It would probably cost him at least half his life.

"I didn't expect that despite being so cautious, I still got tricked."

Mu En sighed secretly.

Fortunately, it's not over yet.

I don’t know the other party’s intention of using teleportation magic, but since I’m not dead yet, it’s far from over.

Moreover, fortunately among the misfortunes, the layers of calculations against him did not affect anyone else.

Next, let him face those unknown enemies alone.

Just like usual.

That's it...that's good.


In the peripheral vision, an anxious pretty face flashed past.

Just when the fierce tearing feeling began to penetrate into Mu En's flesh and blood, Mu En suddenly felt a familiar warmth surrounding him in the pain that he had no longer cared about.

Just like the warmth he had held in his arms not long ago.


Holy light.

"Holy light... bless you!"

83. Hunting Ground

The sun disperses the clouds and fog, and shines on the world fairly.

Everything seems to be coated with a layer of bright gold powder, shining brightly, but in invisible corners, it casts an increasingly dense darkness.

A shadow passed across the clean sky at noon, like an ink line outlining axioms, fleeting, and then fell in the green forest with the breeze.

"Plan A failed."

On the branch, the robin folded its wings, and its small and straight dress covered the bird's body, which made him feel a little solemn at this moment.

He lowered his head to look at the skinny old man with his eyes closed and meditating under the tree, a hint of displeasure flashed through his dark bird eyes:

"Moon Campbell is not dead."

"Your information is wrong."

King Indra sat cross-legged, and with his breathing, the stars and blood-colored fragments were forced out of his body, and the glimmer of light like fireflies fell, causing the surrounding vegetation to wither instantly.

He opened his eyes, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly:

"You didn't mention that the stargazer would appear, and the Duke's son is much better than the rumors say."

"……All right."

The robin was silent for a moment, accepting the result:

"Fortunately, Plan B was successful and everything is still under control."

"Remember our agreement." King Indra closed his eyes again.

"That's natural. We are different from those despicable people with dirty blood flowing in their bodies. Paying attention to contracts has always been our outstanding quality."

The robin turned his head, put away the trace of sarcasm in his eyes, and looked to the side:

"Now that the prey has successfully entered the hunting ground, it's time for you hunters to take the stage."

In the shadows of the forest, several vague shadows appeared, sneering like evil spirits.

"Please rest assured that Moon Campbell's head will soon be on your desk."

"very good."

The robin waved its wings and turned into a black shadow again:

"The council has given you what you need, don't let us down."

"Damn it!"

The pink bear punched and smashed the big tree that was as thick as a group of people around him. He looked ferocious and said angrily:

"He actually let the other party succeed!"

The messy scene had long since returned to calm.

But everyone is in a very low mood, because even though the enemy has faded away and they are completely safe, there are still two people missing here.

Mu En.


In the enemy's final struggle, they were still enveloped by the fragments of space magic. When Adolf took out his hand, the two of them had completely disappeared.

He was teleported away and his whereabouts are unknown.

King Indra also successfully retreated. After all, he was a veteran crown wearer and was not so easy to stop.

"Your Excellency Olanliel, calm down your anger for the time being. I know you are very worried about Moon Campbell, but anger is useless now."

Adolf sighed, patted the pink bear on the shoulder and comforted:

"It's just that I was teleported away, nothing can be decided yet..."

"Who is worried about that little brat!"

Pink Bear interrupted Adolf, suddenly fell to his knees, beat his hands on the ground, and said angrily:

"What I'm worried about are my photos and cigars. Damn it, if I can't bring that kid back to the Holy City intact, that old guy Pu Lang will definitely kill him!!

Wuwuwu... my cigar, my Saintess Photo 3.0 Gold Collector's Edition Plath, how can I live without you..."


Adolf's cheek twitched and he looked at everyone:

"So with Professor Plan's temperament, why haven't you beaten this shameful thing to death yet?"

Everyone: "..."

"I probably know where that kid was teleported."

The pink bear suddenly raised his head, looked in a certain direction and said.


Adolf also turned his head and looked in the direction pointed by the pink bear, and then his pupils shrank slightly:

"The Forest of Death?"

The towering trees formed a clear boundary, as if the entire land was divided equally into two halves. In the dark forest where light could hardly shine, there were shrill roars from time to time, which was terrifying.

"With our speed, no matter how fast the opponent moves, they won't be able to set too many traps."

Pink Bear took out a low-quality cigarette, took a sip, gritted his teeth and said:

"So if the other party fails to kill Muen directly, the best way is to separate him from us, and then send him to a place where it is difficult for others to rescue him, and then slowly plan.

This is why they use space magic in a roundabout way. Damn, the road I carefully selected has increased their convenience."

"This is troublesome."

Listening to Pink Bear's analysis, Adolf's expression gradually became solemn:

"The Calamity is in the Forest of Death, which can almost be said to be a forbidden place for the Crowned. Any Crowned who steps into it will be regarded as a provocation by the Calamity."

"So you and I are almost useless later."

Pink Bear threw away the cigarette, stepped on it hard, gathered the three intact carriages again, sat on it, and said to Fanny and others:

"But this is also a good thing. At least King Indra can no longer take action to hunt down that kid. Let's go."

"Huh? Where to?"

Fanny and others were still in a state of confusion, and asked subconsciously.

"Of course we'll go to the Holy City."

The pink bear rolled his eyes: "I promised that old man Professor Plan, I can't just ignore you because of that kid Mu En."

"What about junior brother Mu En?"

"Don't worry, the border governor we're going to pass next was a former subordinate of Mu En's father. Now that he's missing, the army will be mobilized to find him. Although there are many strange things in that forest, there are no powerful monsters in it, and the army is the most efficient."

"Yes, this is the best way at the moment."

Adolf sighed and said:

"I received so much money, but I lost my employer. I'm worried. Next, I'll patrol around the forest so that I can pick him up at any time."

"This is for you."

"This is..."

Adolf lowered his head and looked at the blood-drop-shaped thing thrown by the pink bear man in confusion.

"I left something on that kid. As long as he can successfully walk out of this forest, you can immediately know his location."

"I see."

Adolf collected the blood and smiled:

"You are actually still worried about him."

"Humph, who is worried about that bastard? I am just worried that my butt will be kicked by my niece."

Pink Bear waved the reins:

"Let's go."

"Then say goodbye."

Adolf floated up and quickly sank into the sea of ​​clouds surrounding the forest and disappeared.

Under the control of Pink Bear, the carriage rushed towards the original destination again.


In the carriage, everyone looked at the scene outside the window that was constantly retreating, stunned and speechless.

They were the most outstanding elites in the academy, but facing the accidents that happened not long ago, they were still unable to recover.

"Can I only say that he is worthy of being classmate Mu En?"

Vicky sighed: "Even being assassinated is so earth-shattering. It feels like it is completely different from us, don't you think?"

Vicky looked at her friend beside her, but found that she was still lost in thought.

"What's wrong? Are you still worried about classmate Mu En?"

"A little, but that is no longer something I am qualified to think about."

"Oh, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking..."

Fanny raised her head and swept her eyes over the people in front of her one by one, wondering:

"In addition to junior Mu En and junior Liya, who else have we forgotten?"

84. I can't understand

"Eat me--

Skyfire Greatsword!"

In the forest, fallen leaves drifted.

The red-gold greatsword danced gorgeously, the flames were like a long dragon, and bits of blood fell from the center of the fire, blooming into a bunch of enchanting red lotuses.

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