"It's so laid back, cubs."

It was night, on the carriage, Pink Bear was looking at a wrinkled map, and glanced at the people not far away who were talking and laughing excitedly around the campfire, eating the ingredients and drinks prepared by Mu En, as if they really regarded this as a big deal. The people traveling around scratched their butts disdainfully:

"I hope you won't pee your pants in fear when you are really in danger."

"Is there any danger?"

Mu En, carrying the food, appeared beside him at some point. He looked at the map in his hand curiously, but found that it was just like a child's graffiti, completely incomprehensible, so he could only ask instead.

"Humph, boy, are you looking down on me again?"

Pink Bear grabbed a handful of barbecue, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Who is I? It's your arrogant fiancée who has to bow obediently and call her uncle when she sees her. Do you think the path I chose is wrong?"

"Huh? Uncle?"

Mu En grasped the key words keenly.

But Pink Bear twisted his neck and changed the subject.

"With the speed of those dragon blood horses you provided, even if the road I choose is so remote, our speed is more than 50% faster than a normal carriage.

According to this progress, we will be able to cross the southern border of the empire in two days. "

"I feel that the temperature has increased slightly."

Mu En touched his chin and said, "Wouldn't it take about five days to reach the Holy City?"

"If nothing else happens, it will definitely work."

"Why don't I feel like an accident is about to happen?"

"What are you talking about? It's bad luck. As long as I'm here, is there anyone who dares to be so bold and can't intercept him halfway?"

The pink bear glared at Mu En, and then spread the hand that scratched her butt in front of him.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm addicted. Give me a cigar."

"Where the hell do I have a cigar?"

"Knowing that labor and management are leading the team, you don't even plan to honor me with top-quality cigars, but instead prepare this useless delicacy to win over those little bastards?" Pink Bear slapped the dinner plate and said angrily.

"Believe it or not, I'm going to go to Aldrich to file a complaint against you?"

"What is useless food..."

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched, ignoring the disrespect that this guy dared to call the emperor by his name, and said helplessly:

"And I didn't even know it was you in advance. Professor Plank has always remained mysterious. How can I prepare?"

"Fuck, that old thing!"

Thinking that he had been eaten to death by a mere Professor Plan, the pink bear became filled with grief and anger. After gesturing his middle finger in a certain direction, he turned back and continued to spread his hands and asked:

"I don't have any cigars, but there are some pornographic books. Bring me one to relieve my fatigue."


Mu En was shocked by this guy's brain circuit.

"Why do you think I have pornographic books?"

"How would a boy your age not have pornographic books?"

Pink Bear was even more shocked, and then his eyes became weird. His round black eyes scanned Mu En back and forth, and after staring for a long time, he said:

"You...can't do it, right?"

"You can't do it!"

Mu En gritted her teeth and sneered: "I want a fiancée to have a fiancée, and a girlfriend to have a girlfriend. What pornographic books do I need?"

"... Damn it, it's time to die."

The pink bear cursed angrily, remembering that although she was determined to see all the beautiful legs in the world, she had yet to meet a person with high enough vision who could see through the interesting soul under his holster at a glance. In anger, she could only He grabbed the "useless food" in his mouth and took a bite to vent his anger.

But as he bit it, he suddenly became dazed.

Wait, something's wrong.

Are the girlfriend and fiancée this guy is talking about the same person?


Ignoring Pink Bear's suspicious and probing gaze, Mu En coughed twice and changed the subject:

"Why don't you go and talk together?"

He pointed toward the campfire.

"Humph, what's the point of communicating with you little brats? None of them have even hair. I'm afraid even reading pornographic books will make you blush for a long time."

Pink Bear crossed his arms and sneered disdainfully.

"All right."

Mu En shrugged, thought for a while and decided not to tell Pink Bear that she had just had a chat and found out that the two seniors in the third grade also had girlfriends.

"Then eat slowly and call me if you need anything."

Mu En is ready to leave.

But the pink bear suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, please help me inform those boys about something."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal."

"The independent city of Elielze?"

Facing Mu En's notice, Liya asked curiously:

"In other words, we are going to stay there for a while after three days?"

"Well, that's right, that's what Pink Bear said."

Mu En replied:

"The purpose of the stay is very simple, which is to set aside time for you to prepare supplies and purchase props. After all, you may not have been fully prepared at the academy before."

"Can't you buy it in the Holy City?"

Fanny asked, raising her hand.

"In the Holy City, you can only buy expensive holy light props and useless goddess statues. If you are not careful, you will be arrested and questioned by the Judgment Temple as a suspicious person, especially if you look as handsome as me. Those people in the Judgment Temple stare at me every day, like a pervert who covets beautiful women... These are Pink Bear’s exact words.”

"That's not right..."

Liya asked in confusion:

"Although there are indeed many fanatics in the Holy City, they are not so strict as to arrest people at will. It's just that compared with other cities, the defense against evil believers and contraband is much stricter."

"Who knows, maybe it's just because of what the bear did, so they are so strict against him."

Mu En spread his hands: "However, I also think it's a good thing to stay in Elielze, because as one of the few free cities on the continent, Elielze has always been an important route for trade between the four parties because of its geographical location and open policy.

Although the population and prosperity are not as good as Belrand, there may be some good things that can't be bought in Belrand."

"Good things..."

Ariel, who had been silent in the corner, suddenly raised her head, and a trace of inexplicable brilliance flashed in her eyes.

Mu En's eyes just happened to pass by, and his eyebrows slightly raised, but he quickly moved away and continued:

"This is the thing. Although it was proposed by Pink Bear, I think I still need to ask for your opinions..."

"What is there to ask?"

Senior Fanny blinked and joked: "We are all riding on Junior Mu En's carriage. Even if you want to drag us to Elielze and sell us, we have no way, so you decide."

"I'm just a little sponsor."

Mu En also smiled and looked at the others:

"Everyone, if you have no objection to this, then it's settled."

Of course no objection.

Even Vicky and Fanny showed full interest in the trip to Elielze and suggested staying for a few more days.

As expected, no matter which world the girls are from, they all have a natural interest in shopping?

Seeing that several girls have already chatted together, Senior Fanny even pulled the shy Liya along in a familiar way, and Mu En smiled and shook his head.

He went over to chat with the other two boys, Marshall and Aaron, and then turned around and came to the corner without leaving a trace.

"Why are you still eating black bread? I should have prepared a lot of food."

Mu En sat down in front of the campfire, picking at the firewood, and the orange firelight made his eyes particularly bright.

"Who, who ate black bread!"

Ariel on the side glared.

"I didn't eat it!"

"When you said that, there were still crumbs on the corners of your mouth."


Ariel hurriedly wiped the corners of her mouth when she heard it. Halfway through, she noticed Mu En's teasing gaze, and she suddenly realized that she had been tricked. She said angrily:

"Mu En Campbell, you, are you looking for death!"

"No, no, no, now is not the time to fight."

Mu En hurriedly waved his hands and smiled bitterly:

"I'm just caring about you."

"I don't need your care."

Ariel hugged her knees, buried her face in her thighs, and said in a muffled voice.


The atmosphere fell into silence.

On the other side of the campfire, the silver bell-like laughter and the angry voices of shame became more and more crisp, like a pleasant hike.

Ariel secretly raised her eyes and looked at the few people playing over there, then turned her head and looked at the man beside her who also said nothing, but with a gentle smile on his lips.

Only now did she realize that the man next to her seemed to be very different from the guy she had in mind.

Of course, she didn't need to think about this.

Because this man had proved to everyone with his own strength that he was no longer the duke's son who was useless except for his status.

She had always been the one who had misjudged him. Maybe even the stupid Leah had noticed it earlier than her.

"Hey, Muen Campbell."


"Why did you suddenly become so strong?"

"Go to bed early and get up early, look at more beautiful women, practice diligently..."

"Nonsense, I didn't even see you working hard!"


Muen glanced at Ariel and said softly:

"You don't work hard for others to see."

"... Really?"

Ariel lowered her head again and fell into deep thought.

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