"I remembered what I forgot to tell that girl last night."


"All day yesterday, there was an overlord-level monster following us from a distance. I originally wanted her to hide away."


Mu En said speechlessly: "Can you forget this? Give me back the compliment I gave you just now."

"Have you ever praised me, you bastard!"

The pink bear glared at Mu En and said, "Besides, an overlord-level monster is a trivial matter. It's just something I can kill with one stick."

"It's a small thing for you, but..."

"No, it's okay..."

Mu En's clothes were pulled again. Liya breathed a sigh of relief and said softly:

"If it's just an overlord-level monster, Ariel will be fine. At least she can run away."


After all, she is Ariel, nothing can happen easily.

Mu En thought about it and said:

"Just in case, let's go and take care of her. I'm afraid that if it's not because she met the monster, but because of something else..."


But before Mu En could finish her words, she received a blank look from Pink Bear.

"Do you really look down on me that much?"

"……Have it?"


Pink Bear snorted coldly and said, "There's no need to go out and look for it. If there is really any danger, wouldn't it mean that if you look for it, you'll be killed?

I left something on each of you, just look at it and you will know. "

"Huh? Is there any? Why didn't I know?"

"If I could be noticed by you, I would have been two generations older than you."

With that said, the pink bear sat cross-legged and closed her eyes.

It was quiet all around, except for the gentle breeze blowing through the trees.




Like water flowing.

But the flowing liquid, judging from the sound, was extremely viscous.

Not like water.

More like...


"found it."

Pink Bear said suddenly.

"How about it?"

"Sure enough, that girl faced off against that overlord-level monster. Oh no, from the looks of it, that monster was probably looking for her."

"Is there any danger?"

"Let's see... Oh? That monster is not simple, it is actually a special species, but that little girl is not weak either, she actually fought back and forth.

No, she started to suppress that monster, yes, that’s it, sliding shovel, sneak attack, kicking its ass, what a great job..."

"This guy……"

Looking at the pink bear who was already in an immersive state of watching the show, Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.


"Am I really too cautious?"

Mu En looked at Liya and smiled:

"It seems there's no need to worry, let's just wait patiently."


Liya nodded slightly.

Mu En turned around and scanned the surroundings, then suddenly pointed in a certain direction and said:

"Let's go to a higher place and wait. The view there is better and we can pick up Ariel immediately."

Liya turned her little head and glanced at the extremely tall tree standing on the top of the hill that Mu En was pointing to. She paused for a moment and nodded slightly.


On the top branch of the big tree, Mu En and Liya sat side by side.

Although Mu En deliberately moved two fists away in order not to make the girl feel disgusted, it was still closer than when he was looking at the stars last night.

Fortunately, the girl didn't show any disgust towards this.

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief and looked up.

Having been in the dense jungle all the time, it was a bit depressing, but sitting on this big tree and looking out at the surrounding fields, Mu En suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment both physically and mentally.

"Huh? That's it?"

Mu En looked in a certain direction and suddenly asked a question.

Just to his side, a little further away, towering trees stood abruptly, forming a stunning view like a tall wall that stretched to the end of the field of vision.

"What a big tree, and this is...a whole forest?"

In the jungle where Mu En is located, the trees are only at the normal level as far as he knows, but they are just denser. Therefore, when sitting on this tree that stands out from the crowd, the field of vision is extremely broad and can see very far.

But every tree there seemed to be taller than the one he was sitting on. Looking from here, it looked like an endless grassland, with a vast forest rising up from the ground without any warning.

The dividing line between the two is so clear, as if the gods had drawn it themselves with rulers and pens.

"I-I know it there."

Liya then looked around and suddenly let out a small exclamation, "That's the Forest of Death."

"...What's with this fucking name that sounds so ominous at first sight?"

"The name of the forest comes from a certain being." Liya explained. "A very scary existence."

"Someone exists?"

"That's right."

Liya stared at the strange forest, her little face became solemn in a rare way: "One of the rumored sources of destruction, the natural disaster-level monster - the dragon of death, Hamraine, is said to be... entrenched in In this forest, this forest is also one of the few restricted areas in the empire, and even those who wear the crown dare not enter casually. "


Mu En was shocked: "Then wouldn't it be bad for us to be so close? That bastard Pink Bear, don't worry, isn't this going to make us dance like crazy on the edge of death?"

"No, I think that pink bear uncle should have walked this way on purpose."

Liya shook her head: "Although the Death Dragon is famous, according to the records of the empire, it only destroyed a city two hundred years ago. After that, no one has observed it leaving the forest.

And it is precisely because of its existence that the more powerful monsters dare not approach this forest and the vicinity of this forest."

"I see."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked along the clear dividing line again.

"So, if you keep walking along the edge of this forest, you will soon reach the border of the empire."

"Yes, it should be."

"Is that so..."

Mu En smiled and praised:

"As expected of classmate Liya, you know a lot."


Liya blushed slightly and turned her head away: "These are just common sense in books."

"Really? But I think it's amazing."

"..."Liya didn't speak.

Mu En turned his head and continued to look at the forest, sighing in his heart: "It's so beautiful."

The towering trees stood tall, forming a huge and dark wall, and the clouds floating in the sky were so low that they could not pass through the wall. The neat sea of ​​clouds crashed into the dense tree canopy and was divided into countless scattered clouds, like flowers and an inverted waterfall.

This was more charming than the starlight last night, and it made Mu En feel the mystery of this fantasy world. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds dotted with the forest, Mu En's heart finally relaxed a little bit.

Everything that was expected did not happen.

Pink Bear was more reliable than he thought, and he was thinking about all aspects very carefully.

And those people were not as bold as he thought.

And now it only takes two hours to leave the empire smoothly.

Those guys will never reach out beyond the borders even if they are willing to work hard in the future.

"Was the feeling of being spied on at that time just an illusion?"

"I really think too much."

Mu En let out a long breath, then smiled, and completely dispelled the deep-seated anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Liya tilted her head and asked suddenly.

"No, I just think the scenery is more beautiful than last night, and I sigh that I should go out more often." Mu En smiled.

"Berrand can't see such a beautiful scenery."

"Really... I think it's beautiful too. Those clouds are like octopuses."


Mu En looked up at the strange-shaped cloud on Liya's little finger, and said with a strange expression:

"Does Liya like octopuses?"


Liya nodded gently, and her five fingers scratched in the void. A hint of intoxication appeared on her cute face, and she said: "Octopuses are soft, silly, and have long tentacles. They feel very cute."

... I always feel that this girl's preferences are a bit unusual.

Mu En complained silently in his heart, but his expression was normal:

"But I don't think it looks like an octopus?"

"Eh, why?"

"Because octopuses have eight tentacles, but this cloud is shaped like a tentacle, with only five tentacles."



Mu En frowned inexplicably, "The protruding shape of this cloud... I think it looks more like a... hand?"

"Now that you mention it, I suddenly feel like it too."


"Student Mu En."

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