Mu En's words always made her feel lost, as if she had accidentally overlooked something.

But she quickly stopped thinking about it and curled her lips and said:

"Then I will reluctantly admit your change."

"Oh? In that case, you should accept my apology, right?"

Mu En struck while the iron was hot: "I really want to reconcile with you!"

"……don't want."


"Compared to what others say or what others seem to do, I prefer to use my own eyes and hands to confirm it myself."

Ariel looked into Mu En's eyes and said seriously:

"So, when this trip to the Holy City is over, I will challenge you personally. When the time comes, use your strength to show me your sincerity!"

"Huh? No, it's not."

Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth, "Do you really want to fight?"


Ariel stood up, put her hands on her hips and said domineeringly

"Moon Campbell, although I admit that you have become a lot stronger."

"But I will never lose to you!"

"Same with strength, so with money, and so with Celcia!"

"I hope you can keep me entertained enough by then!"

After saying that, before Mu En could answer, Ariel turned her head and got into the darkness where the firelight could not shine.


Looking at Ariel's disappearing back, Mu En touched her chin. After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but reveal a hint of helplessness and a wry smile.

"It's really weird. I obviously want to try my best to avoid conflict with her, but why do I always feel that I can't avoid it."

"Is this also the corrective power of fate? I, a yellow-haired villain, can't avoid the conflict with the protagonist no matter what?"

"But it's me who's about to be taken advantage of now. Even if there's a fight later, I probably won't be beaten to death by Ariel..."


"Huh? If you have anything to do, come out. Don't hide it secretly, otherwise I will think you are coveting my beauty."

In the front room of the carriage where the bonfire could not reach, the pink bear twisted its butt and suddenly spoke in an uninhabited direction.

Everyone had basically fallen asleep, and in the quiet night, the sound of leaves being rubbed suddenly came.

Ariel slowly walked out of the woods, looked at the pink bear nervously, and asked:

"I want to ask, why didn't we meet even a single magical beast along the way?"

"Huh? Your hobbies are even weirder than mine? You actually like World of Warcraft?"

"No no no..."

Ariel lowered her head and said softly:

"I...I just want the materials from the monster."

"Short of money? Why don't you go to that guy if you're short of money?"

Pink Bear said doubtfully:

"That boy is very rich. If he didn't have a daughter, I would have been his father-in-law. How could it be his turn to get that little brat Aldrich."

"I don't want that guy's money!"

Ariel bit her lip, "I won't even die!"

"...Okay, so you adolescent brats are the trouble."

The pink bear twisted in the other direction like a maggot and said:

"Did you see those dragon-blooded horses? Although they only have a trace of dragon blood in their bodies, the aura they release is enough to drive away most low-level monsters, so it's normal not to encounter them along the way."

"But if you really want to meet Warcraft, based on my experience..."

Pink Bear pointed out, "There may be something in that direction."

Looking at the direction pointed by the pink bear, and reflecting the thoughts of her master in her mind, Ariel's eyes lit up, "Thank you, thank you!"

"No, it's just a small matter, but I must remind you, if you don't come back at dawn, don't blame me for leaving you here."

"Don't worry, I will be back before dawn!"

Ariel couldn't wait to get going.

But he was stopped by Pink Bear.


"Anything else?"

"Are there any pornographic books?"


"Little Yellow Book!"

Pink Bear emphasized impatiently:

"Lily is fine, I don't mind it!"


In the dead of night, after Ariel confirmed that no one noticed her, she turned into a silent shadow and dived into the increasingly dense southern jungle.

However, what she didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes looking at her silently at this moment.

After watching her dive into the dangerous and unknown jungle late at night, there was a hint of unbearability and worry in her eyes, and then that bit of unbearability and worry turned into some kind of determination.

After Ariel disappeared, the figure in the darkness turned around and came to a carriage. He hesitated and knocked on the window gently.


"Me, Liya."

73. Intentional and unintentional

"You said you wanted to...borrow money?"

In the one-person carriage, Mu En looked at the girl in front of him who was visiting alone late at night with a strange look on his face.



Liya lowered her head, her little head seemed to be buried in her chest, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito. If the surroundings were not very quiet, Mu En would almost not be able to hear her.


Mu En asked in confusion.

You must know that when I was in the restaurant before, I had proposed to borrow money from Liya, but because of her pride and persistence, she was rejected.

But now, she actually comes to borrow money?

Isn’t it right? The salary I gave to this private musician was not low, but it was all spent so quickly?

what happened?

Liya probably doesn't have the temperament to spend money carelessly.


Liya explained the reasons for the situation from beginning to end.

After listening, Mu En suddenly leaned back on the sofa, showing an unexpected expression of cleaning up.

"As's still because of Ariel."

"But I didn't expect that she would become a gambler and lose more than half of her money on bets?"

"No wonder the scene from before looks so familiar."

This kind of thing seems to have happened before.

Ariel hasn't learned her lesson yet?

No, if I were to put myself in her shoes and think with a trust mentality other than betting on dogs, I would definitely lose the bet.

My own growth is indeed incomprehensible to outsiders. After all, no one will have a harmonious and friendly exchange with the evil god. Before crushing those guys in the third grade, Mu En did not expect to be where he is now. It's so easy to defeat those greenhouse flowers.

Until now, I am afraid that many people still think that their previous image of a playboy was just a deliberate disguise.

"'s not like you have to take the initiative to borrow money."

Mu En said helplessly.

The girl in front of her kept her head lowered and her fingers tightly grasped the hem of her skirt. Just from her movements, you could tell what kind of determination she had made.

This is not only about her self-esteem, but also about her efforts to get results without relying on others, but only relying on her own efforts.

But now, he has overturned his efforts and denied his actions.


Liya replied in a low voice:

"Ariel sneaked out to hunt monsters."


Mu En was shocked. He opened the curtains and glanced at the dark surroundings.



Liya nodded, "I'm afraid she wants to get more materials before going to Elirze, and then sell them there to make money."

"...It's off the mark."

Mu En covered her face and complained:

"The paths chosen by Pink Bear are relatively safe. Coupled with the aura of the dragon-blood horse, there are no particularly powerful or valuable monsters. Even if she goes out to kill monsters now, how much money can she make in two nights?

I'm afraid it's not as good as my two meals. "


“But, it’s still not right.

If it were anyone else, I might be so sure, but that was Ariel. "

Mu En suddenly became serious, held his chin with his fingers crossed, and stared at the girl seriously:

"I think you, Liya, who is closest to her, should know it best. Ariel is a person who can constantly create miracles, so making enough money in two days is almost impossible for others, but for her , but I am very sure that she can do it.”

After all, it is Ariel, the protagonist of Destiny. Even if she suddenly encounters some rare monster when she goes out this time and becomes rich overnight, Mu En will not be surprised.

"Besides, this is Ariel's fault after all. So why are you, Liya..."


Liya stared into nothingness, and the scene of Ariel disappearing into the darkness seemed to appear before her eyes.

At that time, she wanted to call her.

so late.

So dark.

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