"It's so cute..."

Seeing Liya, whose face turned red just after being praised by him, and who even couldn't control the dissipated holy light, Mu En couldn't help but admire in her heart.

But he quickly pushed these thoughts out of his mind that he shouldn't have now, and turned back to concentrate on controlling the carriage.

"Sit tight, I'm going to speed up and try to do it within an hour..."

Suddenly, Mu En's voice stopped abruptly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Liya couldn't help but look at Mu En in confusion.

Then, she saw shock, doubt, confusion, and many other complex emotions on Mu En's face.

Liya blinked and followed Mu En's gaze.

So, she saw it too.

Under the reflection of the holy light that escaped from him, not far away, or even because of the speeding carriage, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the place that was approaching quickly.

A faint, floating golden rune, a wall-like outline.

The way forward is blocked.

82. That light

"Everyone, jump out of the car!"

After a brief shock of less than a few breaths, Mu En's expression suddenly turned ferocious. He hugged Liya and jumped out of the carriage.

The two of them rolled around each other on the ground, rubbing against bushes and trees, and finally stopped.

Although there was no physical injury due to Mu En's protection, Liya's consciousness was still a little dizzy and she felt confused.

But the next moment, she heard a dull voice.

Like a piece of fresh meat still stained with blood, it was hit hard on the chopping board.

What followed was the extremely painful and high-pitched neighing of the dragon-blooded horse.

Liya raised her head in shock, and saw blood splashing in front of her eyes. The dragon-blood horse running at high speed had no time to stop, and without any warning, it slammed into the invisible wall.

The powerful inertia crushed the dragon-blood horse's tough body, but before it even had time to wail completely, the extremely strong carriage with the special magic blessing behind it slammed into it.

Then came the second carriage and the third carriage.

At that moment, Liya seemed to see the scene of the lowest-grade steaks being processed in some low-quality processing plants in the lower city, using other meats as fill-ins.

It is said that as long as you temper them enough times and crush them enough, you won't be able to tell what kind of meat they are, or even whether they are good meat or bad meat.


The smell of blood was pungent, and Liya covered her mouth, her stomach churning.

"Is everything okay?"

Mu En stood in front of Liya, covering the bloody scene. After a few words of comfort, he looked at the others:

"Is everything okay?"


Senior Sister Fanny and the others rubbed their buttocks and climbed up from the bushes. They also saw the bloody scene. Thinking of what would happen to them if they were still on the carriage now, they shuddered involuntarily and said in horror:

"what happened?"

"...It seems we won't be able to escape so easily."

Mu En looked gloomy as he looked at the outline of the wall that would have been impossible to detect without the holy light.

Under the violent impact of the carriage, the faint golden runes were looming, but they still gave people a feeling of indestructibility.

"We are magically blocked."


If the enemy still has a powerful magician with unknown strength, then why wait until now to start using magic?

The real power of a magician is that with sufficient preparation, the threat to the opponent can be increased several times.

That's why the mysterious magician was constructing magic so openly at this moment, because in her opinion, Mu En and the others were already prey in a trap, and no matter how hard they struggled, it was of no avail.

"This is... a barrier type of magic, with such a large range, and the level is at least above the Brilliance level!"

Vicky, who was good at magic, came back to her senses and quickly analyzed the barrier in front of her. However, as the analysis progressed, cold sweat gradually broke out on her forehead.

"Can it be cracked?" Fanny asked.

"...No, my level is not good enough."

Everyone looked desperate.

The magic of the Brilliant level, Vicky, who has the highest level of magic here, is also at the Secret level two levels below her. If she can't do it, it will be even less possible for others.

"What should I do now?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Mu En again, as if grasping at a life-saving straw.


Mu En lowered his head and thought to himself.

He has many methods now, but he doesn't know which one will work in the current situation.

The biggest problem is that time is too tight.

But anyway... give it a try.

So, subconsciously, Mu En took out the Elizabeth that she was most comfortable with, and without much hope, she slashed at the barrier in front of her.


At this moment, Mu En vaguely heard a sarcastic chuckle.

From the misty figure in the clouds.

As if laughing at his overestimation.


The next moment.

With a sneer, an extremely smooth sound sounded.

Under the unbelievable gaze of everyone, the pure white blade sank into the barrier, as easily as cutting tofu.


Mu En was stunned.

Others were stunned.

Even the figure in the mist suddenly froze, and its long chant became confused, as if it suddenly stopped breathing.

Only Liya stared at the pure white blade with a trace of doubt on her face...


Mu En's eyes lit up.

He almost forgot.

Although during this period I have been using Elizabeth to chop down gangsters, evil believers, monsters, mummies, and greenhouse flowers, it looks like there is nothing special about it.

But the two daggers in his hands that are connected to his own thoughts are actually... genuine top-level holy weapons!

Moreover, after some series of magical modifications at the hands of Teacher Mela, it was added with an absolute "sharp" attribute and a top-notch holy weapon inscribed with a special alchemical field!

So, how can a mere magic barrier stop it?

"Sorry, Elizabeth, I've been giving you the cold shoulder lately."

"After arriving in the Holy City, I will order the highest-end maintenance package for you."

"So, open it for me!"

The pure white blade buzzed spiritually, the blade flashed, and instantly cut a passage through the seemingly indestructible barrier.

"Let's go!"

Mu En urged everyone, and Fanny and others came to their senses. Without hesitation, they used their physical skills to get out of the passage as quickly as possible.

"Don't even think about it!"

At this time, a sharp roar came, and after the ethereal chant, there was suddenly another completely different low-pitched chant.

Double magic chant!

The earth suddenly cracked, and the rocks and trees trembled violently, like an ancient monster rolling its body underground. The ground in front of Mu En suddenly stood up, forming a chasm that blocked his progress!

At the same time, the downward space magic suddenly accelerated violently, intending to trap Mu En in it.

"That's transfer magic, we can't let them succeed!"

"I know!"

The pink bear, who was once again forced back by King Indra, became crazy. He thrust the bear's claws into his bear's mouth, which was as wide as a black hole, and quickly grabbed a tattered crown stained with blood, and clasped it crookedly on his head. superior.

"Damn it, if Xiong Xiong doesn't show off his power, do you really think labor and management are vegetarians?"

In an instant, the pink bear's whole body was filled with blood, a huge sound of waves sounded, and a sea of ​​blood appeared behind him.

He picked up the mace and smashed it hard.

King Indra's expression changed slightly, and he actually did not dare to face him head-on. He coughed out blood and retreated in embarrassment.

Adolf seized this opportunity, and his starry eyes finally looked beyond King Indra and stared at the figure behind the clouds.

The stars twinkle and shine brightly.




Several bright blood flowers bloomed, and the clouds were dyed red with blood.

The space magic that enveloped it cracked instantly, and under the influence of the Eye of Star View, it quickly collapsed, like a piece of glass that had been smashed.

Taking this opportunity, Mu En's back felt hot, time was delayed, he cut open the chasm in front of him, and stepped outside the barrier.

"Classmate Mu En! Hurry!"

In the field of vision, everyone's worried faces were reflected, and their hurried words echoed in their ears.

Just a few steps away.

Just a few steps.

"Unfortunately, it's too late."

King Indra's eyes flashed sharply and he sneered.

Ignoring the pink bear that shriveled up after the blow, he moved forward again and stopped Adolf.

Light red clouds surged.

The chanting started again.

Sluggish, but with a hint of viciousness.

Although the space magic has collapsed, it has not completely dissipated.

To suppress an ant, you don't even need a whole piece of glass.

Just fragments are enough.

Among the delayed things, Mu En looked at the twisted space that split apart and shrouded him accurately.

The passage is right in front of you.

But there is nowhere to escape.

There was no absolute premonition of death, which meant it was not fatal, but the strong tearing feeling had already begun to make Mu En's skin ache.

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