"Is...is there anyone?"

Liya felt a little dizzy, so she stood up holding on to the roots that were like a giant python climbing, and called out tentatively.


No one answered.

Only one or two shrill wails echoed in the depths of the jungle, resembling wild beasts, but also like innocent souls that could not find rest.

It was obviously such an environment that it was so hot that it was difficult for even the pores to evacuate sweat, but Liya couldn't help but shiver violently. Her eyes scanned the surroundings in confusion, and a layer of water vapor could not help but emit.


In fear, Liya subconsciously called the people closest to her.

Of course... there would be no answer.

"Yes... yes, I need to contact Ariel first. She will come to me. In this case, Ariel will definitely come."

As if she thought of something, Liya hurriedly touched her waist, but as she was touching, her little hand suddenly stopped.



"Why... why?"

"Where's my...space magic device?"

Liya's head buzzed because the space magic device that was originally placed on her waist and stored her sound transmission stone and some other things... disappeared.

"Could it be...in the previous space magic..."

After a brief period of confusion, memories began to recover, and Liya finally remembered where this place was and why she was here.

"This...is the Forest of Death."

"In other words, what happened before was not a dream. At that time, I was teleported here by space magic, and because the space magic was maliciously chaotic, was the space magic device also lost?"

"Now...it's troublesome."

No, this can no longer be described as trouble.

It is said that although there are no powerful monsters in the legendary Forest of Death, there are still some extremely terrifying things due to the influence of the breath of the natural disaster.

And being so weak and living among them, what is the difference between being a little white rabbit and falling into a pack of wild wolves?

"What...what should I do? Is this already a desperate situation?"

"If only Ariel was here, she would definitely be able to find a way to escape..."

"But I...I can't do anything alone..."

"Woo...why is this happening?"

Liya slowly squatted down again, hugging her knees, and fell into confusion.

Yes, why is this happening?

At that time, the incomplete space magic could not have enveloped him.

That's right, as long as you choose to sit back and do nothing, nothing will happen, and you won't appear in this terrible forest, facing this insurmountable desperate situation.

However, at that time, when that person was reflected in my eyes, that figure of Moon Campbell who was about to be enveloped, when I felt the breath of destruction in the space magic...

He still chose to take action involuntarily, and even used his strongest protective means. He could only use himself as a medium to inspire the Holy Light's protection.

Why? Obviously, his most important mission is to go to the Holy City to participate in the holy ceremony. Why would he choose to cause extraneous matters at this time?

Could it be that……

"Yes, I am the candidate saint. Faced with that kind of situation, how could I just sit back and do nothing?"

Liya clenched her fists and said with conviction:

"I just don't want anyone to die. It doesn't matter who it is. No matter who does that happen to me at that time, I will do it this way!"

Yes, this is the basic training of a saint candidate. If she chooses to ignore it in that situation, she will not be worthy of competing for the future sainthood.

Yes, that must be the case.

"Speaking of which, where is that guy?"

After thinking of the previous events, the blond figure also appeared in Liya's mind, and it did not disappear for a long time.

"It stands to reason that he should have been teleported to this forest."

Liya raised her head and scanned the surroundings again, but there was nothing except those huge and dense trees.

"Did he teleport to other places? Are you going to find him?"

"But even if you look for it, it's up to me..."

Leah was confused.

After pondering for a long time, she finally made a decision and was about to summon up the courage to explore the surrounding environment for the time being. The vine leaves not far away were entangled together like a waterfall and suddenly began to sway and rustle. .

The forest was still very quiet, with no breeze at all.

Which means... something is coming.

Liya opened her eyes slightly, and her heart gradually rose to her throat.

What to do, what to do, is the danger coming so soon? I am not prepared for anything...

In short, hide first, hide...

Liya looked around in panic, looking for a hiding place, but accidentally missed her foot and hit her butt hard on the ground.

Hiss - OK... Huh? No pain?

Lowering her head in astonishment, Liya discovered that the place where she was sitting was not the cold, muddy ground, but a simple bed neatly paved with many leaves.

It can be seen that the paving is very careful, and the thick layers of leaves are soft and clean. Otherwise, in such a humid environment, I would have already felt uncomfortable.

But I have just woken up. Who laid these leaves?

"you're awake?"

At this moment, a familiar gentle voice came, and the dense vines were pushed aside by a strong hand, and a figure stepped out. His short golden hair stood out even in this dark jungle, like a new rising sun.

"It's...it's you..."

Seeing that it was Mu En, Liya waved slightly, then patted the waves on her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

For some reason, just seeing this person appear, the fear in her heart dissipated a lot, and the situation in which she was trapped did not change at all.

"If it's not me, who else could it be?"

Mu En was holding a lot of colorful wild fruits in his hands. He walked closer and placed them on the leaves that had been laid on the ground. He then raised his head to look at Liya, touched his chin and said:

"I just wanted to ask, is your posture a new way of exercising?"


Liya tilted her little head in confusion and lowered her head in confusion.

But he found that he was still in the same position as he had just fallen to the ground, with his legs spread wide, which looked a bit indecent.

"Flow... gangster!"

Liya's face flushed red, she quickly wrapped her long skirt around her slender thighs, curled up and turned her head away.

"You are so energetic, it seems there is nothing wrong with your body."

Mu En smiled, picked up a wild fruit, shook it, and asked:

"Want to eat?"

"No...not hungry."


The protest of the stomach was particularly clear in the quiet forest.

"...Why don't you just eat a little."

Mu En blinked and took the first bite of the wild fruit. The sweet smell filled the air and he said vaguely:

"Look, it won't be poisoned."


The girl still didn't answer, but the red glow spread to the root of her neck, and she curled up harder.

Like a little hedgehog hugging each other, very cute.

PS: The condition is not good, I will make up for it tomorrow.


"Classmate Mu En also knows wild fruits."

On a simple bed paved with leaves, Liya held a small and cute wild fruit and bit it gently, her cheeks as rosy as the fruit.

Feeling the sweet liquid overflowing from her mouth, she asked in surprise.

Would the son of a great noble know about these things?

"I do not recognize."

Mu En said casually:

"I can't even tell the effect of the potion, how can I possibly know it?"


Liya's face froze, "Then you just..."

"Because Liya-san must know her."

Mu En chuckled:

"If what I eat is poisonous, it will definitely stop me."

"...No way."

Liya was stunned for a moment, then took a bite of the wild fruit angrily, "You should be poisoned to death."

"Then there's no way."

Mu En shrugged, "But before you die, you still have to think about how to get out. Otherwise, it would be ungentlemanly to let the beautiful girl's body be exposed in the wilderness or something."


"Anyway, let's sort out the current situation first."

Mu En sat down, looked up at the redwood trees that were bigger than the redwoods he had seen in his previous life, and sighed:

"First of all, we are indeed in the forest of death now."

"Yeah." Liya glanced at him secretly and nodded slightly.

"There should be no other place for this ominous aura."

"If we say it was a random teleportation, it would be too much of a coincidence. In other words, the enemy teleported us here deliberately. The purpose... I think it was probably to separate me from Pink Bear and the others.

I remember you said that the natural disaster that lives in this forest does not allow other crown-wearers to appear in its territory. "

"Not only the one wearing the crown, but the more powerful the being, the easier it is to attract that person's attention. So I estimate that those who can enter this forest must be at least level five or below."

"Below level five..."

Mu En smiled bitterly: "It doesn't sound like the two of us can easily fight against each other."

Since he was specially transported to such a place, the enemy certainly couldn't have wanted him to fend for himself and starve to death in this jungle.

Therefore, this assassination with such admirable timing must have a corresponding follow-up.

If nothing else, the "hunters" who regarded him as prey were already grinding their teeth and sucking blood and were on their way to the party.

"I still underestimate the determination of those guys." Mu En sighed in his heart.

To deal with him, the son of a second-level dandy duke, he actually hired a famous crowned person at any cost, and other powerful people whose number and details are still unknown. What kind of ultimate VIP treatment is this?

Logically speaking, shouldn't it be his cheap dad who is being treated like this?

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