

"Eh? I… How did I fall asleep?"

The sky was turning pale.

Liya opened her eyes from her sleep, confused for a moment, and then fell into panic.

She remembered that last night, she was invited by Mu En to watch the stars together.

In other words...

Liya turned her head slowly.

On the grass with a breeze, the faint fragrance of grass kept entering her nose, making people feel a little dizzy inexplicably.

And in the center of the field of vision, the blond man put one hand on his lower abdomen and the other hand on his head, his eyes slightly closed, his expression was peaceful, as if he was having a beautiful dream, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously outlined an intoxicating smile.

"No, isn't it a dream?"

Liya's face suddenly blushed, looking at Mu En who had unknowingly been very close to her, suddenly hugged her knees, and turned over several times in a hurry, regardless of the grass debris on her new clothes.

A little further away, with her back to Mu En, her mood gradually calmed down.

But her cheeks were still hot.

"It's really... really strange, why did I accept his invitation?"

I wanted to refuse at that time.

But inexplicably, she still went to see the stars with him.

"Is it some strange magic?"

"But I have the protection of the goddess's holy light, most of the negative magic should not work on me."

"Ariel's sleeping magic doesn't work."

"Wow... so strange."

There were still a few dim stars twinkling in the sky, and the pure girl curled up, falling into a rare confusion in her life.

76. Caution

In the early morning, Mu En opened his eyes and was dazzled by the morning sun that had already revealed half of its face from the top of the mountain.

Rarely got up late.

There was still a faint fragrance lingering at the tip of his nose, and he couldn't tell whether it came from the grass or from the girl who had disappeared at this moment.

"Is this the benefit of holy light? Just a little bit that escaped unconsciously can actually make people sleep better."

Mu En stretched lazily.

Although the sky was his blanket and the ground was his bed, and the early spring weather was still a little chilly, he was very satisfied physically and mentally with his solid body.

Mu En suddenly began to envy Ariel. He just lay next to Liya for a while. If he could sleep with Liya every day like she would in the future, it would be such a beautiful experience.

"No, no, I can't have such a dangerous idea."

Mu En shook his head and quickly drove this idea out of his mind.

If he really did that, he would probably be beaten to death by Ariel!

He was not a scumbag who flirted with everyone he met.

He did this just to get closer to Liya so that she could help him say a few more good words around Ariel.

As for the idea of ​​being a hidden scumbag who couldn't let the beautiful girl spend the night alone, so he dragged Liya to see the stars, that was absolutely not the case!

"Tsk, scumbag."

Pink Bear appeared from nowhere, spat, looked at Mu En with contempt and said:

"It's only been a few days and you're already flirting with a little girl."

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Mu En glared and said: "How can you tell that I'm flirting with her?"

"Humph, you invited me to watch the stars, and you still say no?"

"Haha, who said just watch the stars."

Mu En crossed his arms and sneered, "This is the fantasy of a virgin who has never touched a girl's hand in his life."

"Virgin... who are you saying is a virgin!"

Pink Bear was furious: "I haven't been a virgin since I was three years old! Anyway... Anyway, you've offended me. If you don't buy me ten boxes of top-grade cigars and a hundred little yellow books in the future, Book to apologize, I will go back to complain to Cecilia!"

"Do you think Cecilia will believe you?"

Moon rolled his eyes, speechless to this bear who was full of fun:

"Let's not talk about this for now, can we cross the empire border today?"


The pink bear became a little more serious, stretched out a furry hand, took out a low-quality cigarette from somewhere, lit it, took a deep breath, and wisps of white smoke came out of the eyes and ears of the bear-shaped leather case, and said leisurely:

"Since the journey was smooth and the progress was much faster than I expected, there are probably two more days. In an hour, we will reach the border."

"Don't we need to go through the checkpoint?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Pink Bear looked at me with a look of disgust:

"You are the son of a duke, representing one of the most famous colleges in the empire, and you are still thinking about sneaking?"

"It's safer this way."


Pink Bear stared at Mu En for a long time, and suddenly sighed:

"Boy, you are too cautious."



Pink Bear grinned, glanced at the people who gradually got up from the carriage, chatted and laughed with each other, and then fell back on Mu En.

"These days, everyone really treats this as a trip, except you."

"Provide everyone with carriages, food, and high-end luxury goods that they may not enjoy once in their lifetime, so that they can enjoy the trip to their heart's content, but only you... have never let down your guard.

Patrol twice a day, morning and evening, explore the surrounding environment, except last night, never sleep at night, and confirm the progress with me every once in a while.


Boy, what are you worried about?"


Mu En was silent for a while, shrugged and smiled:

"Nothing, just some unrealistic premonitions."

"Is the premonition so exaggerated?"

"It's just that from my past experience, it's always good to be cautious."


Pink Bear looked at Mu En for a while, and suddenly slapped him on the back of his head, almost making him stagger, and sneered:

"You kid, you think too highly of yourself, but you are just the son of a duke, and you make it like the emperor is traveling. No, the emperor is not worthy of being watched by me personally when he goes out."

"Okay, okay, just think of me as a persecution delusion."

Mu En said helplessly.


Just as Mu En was about to leave, Pink Bear suddenly said.

"The governor of the border this time... is your father's former subordinate."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Pink Bear for a long time in surprise:

"Sorry. "


"I shouldn't have secretly said that you only have sex in your mind. Facts have proved that even if most of it is sex, there are still a small part that is useful. "


Pink Bear said angrily:

"You bastard, you are looking for death, right!"

"No, no, no, don't do it, don't kick my ass, I was wrong, uncle!"

"Who is your uncle, die for me!"



When Mu En finished washing and rubbed his ass and returned to the camp, everyone had packed up and were ready to go at any time.

Involuntarily, their eyes fell on the returning Mu En.

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. He smiled slightly and was about to speak, but felt that the corner of his clothes was suddenly pulled gently.


Liya appeared behind Mu En at some point and whispered:

"I have something to talk about. Can we talk alone?"

"Hmm? "

Mu En showed a trace of doubt, but seeing the anxiety between Liya's eyebrows, he said nothing, just smiled apologetically at the people with strange expressions, and followed Liya to a remote place.


"Ariel hasn't come back yet?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, looked at Liya who looked anxious in front of him, frowned and asked:

"Have you contacted her with the sound transmission stone?"

"I... contacted, but she didn't answer."

Liya tightly grasped the sound transmission stone that was almost crushed, her eyes full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, let me ask."

Mu En comforted and found Pink Bear.

"Oh? Are you asking about the flat-chested little girl?"

Pink Bear, who was concentrating on reading a book that was not suitable for children and whose cover made Liya blush, raised his head and said casually:

"She will secretly go out to kill Warcraft these two nights."

"I know this, what I want to ask is that she hasn't come back yet, is there any danger?"

"Dangerous? Where is the danger coming from."

Pink Bear picked his nose and said nonchalantly: "This is the road I chose, where is the danger coming from...ah, I remember."

Pink Bear suddenly got up with a start, slapped his head and said:

"I remembered what I forgot to tell that girl last night."

77. Octopus

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