Then, amid the dying wail of the monster, the beautiful fireworks dissipated, leaving only the girl standing with the sword, panting in the already dazzling sunlight.

"Finally... I won!"

Ariel's face was covered with blood, but it was difficult to hide the excitement in her eyes. After several hours of fighting, she finally defeated this monster that was more powerful than she expected!

Although her body was exhausted, she felt that her spirit was particularly full, and the whole person had a feeling of being sublimated.

Sure enough, only this kind of fight on the edge of life and death, with equal strength, was enough to make her happy!


The master's voice also sounded in her ears with joy:

"Being able to defeat this overlord-level monster has already shown that your strength has at least left your peers far behind. At your age, having such power is extremely rare in my era."

"Humph, my goal is not just my peers!" Ariel pouted and said disdainfully.

"It's best to have such a spirit."

The master smiled and said:

"Go and take out your spoils."

When Ariel heard the word spoils, her eyes suddenly lit up. She looked at the body of the monster on the ground and felt her heart beating uncontrollably.

It was really strange. She didn't seem to be so nervous when she fought the monster for life and death.

She swallowed her saliva subconsciously, walked slowly, squatted down, and took out the knife she carried with her.

Then, under the guidance of the master, she dug open the body of the monster little by little and obtained the precious materials from it little by little.

"The fur is worth at least 50,000 Emiles."

"Claws, 30,000 Emiles."

"Teeth, 100,000 Emiles."

Listening to the price quoted by the master word by word, Ariel found that her hands couldn't help shaking, but she would still force herself to hold back her excitement. After taking a deep breath, she dug out the most important core from the monster.

The core of a monster is the essence of its powerful body, and its functions are extremely wide. The more powerful and pure the core is, the more priceless it is.

So, the value of this core is...

"At least, one million!" The master's voice was firm!

One million...

One million.

One million!

Ariel felt as if she was in a deep valley, and these three words with special magic kept echoing in her ears.

One million, one million, one million...

This is one million!

One million that can't be packed in such a big box!

So happy!

"How strange, Master."

Ariel took a deep breath, rubbed her sore nose, and said:

"I could have made a million before the black market was closed, but why am I so happy now?"

"This is probably the reward for hard work."

The master smiled and said:

"I said before that you can't be troubled by poverty forever, because you can't lack the means to make money. It's better to say that the previous situation was an accident."

"Yes, that's right, it was just an accident before!"

Ariel held the core tightly, feeling that all the depression and troubles she had experienced during this period had disappeared.

She didn't have to eat black bread every day.

She didn't have to be stingy and rack her brains to calculate the use of every penny.

She didn't have to spend Leah's money, making herself look like a gigolo!

This is just a beginning, a very good beginning. From now on, she, Ariel Bugard, will never be trapped by money again!

One day, whether it is strength or money, she will far surpass that damn Moon Campbell!

"Oh, Leah, I have to tell Leah this good news as soon as possible!"

Ariel was so excited that she almost jumped up, and subconsciously glanced at the sky:

"Ah, it's so late, I'm afraid my secret going out has been exposed."

"But it doesn't matter, Leah won't blame me, if you ask why, it's because I made a million, a million!"

Ariel forgot all the possible scolding and anger that Leah might have after she found out that she secretly went out in the middle of the night.

She has now begun to think about how to distribute this large sum of money after arriving in Elielze.

Well, first of all, she has to pay back Leah's money first. Although she has always said that she doesn't have to pay it back, she still has to pay it back, because the ninth article of the old driver's guide manual is that before the relationship is confirmed, both parties must be placed in the same position.

Then, it is to maintain her beloved sword, and buy various materials needed by herself and Leah, especially the materials for making magic scrolls. As long as those things are purchased, she will definitely make a lot of money again.

You know, there must be a black market in a place like Elielze!

Then, then, the highlight.

I heard that my group will stay in Elielze for about three days. With such ample time and plenty of money in hand, I can...


That's right, invite Leah to a date!

Although it is impossible to use this title now, but inviting her to go shopping alone, to a world of two, to constantly close the distance, what is the difference between that and a date?

This is a great opportunity to enhance feelings!

"Haha, lovely Leah, here I come!

A wonderful date, I'm here too!"

So, after imagining all these wonderful things, Ariel took excited steps and started to return the same way.




The excitement on Ariel's face had not faded, but she fell into a daze as she looked at the scene in front of her.

As if swept by a hurricane, the trees not far away were crushed, broken, and uprooted, creating huge open spaces and depressions like meteorite impacts.

It was originally a dense jungle where sunlight could hardly penetrate, but now it became as empty as a grassland. When you raised your eyes, you could see the deep and ominous forest of death in the distance.

"Master...Master? Did I go to the wrong place? Or am I under an illusion?" Ariel asked tremblingly with her pretty face pale.

"You did not make a mistake, nor did you fall under the illusion."

The master's tone was solemn and he said in a deep voice:

"There are traces of a battle here, a battle between top experts, two... no, at least three crowned ones! There is also the smell of powerful magic. This place was sealed before, so I didn't notice it."

"The one who wears...the crown?"

Ariel felt like her brain was almost shut down.

What happened?

Why did he just go out to fight World of Warcraft, only to come back two hours late, and things turned into this?

And there are three crown-wearing powerhouses?

Where did it come from?


Could it be that you, the top experts, are bored and have a fight here?

I can't understand it!

And the most important question is...

Where are everyone...and Liya going?

Could it be that……

Looking at the messy scene in front of her, the most unacceptable possibility emerged in her mind. Ariel suddenly made a pop, fell to her knees slumped to the ground, and involuntarily raised her head to the sky and let out a long mournful cry:

"No - Liya -"

84. Encounter

"No, I want to calm down."

"The situation is not that bad. With that unfathomable funny bear here, Liya can't have an accident so easily."

After wailing, Ariel quickly regained her composure, and her sharp eyes like a falcon began to scan the messy scene.

"Can Master feel anything?"

"The magic here is too chaotic and my perception cannot spread. However, there is not a single corpse. No one should have died here."

Ariel looked at the pile of meat mixed with the remains of the carriage at the edge.

"...That's a dragon blood horse."

"That's good."

Ariel breathed a sigh of relief and looked away.

Without a body, there is at least a lot of hope of being alive.

In short, she would never give up until she really found Liya.

"Let's check first to see if there are any clues."

Ariel cautiously stepped into the flat land that looked like it had been reclaimed by a storm, and began to observe carefully.

The surrounding area was in a mess, with broken trees and gravel everywhere, and the ground was covered with huge cracks and depressions, as if two terrifying monsters had fought here.

But even if it seems extremely chaotic, there will definitely be clues left behind.

"This is……"

Ariel's eyes were focused, looking at something, showing a hint of excitement.

Sure enough, just in front of her, there were many footprints scattered on the soft sand, and in the middle of these footprints, there were several clear ruts, extending straight into the distance.

"Dragon Blood Carriage, someone left here in a Dragon Blood Carriage!"

Ariel was a little excited: "It's probably Pink Bear and the others, which means Liya is still alive!"

Although the specific situation is still unclear, and I don't know why I am alone being left behind, the next action is much simpler.

Follow these ruts and find the peloton!

"I remember that this direction is the direction of the border we are going to."

Just do it!

Regardless of the fatigue from fighting all night, Ariel regained her energy and prepared to run forward.

However, before the steps could be taken, they suddenly stopped.

Ariel's excited expression instantly faded, turning into gloom and solemnity.


Ariel turned her head and said in a deep voice:

"come out."


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