So dangerous.

There are countless reasons to persuade Ariel, but she didn't speak in the end.


"That's all I can do." Leah answered in a low voice.

She could have spoken, but she couldn't afford the money.

She could have asked to go together, but Ariel would definitely refuse because she was not good at fighting.

She could have said that Ariel didn't need to fight so hard, and she could become a saint through hard work.

But she knew that this was impossible.

Without Ariel, she couldn't become a saint at all.

From beginning to end, she was just a parasite attached to Ariel.

Without Ariel, she couldn't do anything at all.

It was so bad and despicable.

"Is that so?"

Mu En looked at Leah.

Although he still couldn't see her face clearly, he seemed to be able to see the emotions revealed by the girl.

Those... emotions that shouldn't appear in a future saint.

"I roughly understand what you mean."


Liya finally raised her head, her tearful eyes were filled with anxiety, and her cute and pretty face was a little nervous.

This timid look almost hit Mu En's heart directly.

After all, no one can refuse cute things.


Mu En put down his hands, tapped the table lightly, and said firmly:

"I won't lend you money."

"Thank... eh? What... what?"

Liya was about to jump up with joy, but suddenly realized Mu En's answer, and her happy face froze instantly. It seemed that she had never expected Mu En to refuse.

"Why... why?"

"Isn't this natural? I am the son of a wicked nobleman."

Mu En touched his chin, looked at Liya's cute little face, and suddenly grinned:

"So this opportunity to borrow money for free only comes once from me. You refused before, and now it's gone."

"Then... you... you mean..."

Liya widened her eyes and stared at Mu En tightly. Looking at Mu En's smirking face, for some reason, she suddenly thought of the incident more than a month ago.

Thinking of the blushing and heart-pounding scene at that time, Liya's cheeks suddenly turned red, and there seemed to be a faint wisp of steam coming out of her forehead.

Is it possible... could it be that...

"No... no!"

Liya covered her face and twisted violently:

"That kind of thing is not allowed!

Even if there are only two of us in the carriage, even if I want to run now, I can't run away, even if the carriage has soundproofing function, it's useless for me to scream...

But that kind of thing is not allowed!"

"... You seem to be thinking of some strange plot?"

Looking at Liya who suddenly "struggled", Mu En complained speechlessly:

"If I really have any evil intentions towards you, I would have done it a month ago, why would I wait until now?"

Mu En snapped his fingers, and the box that Liya was very familiar with, which Ariel had sent before, appeared on the table.

Mu En opened it, revealing about half of the money left after deducting Liya's salary during this period, and then pushed it in front of Liya.

"Here, for you."

Liya opened her fingers and looked at the banknotes in front of her in confusion. A naive expression appeared on her face:

"Why... why? Didn't you say you wouldn't lend me money?"

"Of course not."

Mu En crossed his legs and smiled:

"I'm investing."

"Ah? Investing?"

Liya was confused and felt that her little brain couldn't react.

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. The classmate Liya Angel sitting in front of me is just an ordinary little girl now, right?"

"Yes." Liya nodded gently.

"But just because you are an ordinary little girl now doesn't mean you will be an ordinary little girl in the future."

Mu En said: "To put it simply, I have set my sights on your future. I think you will become an incredible and powerful person in the future, so I am here to help you now, and in return, you will help me in the future."


Liya was shocked.

Could it be that...

Mu En Campbell knew that she was a candidate for the saint?

That's not right. My identity as a candidate for the saint is very confidential. No one should know except the church and Ariel.

And... from his previous behavior towards me, it doesn't seem like he knows my identity as a candidate for the saint.

How can you hire a candidate for the saint to play music for yourself!

Liya carefully looked at Mu En's expression, trying to see something from his face, but no matter how you look at it, it's just a clean and handsome smile.

"How about it, although it feels very unreasonable to use 500,000 to exchange for the help of a future powerful person, but aren't you very short of money now?"

Mu En curled his lips and said with an evil smirk:

"Accept it quickly, I can't wait to take advantage of this."


Liya didn't nod in response for the time being, but just stared at Mu En with a complicated expression. After a long time, she bit her lip and asked softly:

"Why... why?"


"Why do you think I will become a powerful person?"

"Isn't this natural."

Mu En replied matter-of-factly:

"You are so good."

"No... not at all."

Liya suddenly raised her voice, but suddenly realized the impoliteness of this behavior, lowered her head and muttered:

"I...I'm not good at all."


Mu En narrowed her eyes, and the feeling in Liya that a future saint should never have emerged again.

Is this... inferiority complex?

"This makes me a little strange, why does Liya think she is not good?" Mu En asked.

"Because... you see, I can't compare to Ariel in anything, and I can't do anything without her. How can I be considered excellent like this?" Liya replied in a low voice:

"Ariel is an outsider. You shouldn't compare with her. Anyone who compares with that kind of wall hanging will have their self-confidence destroyed."


"Nothing to worry about."

Mu En sighed and said:

"Classmate Liya, have you discovered something?"


"That is, why were you selected on this list?"


"Think about who are the people who were selected for the list this time. Let's not talk about Ariel and Fanny, the top second and third graders. I have talked about it before, whether it is senior Vicky or senior Aaron. Senior Marshall, their abilities are all at the top level at the same stage, even me... Judging from the fact that Professor Plan set the rules that can be challenged, but in the end the list has not been changed, the people selected for the list this time Among the requirements, comprehensive strength must be a very important one.”

"This...what does this mean?"

"How stupid, Liya-kun, you haven't reacted yet?"

Looking at the cute girl, Mu En sighed helplessly:

"Then let me ask you, Liya-san...are you strong?"


Liya was about to answer, but was suddenly stunned.

The words were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say anything.

Is she strong?

Of course she's not strong.

From the beginning to the end, she was not very good at fighting, otherwise she would not have covered her face and hid after Professor Plan made the rule.

So...that is to say...

"Look, you obviously don't have the biggest bonus of comprehensive strength, but you are still selected to be included in this list. Doesn't this mean that you have excellence in other aspects that none of us can match? ?”

Mu En smiled and said:

"Be more confident, Liya Angel. I'm not the only one who has discovered your excellence."

"And your future help and friendship will definitely be more than just 500,000 yuan."


Liya looked at Mu En blankly, a little lost. For some reason, she suddenly felt that Mu En's smile was so bright.


She felt inexplicably panicked, lowered her head suddenly, and fell into silence.


Looking at the girl who lowered her head and said nothing, as if she was frightened by her own words, Mu En suddenly felt uneasy.

Could it be that I went too far?

Or is it too little money?

After all, it is indeed too much to want to exchange a mere five hundred thousand for the help of the future saint.

"How about I add another five hundred thousand?"

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