"Hey, your father has a large area of ​​fertile land in Campbell County and 30% of the empire's military industry, and he doesn't make money from the manor. Why are you panicking?"

Seeing the epic increase in his own strength, the pink bear immediately stiffened up. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, slapped Adolf's clean and straight dress hard, and said in a shocking voice:

"Brother Adolf, long time no see, you are still so stylish, very good, very good, this time you and I will join forces, and we will definitely kill the old thing King Indra!"

"...Long time no see, Lord Oranril."

Looking at his blood-stained dress, Adolf's eyes twitched slightly, but he still maintained the elegance of a gentleman and said Said:

"But the indiscriminate killing of people should not happen. After all, based on my understanding of this person, he should not do such a thing that has no benefit at all."

Adolf looked at King Indra and smiled:

"Am I right, Your Excellency King Indra? Even if you force your move now, I am afraid you will not get any benefit. Why don't you just withdraw?"

"That makes sense."

It was still the same two words, but King Indra did not withdraw directly. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Mu En:

"I have a question. I wonder if you can answer it?"


"Since you have such a back-up plan, why did you still want to escape at the beginning?" King Indra asked with a hint of curiosity.

"If you don't run, are you here to hold us back?"

Mu En frowned slightly and retreated behind Adolf. He didn't know what this old man was up to.

"And who knows if you have any backup plans? We have to be cautious, right?"

"I see."

After getting the answer, King Indra suddenly sighed:

"No wonder those people are willing to pay such a high price and ask me to kill you. You are patient, cautious, and talented. The key is that you have a good father and a good marriage contract. For some people, Moon Campbell, you are indeed enough to scare them."

Between the sky and the earth illuminated by the morning sun, a slight breeze suddenly blew, stirring the corners of King Indra's worn clothes.

He still put his hands together, just as he did every day for a hundred years of asceticism.

But Adolf's face suddenly became solemn, he took a step forward and shouted:

"King Indra, are you crazy? This is not your style!"

"Of course not, it seems that I have no way to kill him now, but... it's not just that kid who is cautious."

The brilliant crown rose up, and the powerful aura of the wearer burst out unscrupulously, like a tsunami that drowned the world in the doomsday prophecy.

King Indra separated his hands, one hand made a palm, slapped the pink bear, and the other hand made a fist and smashed it towards Adolf.


The world shook.

The breeze turned into a hurricane that tore everything apart, stirring wildly like countless blades.

"Fuck, are you serious?"

Pink Bear cursed inwardly and raised his mace to respond hastily.

On the other side, Adolf's aura spread out, protecting the people behind him, and at the same time, he used his palm to fight his fist, not losing the wind at all, but his eyes became particularly gloomy.

"What exactly do you want to do, King Indra?"

"It's simple. If you can't kill him, then don't kill him."

Fighting one against two, King Indra's expression regained its calmness:

"Anyway, I'm not the only one who gets paid to do things. Next, it's Plan B."

"Plan B?"

Everyone's heart skipped a beat at the same time, but before they could react, they heard a melodious song in the howling wind.

The voice was like a long and lingering love poem calling for a distant lover, full of thoughts, and like the song of a siren in the sea, with a touch of enchanting charm.

But anyone who has a little experience in magic knows what this voice represents.


Magic chanting.

81. Wall

That is magic chanting.

Powerful magicians can often omit the chanting process when using their skilled magic. For example, Mu En once saw a senior sister release a simplified version of the explosion magic without delay.

But some complex magic still needs to be constructed by chanting.

The longer the chanting time, the more terrifying the magic will be. This is common sense that even the naughty children who have just learned to read know.

Therefore, when everyone's eyes followed the ethereal chanting sound, they saw the shadow hidden in the hazy clouds, outlining a trace of a female moving arc. She danced with a huge magic wand, and her figure was as graceful as a dancer in the spotlight.

And... around the shadow, the huge magic power was surging like the rising sun.

Suddenly, Mu En felt that the air became oppressive, as if the whole space was squeezed by something, and the white clouds and blue sky in the distance began to distort gradually. With the surge of magic power, the distortion range gradually expanded, like a huge transparent barrier, slowly detaining them, the trapped beasts in the cage.

This is...

Space magic!

The knowledge of magic that Mu En had learned during this period of time made him recognize the essence of this magic instantly.

Although he couldn't tell exactly what kind of magic it was, the danger alarm in his mind was still buzzing, reminding him that this was definitely not a kind express train to take him to the Holy City!

"Mr. Adolf!"

"Don't worry, I'm not blind yet!"

Adolf looked a little ugly. King Indra did not retreat but advanced, which made him a little embarrassed. Now even his employer began to be dissatisfied. How could he, the president of the Belrand branch of the Adventurers Association, who always claimed to be service-oriented and whose sponsor was the gods, tolerate this?


Like a light collision of crystals.

The bright light shone, and the crown with countless stars and diamonds floated up, symbolizing the power of "near God". In an instant, it bloomed from the straight body of the dress.

Adolf's eyes became distant and deep, and countless stars twinkled, outlining an ancient and vicissitudes of life. The sky began to dim, as if even the air became thinner.

This is the origin of Adolf Lovis's name as a stargazer, the ability to see through illusions, see the truth, and even influence reality with the visualization of nothingness - the eye of star seeing.

Wherever Adolf's eyes went, the rules of magic construction were quietly changed invisibly. Even a great magician of the truth level could not successfully construct magic under his eyes.

But his sight was blocked.

By a hand, a hand that looked very ordinary.

The hand was covered with wounds, and even the calluses were clearly visible. It was extremely rough, just like the hand of an ordinary farmer or hunter.

But it was this hand that made countless twinkling stars unable to cross it.

King Indra also had a dazzling crown hanging high on his head. He forced the pink bear back with one hand and blocked Adolf's star-seeing eye with the other. His face was slightly pale and he didn't look good, but there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Just like you two joining forces can prevent me from touching Muen Campbell, as long as I put in a little effort, I can also hold you two back."

Looking at the angry Adolf, King Indra's eyes were full of sarcasm:

"This world is so fair, isn't it?"


"Let's go!"

After Muen shouted that, without waiting for Adolf's response, he immediately directed everyone to leave.

"Huh? Why?"

Liya's eyes swept over Adolf and Pink Bear who were besieging King Indra, and a trace of confusion appeared in her eyes:

"We seem to still have the advantage now."

"Advantage does not mean we can win."

Mu En had a blank expression on his face, and did not even look at the battle on the other side. "For a battle of this level, it is useless for us to stay here, but a burden.

And the effect of that space magic is unknown, so we can't gamble.

So as I said just now, we have to go first and wait for Mr. Adolf and Pink Bear at the border. They are the ones who are less likely to have accidents."

Mu En stretched out his hand and pressed hard on the conspicuous family emblem in the carriage. In an instant, the golden light flowed, and the magic that had been engraved on the material of the carriage was activated. Lightness, shock absorption, acceleration, protection, in the stunned eyes of everyone, various magics like stacking BUFFs appeared layer by layer on the gorgeous carriage.

"Let's go."


Mu En's well-prepared appearance was like a shot of cardiotonic, calming down the still confused crowd. They were the elites of St. Mary's College, and they quickly got into the state. They quickly mastered the magic structure of the carriage and completely controlled it, focusing on speed.

Still two people in one carriage, the three carriages sped away at a speed that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

"So amazing..."

In the front room of the carriage, Liya looked at Mu En who was concentrating on controlling the reins beside her, and couldn't help but murmured in fascination.

"Mr. Mu En... can think so much in such a short time..."


Mu En glanced at him in confusion, then laughed at himself:

"It's just that I have suffered too much, so I have a little memory, nothing to be proud of."

"But... it's still amazing."

Liya hugged her knees and curled up:

"If it were me, I would never be so calm when facing the crowned one."


In fact, I couldn't do it before.

But after seeing more evil gods, you will feel that even if the crowned person is an enemy, he is actually very cute.

Mu En secretly complained in his heart.

"Liya classmate."


"Can you help me show the outline of that magic?"

Mu En raised his head and squinted at the sky that was gradually twisting slightly.

He could vaguely see the trace of magic that was like a glass cover that was gradually lowering, but he couldn't see it clearly, so he at least wanted to know how big its coverage was.

"Can you do it?"


Like an active elementary school student in class, Li Ya responded impatiently.

She clasped her ten fingers together, and the faint holy light turned into countless butterflies with wings spread, fluttering, and then blooming in the air.

Under the shining of the holy light, Mu En finally saw the shape and edge of the magic clearly.

It was like an inverted bowl, and it was about to trap all of them, the fleeing ants and insects.


Mu En made a slight estimate and was immediately happy.

At the current speed, they can escape before the magic completely falls. In this way, even if Mr. Adolf and Pink Bear are stopped, the enemy's actions will be meaningless.

It seems that being cautious does not hurt.


Mu En smiled and praised Liya: "I didn't expect that the Holy Light could actually be used in this way. It's a great help."


Liya's cheeks were slightly red, and she turned her head away a little embarrassedly.

But it was strange that she felt as sweet as honey even though she knew that he was just praising her out of courtesy.

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