
"Have you ever felt...this cloud become bigger?"



Amid the gentle breeze, a lifeless atmosphere descended, and the two could only hear each other's increasingly rapid breathing.

The cloud was reflected in Mu En's narrowed pupils.

Like clouds in hands.



Very wrong.

To this extent, it can no longer be said to be similar.

Because in the outline of the clouds that suddenly started to surge crazily, Mu En actually saw the gradually clear... palm prints!

It was like a real big hand descended from the sky, penetrated the clouds, and suddenly enveloped me!

In an instant, the death warning suddenly buzzed!

78. King Indra (Happy National Day, please vote for me at the beginning of the month)

The buzzing death warning is tearing at the nerves.

In the trembling field of vision, a huge palm covered the sky and sun, pressing down horizontally. The pressure that seemed to bring down the whole world made Mu En almost stop her heart.

As the mist gradually flowed from the fingers, Mu En could clearly see the ravine-like fingerprints on the palm, as well as the countless criss-crossing scars that seemed to have been sharpened by a mountain of knives.

It's really a hand.

A very ordinary looking hand.

But at this moment, it seemed like a mountain falling from the sky.

Mu En's eyes were splitting, and he no longer cared about what might arouse the girl's disgust. He hugged the waist of Liya, who was also pretty and pale beside him.


The alchemy core is activated.


Sixty times the time delay!

Ignoring the intense burning on his back and the stinging pain of body cracking, Mu En frantically poured magic power into the alchemy core, directly delaying time to its current limit.

The bones creaked, and blood was squeezed out from the body that almost exceeded the limit. Mu En instantly turned into a bloody man, but his face was ferocious and his movements did not relax at all. Only by delaying time at this limit can he create In the short gap, he hugged Liya and retreated at full speed.

At the same time, a roar that was almost squeezed out of the lungs shook the sky.

"Pink Bear——"


The mountains and forests are agitated.

Under Mu En's feet, the dense trees were separated like huge waves almost instantly. The pink bear-shaped doll jumped up, holding a huge mace that he didn't know he had taken out in his hand, and slammed it against the huge mace. on the palm of your hand.

“Fuck you—get out of here!”

There was a splash, as if countless blood was surging under the puppet leather sheath, the pink bear roared, and the mace erupted with dazzling blood.

With a click, there was another clear scar on the palm.


At this time, an indifferent clicking sound sounded, and the giant hand slowly retreated and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

But the pink bear did not relax at all, and instead faced a powerful enemy.

Mu En landed and breathed a long sigh of relief, but he still couldn't help the surge of blood and coughed up blood.

"You, you're bleeding!"

Liya, who was still a little confused, came over in panic, brewing the holy light in her hands, "I'll treat you!"


Feeling the warmth brought by the holy light, Mu En let out a long breath, and his eyes traveled through the mountain forest that was almost flattened in the aftermath of the incident just now, staring at the edge of the Forest of Death, the sea of ​​clouds that had returned to calm.

In the pure white sea of ​​clouds, a figure suddenly appeared.

It was a man, an old man.

He was shaped like a gaunt wood, with sunken eyes, like a walking mummy. Only a tattered cloth wrapped his body, which reminded Mu En of the cassocks worn by the monks in his previous life.

However, the man's eyes contained a formidable brilliance, and his skin had a bronze-like color. On his clasped hands, Mu En could vaguely see a new wound on the edge of his fingers.

On his palm, which was already covered with wounds, it was so...inconspicuous.

"Hey, you kid..."

In front of him, the pink bear, holding the mace tightly, looked at the man and suddenly said:

"Could he actually be the illegitimate son of that little brat Aldrich?"

"Huh? Do you think I look like it?"

"Then why the hell do you tell labor and management that the person who came to kill you...will be a genuine crown wearer!"

Pink Bear turned his head and roared excitedly, "That old bastard Pu Lang never said such a thing! No, we have to pay more, otherwise labor and management will not do it!"


"Long time no see, Olanlir."

Not far away, an old man looked at the pink bear, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and took the initiative to say:

"I didn't expect you to be still alive, but the way you look curled up in your leather case is really ugly."

"It's surprising that an old guy like you, who has been rumored to be dead for ten years, is still alive."

The pink bear's mouth curled up in a dry arc, and his expression was as sad as if someone had torn up his pornographic book in front of him. He pulled his shoulders and said:

"I don't want to fight with an old and mean devil like you, the ascetic of the desert - King Indra Nanurika."

"Hand over the son of the Duke behind you, and we won't have to fight."

King Indra smiled and said: "Since we are old friends, why not make some conveniences? Then I will give you one-third of the credit, and the reward can be easily negotiated."

"Tsk, I really want to tie up this heartless boy and give it to you, but I can't help it. My arrogant grand-niece has a bad temper. I threw her fiancé away, and she comes back to trouble me. I can't help it. Can't stand it."

Pink Bear narrowed his eyes and said, "Besides, the boy's father is not an ordinary person. Are you sure you want to attack?"

"Hehe, the lion king is indeed young and formidable. Even his son was able to avoid my sneak attack just now. It seems that he is not as bad as some rumors say."

King Indra looked at Mu En deeply and said, "But if you take money from others, you must always help them eliminate disasters. And as you said, I am already a dying man. Why should I care about these monstrous waves?"

"That makes sense."

Pink Bear's expression gradually became serious, "In that case, don't blame me if you break your bones later!"

"As you wish."

King Indra bowed.


"I'm coming!"

Pink Bear shouted, and a terrifying aura permeated from his funny leather suit.

The rich blood light was so bright that it seemed to dim the sky a little, and it looked amazing.

"I didn't expect Pink Bear to be so powerful?"

Seeing that Pink Bear was not afraid at all and even had an overwhelming momentum, Mu En was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help showing a look of astonishment and admiration.

Sure enough, I still looked at him with too much tinted glasses.

I should respect this potential elder in the future...

"Get ready to run away!"

At this moment, Pink Bear's mean voice suddenly sounded in Mu En's ears.


"Run away, I'm no match for him." Pink Bear's tone seemed a little anxious.

"...But aren't you a shoulder-to-shoulder crowner?"

"Damn, shoulder to shoulder and beating are two different things, okay? His neck is longer than mine, what can I do?"

Facing the powerful and intimidating King Indra, Pink Bear's mouth was outlined with a disdainful smile, looking like an unfathomable peerless master.

But the voice secretly transmitted to Mu En was another matter.

"This King Indra is no ordinary person among the crowned ones. Both his qualifications and strength are terrifyingly high. It might be okay for your father to come in person, but how could a cute and harmless bear like me be his opponent?

And I don't even have a girlfriend, and I haven't seen enough white legs, I don't want to die here!"

"..." Mu En's mouth twitched.

Give me back my admiration, bastard!

"Let's go!"

But since Pink Bear has said this, Mu En didn't delay at all, took Liya's little hand and turned around to run.

"That won't do."

King Indra's eyes flashed when he saw this, and his five fingers slightly bent, and he grabbed in the direction of Mu En's escape.

The earth trembled violently, as if an invisible giant beast waved its claws and plowed the earth, and five bottomless gullies merged into a cage, chasing Mu En who was fleeing.

But the next moment.


A harsh sound like the friction of metal suddenly sounded.

Pink Bear smashed the mace hard, and the invisible claws and gullies were all crushed. He took a big step and stood in front of King Indra.

"Is this really okay? I said I was coming."

The mace turned sideways again, and the blood was shining. Pink Bear grinned and hit him on the head!

"Who are you looking down on, old bastard!"

A huge sunken pit appeared under King Indra's feet, as if a meteorite had hit him. The raging wind blew his tattered cloth, making the old man look like a candle that was about to go out in the wind.

But his expression remained unchanged, still... so calm.

"It seems that peaceful means cannot solve the problem."

The old man sighed.

He put his five fingers together, clenched his fist, and swung upward.

The space twisted instantly.


The brilliant crown rose up, like the rising sun!

79. Sigh (seeking monthly votes at the beginning of the month)

Mu En quickly walked through the forest. With the help of Shadow Step, his figure almost turned into a shadow, stirring up countless fallen leaves.

Liya was held by his hand and could actually keep up with his pace.


At the girl's soft call, Mu En slowed down his pace slightly and turned his head in confusion.


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