"No...it's okay."

But the girl just bit her lip, glanced at the little hand he held, shook her head, and said nothing.

Mu En raised his eyebrows.

Don't you like being pulled by me?

That's right.

But now I can't care about so much.

Feeling the violent shock coming from not far away, Mu En's mind sank slightly.

In the end, the scene he least wanted to see still happened, and it appeared in front of him at the worst level.

The person behind him was crazier than he thought, and it was hard to say that it was the power of a single person to achieve this level.

And when these blood-sucking termites united, even if his cheap father returned to Belrand in person, he would probably have to be cautious.

"You really think highly of me. It seems that the engagement ceremony between Cecilia and I is approaching, which really stimulated the nerves of those people."

But he had experienced so much, and he was no longer a soft persimmon that could be squeezed by those trash.

The others also smiled sarcastically at Mu En and sped up.

"Student Mu En!"

The dragon blood horse neighed, and the carriage broke through the dense vegetation and drove quickly in front of Mu En. Fanny controlled the reins, feeling the terrible breath coming from not far away, and said with a pale face:

"What happened?"

"It's just a small problem, don't worry."

"Small problem?"

Fanny's expression was slightly stagnant. She looked up at the blood color that almost covered half of the sky not far away, and the terrifying shock that seemed to be torn apart as long as she got a little closer... You call this a small problem?

"No time to explain, let's go first!"

"Where to go?"

"Border! There is an army led by my father's former subordinates!"

Mu En looked behind Fanny.

The dragon blood horses have all received special training, so although they are extremely agitated due to the breath not far away, they still obey orders very well. The six carriages are neatly arranged and all follow.

The others were also on the carriage, and their faces were also a little pale. However, when they saw Mu En, they knew that the son of the Duke was younger than them, but they seemed to have suddenly gained a backbone.

Mu En's eyes flickered, and he pushed Leah to Fanny's carriage: "You go first."

"What about you?"

"Their target is me. To be safe, I will be alone for the time being..."


Before Mu En finished speaking, the sound of the wind tearing came, and he was alarmed. He didn't have time to say anything. Mu En hugged Leah again and pulled back.

A figure like a cannonball slammed over, raising choking dust.

The dragon blood horse neighed in fear, as if it felt something approaching.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the "thing" inside, Mu En's cheek twitched violently.

"Pink Bear? You can't do it?"

"Damn it, if you can do it, go ahead!"

Pink Bear was in a mess, and his leather suit was almost torn. Hearing Mu En's words, he jumped up from the big pit and said angrily:

"Don't you see who that is? I'm not even a crowned one, and it's already very awesome to be able to fight a few moves. Well, you can look through the history books. Those who are not crowned but can fight against the crowned are all geniuses who can change the course of history?"

"But you are too fast, nothing is faster than you."

"Nonsense, who said I'm fast, I'm definitely not fast, I..."

"Of course he's not fast, he can hold me for two minutes, considering his current physical condition, it can be called a miracle."

A frightening and indifferent voice sounded, and Mu En and Pink Bear stopped bickering at the same time, looking solemnly at the other end of the depression that was hit.

"The word 'genius' is not inconsistent with you in the past, but the curse of the Leopold royal family has turned your talent into a prison."

King Indra was still wearing a ragged cloth, but it looked more ragged than before, and there were several more wounds on his clasped hands, but compared to the pink bear that was already bleeding wildly, it looked fine.

In fact, this is exactly the case. There is still a qualitative difference between a senior crowned person and a strong person who can "stand shoulder to shoulder" with the crowned person.

"It's pitiful just to think about it, Oranril, you had a chance to surpass the first emperor, but now you have fallen to the point where you need this kind of thing to numb yourself."

King Indra twisted his fingers and took out a little yellow book that Mu En was very familiar with. He flipped through it quickly and exclaimed:

"Oh? I didn't expect you to like this. No wonder that person chose to leave you."

"Shut up." The pink bear's eyes were rarely fierce:

"It's not your turn to pity me."

"Haha, it's a pity, it seems it's over."

King Indra showed a smile without any emotion, and crushed the little yellow book into powder.

First, he glanced at the pink bear with twitching eyes, and then his eyes swept over those little ghosts. Seeing their expressions of fear, his smile became stronger.

Finally, his eyes fell on Mu En.

The smile stagnated slightly.

Because he was only at the second level in this realm, his magic power was not worth mentioning, and he could easily crush the Duke's son with just one finger, but he didn't feel any fear at all.


King Indra asked puzzledly:

"You should be able to cry and beg for mercy."

"beg for mercy?"

Mu En took a deep breath, gently comforted the trembling girl beside her, and asked in confusion:

"Why am I asking for mercy?"

"You're going to die."

"Why should I die?"

"Because I want you dead."


Mu En looked calmly and said:

"But so far, there are many people who have tried to kill me... or should be said to exist. I'm afraid you can't even be listed."

Dead silence, extremely dead silence.

Under Mu En's extremely domineering words, even Pink Bear, who always boasted that he was so arrogant that he had no friends, couldn't help but secretly give a thumbs up to Mu En.

No wonder I hit it off with this kid. His level of pretentiousness is comparable to that of his third-level success when he was young.


King Indra was not angry, but his eyes darkened slightly.

Looking at the little guy in front of him who could be crushed to death with one finger, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

But since you are uneasy, you must avoid future troubles as soon as possible.

King Indra raised his hand again, and for an instant, the breeze in the world seemed to have stopped.

But in this absolute calm, everyone only felt the desperate pressure there.

It's like being held in the palm of someone's hand.


King Indra spoke softly, as if giving an order from the gods.

Then, hold your palms firmly.

In an instant, there was a crisp cracking sound in the air, and cracks extended like broken eggshells.

Next, in just a short moment, everyone here will be completely shattered, along with everything around them.

But Mu En's eyes remained calm, as if he didn't notice the arrival of death.

Because at this moment, in this absolutely dead atmosphere, something unexpected...

There was a slight sigh.

80. Plan B (at the beginning of the month, please vote for me)

In this absolutely dead atmosphere, suddenly and abruptly... a sigh sounded.

From the carriage.

Since then, Mu En has not allowed anyone to approach the extremely mysterious sixth carriage.

"Oh, I thought this was going to be a free money-making business?"

He sighed helplessly, with the distress of not being able to fish, and then the same hand reached out from the carriage, aimed at the cracks, and waved it casually.

Just like water washing over ink marks, the cracks dissipate instantly.

The world was restored to clarity, and everyone who had been on the verge of death was covered in cold sweat and still hadn't come back to their senses.

Pink Bear's eyes were a little dull, and he looked at the carriage in shock that he didn't even notice anything unusual about.

On the other side, feeling the power that was not inferior to his own, King Indra's expression became solemn, "You are..."

"Why, you recognize that shameful guy, but you don't recognize me as an old friend?"

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and an old gentleman who looked very kind and kind came out.

He was wearing a black dress, a black top hat, and a bright bouquet of roses pinned to his chest.

He looked older than King Indra, with gray hair on his temples, but his eyes were particularly bright.

The old gentleman looked at King Indra, took off his hat and said with a smile:

"Long time no see, King Indra. It's really sad to see you alive."

"Vice President of the Adventurers Association... No, you should be the president now, Stargazer Adolf Lovis!"

King Indra looked gloomy.

"It's really strange that you would devote yourself to protecting a brat with no hair at all? Is the work of the Adventurers Association so busy?"

"Don't worry, I am not the president now, just the person in charge of a branch. I leave that position to outstanding young people.

As for me dedicating myself to protecting that boy, that's not the same as you. "

Adolf winked and smiled nonchalantly:

"You can devote yourself to hunting down a child for money, why can't I protect him for money? As long as the money is enough, making money is not shabby."


These are the two words Mu En said just now, but from King Indra's mouth at this moment, there is a hint of embarrassment and anger.

"Holy shit, shit, shit!"

The pink bear suddenly grabbed Mu En's neck, shook it hard, and said in shock:

"You actually put a crown-wearer in the team? When?"

"In the beginning."

Mu En broke free from the pink bear's claws and rolled her eyes: "I thought you knew it. Professor Prang noticed it, but you didn't notice it? What a rubbish."

"Damn it, I thought you were so mysterious, I thought you had a cannon hidden inside, but I didn't expect that you got this crooked old man Adolf here. How did you do that?"

"What else can I do? I have enough money."

Mu En sighed, "In order to raise enough cash to hire Mr. Adolf for help, I sold two of my father's estates. I don't know if he will beat me when he comes back."

"Haha, I can't help it. You get what you pay for. It's expensive for its own sake." Adolf's face was red and he smiled brightly. It seemed that he had made a lot of money on this trip.

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