Mu En took out a towel, wiped his hair, and said casually:

"I've already taken a shower, so of course I'm done running."


Ariel quietly got back into the carriage. After opening the curtain, she saw that Liya was still curled up on the sofa and sleeping soundly. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing was found.

"What a stupid little fool."

Looking at Liya's face as cute as a baby while she was sleeping, Ariel couldn't help but smile knowingly.

But soon, she stopped smiling.

She remembered Mu En's words just now, and her expression was a little complicated.

"That guy... suddenly became stronger. Isn't there no reason?"

Ariel clenched her fist vigorously:

"The harvest last night was good, but it was not enough."

"I have to work harder!"

"Let's work hard tonight too!"

"To... better protect Liya."

Liya opened her eyes gently and looked at Ariel in front of her.

In order to look like she was practicing, she still sat cross-legged on a sofa that was big enough for her to lie down comfortably, with her back straight.

But just by getting closer, you can hear her even humming sound.

You must have been exhausted last night.

"Who on earth is the idiot?" Liya murmured in a low voice.

For her who is good at Holy Light, how could a negative effect magic like sleeping magic work?

"Get some rest."

Liya raised her hand, and pure holy light bloomed in her palm, slowly sinking into Ariel's body like a breeze.

At dawn, the campground became lively again.

Everyone got up, exchanged greetings, and found that although it was a long journey that should have made them feel exhausted, they slept surprisingly comfortably.

So everyone expressed their gratitude to Mu En, who had made all this possible. During breakfast, Mu En waved his hand again and conjured out a large number of exquisite ingredients, as well as luxuries such as coffee and black tea, which made everyone's gratitude almost change. Became a cult.

On the way, the more perceptive senior Fanny noticed that Ariel did not appear, so she asked Liya about it.

And Liya only explained that Ariel was practicing, and in exchange for others' sincere sigh, "He is indeed the most legendary second-year chief in the academy."

The journey started again, the carriage kicked up dust and headed south.

Mu En could clearly feel the temperature gradually rising, and the surrounding vegetation was gradually becoming denser and denser. It seemed as if as the carriage moved forward, winter had been left behind, followed by warm spring.

And the spring breeze accompanying the carriage makes people feel more at ease and calm.

It's night again.

It was still the laughter and noise in front of the campfire, but this time no one asked about Ariel. Instead, it was Liya, who was forced to learn a little music by Fanny and Vicky, so she was coaxed to play a song.

Liya couldn't resist, so she sang a cappella folk song from her hometown to the rhythm of everyone.

The song was very beautiful, and Liya, whose face was flushed by the bonfire, was even more dazzlingly beautiful.

The only thing that puzzled Mu En was that she was obviously better at the violin, so why didn't she play the violin?

late at night.

"Damn it, I almost overslept!"

Ariel opened her eyes suddenly, but her eyes suddenly focused on Liya, who was sleeping in front of her, and she suppressed the exclamation stuck in her throat.

After making sure that Liya was not awakened by him, Ariel quietly stood up and got out of the carriage.

There was no one around, except for the bonfire that had not been extinguished, seeming to tell the story of the excitement just now.

But the excitement belongs to others and has nothing to do with you.

"...Sleep so soundly."

Ariel stretched out, feeling that all the fatigue in her body had faded away, and she was full of strength.

"It's different to sleep on a luxurious sofa. Is this what it feels like to be rich..."

Ariel muttered sourly, then raised her hand and slapped her face to drive all those inexplicable thoughts out of her mind.

"What are you thinking about? There is nothing to be envious about having money from your family. One day, I will get this on my own!"

"But for now, let's focus on the matter in front of us."

"Last night's harvest was good, but tonight's harvest must be more than yesterday's!"

After cheering up, Ariel turned into a black shadow again and slipped into the dense forest.

After she left, another figure slowly walked out from behind the carriage.

"Did you really go again?"

Mu En held his forehead, restrained the alchemy field that was free on his body, like an electric arc, and used it to shield his aura. He came to another carriage and gently knocked on the window.

After a while, a small head slowly poked out.

"Is it really good?"

Mu En leaned beside the carriage, folded her arms and asked:

"Why don't you tell Ariel that you have raised enough money so that she doesn't come out in the middle of the night to chop up monsters? The monsters eat the weak and the strong and fight with each other during the day, and at night they are messed up by some crazy beauty with a two-meter-long machete. Kill, very pitiful.”


As if he had been struck by a smile, a charming laugh came from the night.

But the laughter stopped quickly, Liya lowered her head and whispered:

"I originally wanted to say it, but after thinking about it, I decided not to."


"Because with Ariel's personality, if I suddenly take out so much money now, it will stimulate her and make her actions more radical. At that time, she may really become you mentioned.

So let her go out and vent first, and then I will give her a surprise when I get to Arielze."

"Is that so."


Liya paused and continued:

"I could find excuses before, but in a place like this, I suddenly took out so much money. Even if Ariel is slow, she will find something fishy.

I...I don't want her to find out about this."

"Then aren't you afraid that she will encounter danger?" Mu En asked curiously.

"After all, it's in this wilderness."


Liya shook her head vigorously: "I believe in Ariel."

"That's right."

After all, it's that Ariel. Going out to kill monsters in the middle of the night is probably the most insignificant thing in her wonderful life as a protagonist.

What kind of danger can she encounter?

Thinking of this, Mu En looked at the clear sky and suddenly smiled:

"I forced you to make such an unreasonable promise yesterday, and I haven't apologized yet, so... I can't sleep anyway, do you want to come and see the stars together?"

In this world without light pollution, even in winter, the starry sky is still dazzling. With such a sky reflected in his eyes, even Mu En couldn't help but invite the beauty beside him.


Liya also subconsciously raised her head and stared at the starry sky.

But I don't know what she thought of, her pretty face suddenly blushed, and she suddenly got back into the carriage:

"Who, who wants to watch the stars with you! You bad guy! Hooligan!"


Mu En looked at the closed curtains, a little confused.

Did he say something wrong?

"Sure enough, did I make Liya angry last night?"

Mu En sighed.

But just when he felt that his invitation failed and was about to go back in disgrace, the curtain of the carriage was quietly opened a little corner.


In the silent night, Liya revealed half of her face, and asked in a low voice with a hint of shyness:

"Can you wait a moment? I was just lying down, so my a little messy."

"Also, I want to change clothes."


"Tsk, so, adolescent kids are annoying!"

Pink Bear was still lying in the front room of the carriage like a decadent uncle. He didn't know what he saw, and he turned over with a curse, and then flipped through the pornographic book he extorted from Ariel with interest.


But as he flipped through it, he suddenly raised his head in confusion and looked in the direction where Ariel disappeared:

"I seem to have something to tell that kid?"

"Ah, forget it, it's not a big deal if she can't remember it, let her go."

Pink Bear scratched his butt and continued to lie flat.

75. Double the surprise

"The target has been found."

In the dark and deep jungle, Ariel lowered her body, crouched like a cheetah, and hid her body in the dense bushes.

She restrained her breath and stared at the distance with her sharp eyes.

Just under a big tree in front of her, a huge tiger-shaped monster covered with black stripes was half nestled in a tree hole, half exposed to the starlight, with its huge head lying on its crossed front paws, snoring like thunder from time to time, as if it was sleeping soundly.

"It's probably equivalent to an ordinary monster in the early stage of the third stage. It should be considered the top of the food chain in this area. Not only the core, but also the claws and fur are probably not worth selling."

The teacher's voice sounded in Ariel's ears,

"How is it, are you sure?"

"It feels a bit troublesome."

Ariel carefully looked at the monster in front of her and squinted subconsciously.

The classification of Warcraft is rather rough, as there is no such thing as a cultivation level for this thing, so there are only ordinary levels equivalent to the first, second and third levels of the warrior realm, the overlord level equivalent to the fourth level, and the ruling level equivalent to the fifth level.

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