"...No, no need."

Liya suddenly stretched out her hand, put it on the box, shook her head vigorously, but still did not raise her head to look at Mu En:

"This money is enough. I accept your investment, but, but..."


"The word help is too broad. Can... can you be more detailed?" Liya asked hesitantly.


Sure enough, am I still too greedy?

It's easy to arouse resentment by taking advantage of others' misfortune.

Mu En touched his chin and said:

"How about this? My five hundred thousand remains unchanged, but the condition is changed to a promise from you."


"That's right, after taking this five hundred thousand, you must do something for me when I need it in the future."

"one thing……"

"Of course, it won't be anything too extreme."

Seeing Liya's hesitation, Mu En quickly added:

"It's something you can absolutely do and it won't violate your identity and position, nor will it violate moral standards. If it exceeds these three requirements, you can refuse."

"What, is it okay?"

Mu En stretched out her hand and waited quietly for a response.


There was another long silence, and just when Mu En thought the girl would reject his conditions, Liya suddenly raised her head and glanced at Mu En, and then buried her head in her chest.

It was so fast that Mu En didn't even see her expression clearly.

Then she finally slowly raised her slender white hand, put it into Mu En's palm, and shook it gently.

"Then...then swear in the name of the goddess."


Mu En also held the little hand and smiled:

"In the name of the goddess."

After Liya left.

Mu En looked at the empty table in front of her, and the perfect smile on her face suddenly faded, and then... she revealed a sinister face that showed her plot had succeeded.

"Hey, I got the death-free gold medal, Ness!"

When he was suddenly challenged by Ariel during the day, he was still a little panicked, because after all, he was that Ariel. Even though he had a lot of cheats now, he still didn't have the confidence to touch the destiny protagonist of the original book.

But things are different now.

With Liya's relationship and the promise just now, as long as she stops her, Ariel will never really kill herself no matter what.

After all, he is not ready to pry into the corner now, and he has no life-or-death conflict with Ariel.

No matter how screwed up fate is, it can't be made out of nothing.

It was so easy to turn a fateful malice into something invisible...

"So to say……"

Mu En crossed her legs and recalled her recent perfect performance, thinking proudly:

"Am I the legendary genius?"

Liya stepped out of the carriage.

Feeling the cold wind blowing in the night, she suddenly squatted down and buried her head between her thighs.

At this time, the crimson color that had been accumulating on her pretty face and had not been noticed by Mu En, which seemed a little different from her usual shyness, was spreading out like ink dripping into water.

Her neck was also dyed red little by little.

At this moment, everything was quiet, and Liya gently hugged her knees.

Mu En's words just now were still echoing in her mind.

This was something she had never heard before.

Because no matter who looks at her, she is just a little follower around Ariel, useless...

But why does Moon Campbell... always find such tricky angles?

Liya thought again of the time when the list was announced.

Just when he, including Ariel, had no hope for the outcome, he was the only one who still said to himself with that dazzling smile:

Don't worry, you work hard and you can do it.


Moon Campbell, why do you always believe in me so much?

Moreover, you are so kind to me, always trying to help me in any way?

Could it be...

"No, no!"

"He has a girlfriend and a fiancée!"

"And he said it himself."

Liya rejected the dangerous thoughts in her mind, lowered her head, and kept grabbing the innocent grass on the ground with her little hands.

"But why did you ask me to make such a strange promise just now? What would it be if you asked me to do one thing?"

"Could it... be that kind of thing?"

"Oh, Leia Angel, you are the future saint, how can you think of such shameless things?"

The more Liya thought about it, the hotter her face felt, and she finally decided not to think about anything else. She tilted her head and looked at the stars in the distance.

That starlight always looks like that guy's smile.

Liya touched her chest and murmured unconsciously:

"I always feel... so confused."

"Look, Master!"

In the dense and dark forest, Ariel's face was covered with the blood of monsters, and she excitedly displayed a crystal crystal under the starlight.

"I was so lucky to dig out such a pure core from that low-level monster!"

"It's very lucky. This kind of pure core is worth at least 50,000 Emile."

"That would be great."

Ariel carefully put the core away, glanced at the dawn that was about to rise on the horizon, hummed a little tune, and walked back home briskly.

"Wait for me, Liya, I will give you a surprise this time."

74. Stars

early morning.

The dim light of the morning sun shines through the gaps between the trees, leaving mottled light spots on the ground, like a quiet sea of ​​stars wandering in the mortal world.

The branches and leaves of the evergreen shrub were separated, and a small head sneakily poked out from the dense jungle.

His sharp eyesight swept across the silent camp like an eagle.

There was still a wisp of green smoke rising from the embers of the bonfire. Next to the fallen dead wood, there were the remains of the night before that had been gathered into a pile by someone unknown.

Great, no one.

Ariel carefully emerged from the bushes and tiptoed towards her and Liya's carriage.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden sound caused Ariel's heart to stop.

She turned back suddenly, only to find that it was Mu En who had also walked out of the woods and was looking at her with a strange look on his face.

"You, you are the one, what are you doing sneakily?"

Ariel put her hands on her hips and pretended to be aggressive.

"Wash up."

Mu En pointed to her wet hair,

"There is a nice river over there, so I took a bath by the way."

"I, I'm going to wash up too!"


With a ray of light, Mu En looked at Ariel.

Just like himself, Ariel was wet at the moment, as if she had just gone for a swim in the river.

There is almost no dew in winter, so is this specifically to wash away the scent of World of Warcraft from your body?

You are really cautious, but I'm afraid you don't know that you have already been exposed.


Mu En glanced down and shook her head with some regret.

Even though his clothes were soaked and stuck to his skin, the exposed curvature was still so regrettable. He was obviously a real guy, and naturally there would be no miracle of taking off his clothes to reveal his flesh.

"You, what are you looking at!"

Noticing Mu En's pity look, Ariel immediately crossed her chest and said angrily.

"Ahem, it's nothing."

Mu En shook his head and did not expose Ariel. He changed the subject and said, "There is still some time before departure. You can rest for a while. There is no need to get up so early."

"Humph, this kind of thing has nothing to do with you."

"Well, when I care too much."




Ariel stared at Mu En, watching the water droplets dripping from the tips of his golden hair, and said doubtfully:

"Why are you getting up so early?"

It was still dark, and everyone was still asleep. Only the pink bear over there twisted his body and muttered something.

"Go for a morning run."

Mu En said matter-of-factly: "Although running alone won't do much for me now, it can make me more energetic."

"Morning run?"

Looking at the sky that was not yet completely bright, Ariel asked in shock: "Go now?"

"what are you talking about."

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