had been counted many times, but they added up to a large amount.

But Liya didn't answer. She just glanced silently, then raised her head and stared directly at Ariel:

"I will definitely have enough money, but...where are you, Ariel?"

"Me? It doesn't matter to me. The place that needs the most money has been passed, and there won't be much need for it anymore."

"Liar, you just said you don't even have the money to maintain your weapons. Don't you cherish your sword the most?"


Ariel lowered her head again and said nothing.

"You can use this money.

Liya gently pushed the money back:

"Ariel has always needed money more than me, hasn't she?"


Ariel looked up and was about to say something, but suddenly froze.

Because she found that the money that Liya pushed over turned out to be a lot more.

"This...this money, Liya, where did you get it from?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate the small treasury of a future saint."

Liya winked playfully,

"I've long guessed that Ariel, you're a lavish spender, and there will definitely be a day like this, so I've already saved some, just in time for a critical moment like this, right?"


Ariel's eyes were slightly red when she heard this and was moved again.

Little liar.

What a small treasury? Even if there is such a thing, I am afraid that it was emptied out during my previous financial crises.

This must be the hard-earned money that Liya has recently earned through her own efforts!

When she thought about how Liya's hard-earned money was squandered by her so easily, Ariel felt as if she had turned into a pretty boy being kept by a girl.

No, no, how could it be like this? How could it be possible to completely win Liya's heart if he continued to be embarrassed like this?


Ariel held Liya's hands and said firmly:

"I will definitely make you a saint, believe me, I will!"

"Yes, me too."

Liya also held Ariel's hand and nodded vigorously, her cute face full of determination.

"I have always believed in Ariel, so I will always support you unconditionally. Please don't care too much about this kind of thing, okay? If Ariel wasn't too stubborn, I wouldn't even think that this was lent to you. And it’s just some money, how can it compare to the deep emotions between us.”


Looking into Liya's crystal clear eyes and listening to her sincere words, Ariel's heart became extremely warm again, and her uneasiness and irritability gradually calmed down.

Yes, the deep emotions and strong bond between them can't be shaken by such a trivial matter?

She just took a careful step and fell down once. As long as she continues to work hard, she will definitely be able to capture Liya's heart by stepping on the colorful auspicious clouds!


When Ariel's hand was about to touch the banknotes on the table, she suddenly hesitated and asked worriedly:

"You gave me all this money, what are you going to do?"


Liya was silent for a few seconds, then tilted her head slightly and showed an extremely reassuring smile:

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

72. Digging and being dug (two in one)

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