A suspicious and unfamiliar voice came:

"Can a third-level kid find me?"

In the surrounding forest, which was still intact, at some point, faint clouds and mist drifted. With the breeze that rustled the leaves, the clouds and mist swept up violently, and then outlined a graceful figure not far away.

She is a woman, wearing a magician's robe that has been cut to expose her white breasts and slender thighs. She has long wavy hair and heavy makeup on her face, but she can still see a hint of abnormal paleness.

She gradually emerged from the clouds. Under her purple eye shadow, her lazy eyes looked at Ariel nonchalantly, and she smiled happily:

"Because I couldn't participate in the subsequent hunting activities, I originally just thought about sneaking back to see if I could make a sneak attack to relieve my anger. I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing. Flat-chested brat, you are also with that Duke's son. Along the way, I saw you in the intelligence."

flat chest……

"Who are you?"

Ariel's eyes twitched and she asked sharply:

"What happened to the others? What is your purpose?"

"Oh, you don't know anything. Have you been left behind? How pitiful."

The woman waved the wand in her hand casually and chuckled:

"Then why don't you go with your sister? She will teach you the magic of breast enlargement."

"Breast enlargement magic? Okay, okay, I was just thinking...fuck you Nana!"

Ariel suddenly turned into an afterimage and pounced on the woman like a cheetah.

"If there was that kind of magic, I would have used it long ago. Do I still need you to teach me?"

Ariel held the flaming sword tightly with both hands, dragged out the long flame tail, twisted her body in the air, accumulated all her strength, and then slashed it down suddenly!


The earth suddenly cracked open, and blazing red waves hit the woman like a meteor.

The woman's eyes reflected the increasingly bright fire, but her expression did not change at all.

Because the big sword, fire light and red waves all stopped in an instant.

Stopped in front of a pale golden barrier.

"Careful, Ariel."

Master's anxious voice sounded in Ariel's ears:

"This is a brilliant magician!"


Ariel's pupils were shaking, she exclaimed, and she suddenly stepped back, cautiously opening the distance.

Damn brilliant stage!

Where did it come from?

Different from the rough first and second levels of warriors, the magic known as "noble tricks" has a more detailed and exquisite level division.

Mercury, gold, mystery, sublimation, brilliance, and truth corresponding to the one who wears the crown.

The six major levels are arranged in sequence. Although the improvement of magic will not be like that of a warrior, who will have a life-like evolution after reaching the crown wearer, but each step up means deeper magic knowledge and more refined knowledge. magical manipulation.

As for Ariel, although she recently successfully advanced to the third level of warrior realm, in terms of magic level alone, she is only on the verge of being promoted to the secret ritual.

In other words, there is more than two full paragraphs of difference from the enemy in front of you!

With this difference, there is no such thing as the saying that warriors can kill mages as long as they get close. She can randomly set a BUFF on herself and hit low-level warriors to death with her staff.

"Can I fight?"

Ariel had cold sweat on her forehead and asked in her heart:

"She looked hurt."

"As long as the brain is not injured...probably not."

"Okay, I understand."

Ariel took a deep breath and regained her determination.

"Oh? It seems you have seen the difference between us."

The woman had a strange look on her face, tilted her head and said in confusion:

"But what does your look mean?"

"Of course... I want to kill you!"

Ariel shouted sharply, retreated again, and rushed towards the woman.

The big sword was swung, and the hot flames were condensed by the sword wind into a powerful tornado, which violently pressed down!

The flames spread out, as if the end was coming.

But the woman... still smiled contemptuously.

"Oh, you don't overestimate your capabilities."

Her wand, which was slightly shorter than her body, burst out with radiant light, and the pale golden luster in front of her became slightly more solid. She didn't even need any chanting, and the roaring flame tornado could not overcome it.

"What, that's it?"

Looking at the flames that were still trying to engulf her, the woman sneered:

"Kid, your attacks are as weak and pitiful as your breasts."


no answer.


The woman frowned.

Can you tolerate this?

A strange premonition suddenly flashed through her heart, and the woman's eyes suddenly condensed. She waved her magic wand, and a raging wind was summoned by the invisible force, tearing open the flames in front of her.

But where is that kid?

The woman suddenly turned her head and could only see a rabbit-like figure at the far edge of the forest, running away quickly.

86. Despair (three in one)

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Ariel cursed involuntarily while running wildly.

What kind of bad luck did you have?

I won’t talk about it when I lost a bet before. I blame myself for that, but why did I just go out to fight World of Warcraft and when I came back, everyone was gone, and by coincidence, I met a brilliant-level magician?

This is the Brilliant Level, and it can kill the overlord-level monster that I fought so hard to defeat in seconds!

Even if the master said that his combat power is far beyond that of his peers, he can't just show up with an old witch of this level!

You also need to pay attention to the basic laws when fighting enemies at higher levels, you bastard!

"Oh? He escaped pretty quickly."

The woman's light words echoed in Ariel's ears, sometimes far and sometimes near, and she didn't know the source.

"Why are you so afraid? My sister is not fierce. Let's stay and chat together. I am very interested in the whispers between girls."



Still a girl.

Don't you usually look in the mirror and see the crow's feet that are so thickly powdered on your face that it can't even be covered?

Ariel bared her teeth and slandered secretly in her heart, but she didn't say anything and just secretly speeded up.

But the fog around me suddenly became thicker.

The mist swirled gently with the vague breeze, just like the exquisite patterns on the surface of the terrible and expensive coffee in high-end restaurants.


The master's fierce shout rang out in Ariel's mind, and without any hesitation, Ariel suddenly reversed her direction.

But I still felt a burning pain in my lower abdomen.

It was like a sharp weapon had been scratched, and the clothes and fair skin were scratched open, and blood flowed, quickly staining the front of his body red.

"This is……"

Ariel held down the wound and gave her the most basic treatment to stop the bleeding, her expression solemn.

The injury is not too serious and the internal organs are not endangered, but the problem is...

She didn't notice any attack from the other party.

"This is not an attack, but..."

The master's tone was full of solemnity as he said:

"Space magic."


Ariel took a breath and looked in the direction pointed by her master.

Sure enough, just where he had just passed, under the clouds and mist, there was a faint trace of a strike in the sky.

Just like a steel wire waiting for prey to hit it, if Ariel hadn't turned quickly just now, she would have been cut in half by the space crack.

"It's so abnormal to be able to use space magic."

"For the brilliant class, space magic is not difficult."


A crisp shattering sound sounded, and the faint space crack gradually expanded, and then a figure emerged from it.

The woman played with the wand casually, her expression was like a cat teasing a mouse, sarcastic and pity:

"Oh, did you hide away? What a pity. I still hope that if you are divided into two halves, you will definitely be willing to have a friendly conversation with me."

"...Master." Ariel asked in her heart.


"I forgot to ask...can I escape?"

"...If she doesn't have brain damage--no."


Ariel was silent for a moment and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I understand."

She stopped suddenly.

"Oh? Aren't you going to run away?"

The woman raised her eyebrows, a little bored:

"I thought I could play a little longer."

But the next moment, she saw Ariel suddenly turning her head and rushing towards her.


This is probably the third time.

Really short of memory.

The woman's lips were outlined, the pale golden barrier emerged again, and the fierce wind suddenly blew up. This time, she wanted to see the desperate eyes of her prey more clearly.

However, at this moment, there was no despair in Ariel's eyes.

There is only inexplicable light and inexplicable darkness.

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