I am a dead salted fish who always wants to cling to Cecilia's thighs, what virtue can I have!


Forget it, I have experienced a situation that is a hundred times more dangerous than this, so let's take it one step at a time.

"Thank you."


Liya tilted her head, not understanding why Mu En suddenly thanked her.

"You saved me at that time."

Mu En smiled and said, "If it weren't for classmate Li Ya's sacrifice, I would probably be in a desperate situation now."

The enemy's first priority is to kill me, so the space magic at that time was also given a terrible chaotic attribute. If ordinary people were involved in it, they would probably be crushed into meat paste in an instant.

Although with my physical strength, I would not fall to the street like this, but in this crisis, if I was seriously injured, I would really be half a step into a desperate situation.

"No... nothing, I didn't mean to save you, I just..." Li Ya pursed her lips and muttered.

"I know, I know."

Mu En smiled meaningfully and nodded seriously.

Liya is indeed worthy of being the future saint. Her most important task is to go to the Holy City, but when others are in danger, no matter who they are, they will still sacrifice themselves to save them.

This kindness and courage is also one of the necessary qualities to become a saint.

"But don't worry."

Mu En suddenly looked into Liya's eyes and said seriously:

"I will definitely take you to the Holy City successfully, for sure!"

After all, if Liya fails to become a saint because of her, it is unknown how much impact it will have on the subsequent plot.

Moreover, it is extremely unfair to the girl who is dragged down by herself.


As if she didn't dare to look at Mu En, Liya suddenly lowered her head, and after a while, she hummed softly.

"However, there are still many troubles now."

Mu En sighed, "Liya's space magic device is also lost."


"Sure enough."

It seems that the other party has indeed thought deeply about using this method.

I'm afraid that the space magic device that I and Liya had was not lost, but exploded directly under the fierce space collision before, and there is no possibility of finding it back.

And now the loss of personal belongings not only cuts off most ways to seek help from outside, but also makes it impossible for me to use props.

Originally, I made quite a lot of preparations before I came here. I put a lot of contraband weapons and magic scrolls in the space magic device, thinking that I could use them casually anyway when I was not in Belrand.

But now the loss of those things is equivalent to making him weaker by half.

Mu En touched the handle of the pure white dagger on his waist.

Fortunately, Elizabeth is spiritual and took the initiative to get out of the space magic device, otherwise he would really lose a lot this time.

"Nothing precious was lost." Mu En asked again.


Liya stroked a plain ring on her little finger, shook her head, nodded, and said:

"The lost space magic device only contained some sundries and personal items, which were not valuable. The precious things were placed in it...but the 500,000 you gave me...is gone too."

"It's good that nothing precious was lost."

Glancing at the plain-looking but unusual ring, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he would have to get some safe space magic devices in the future, and smiled:

"As for the other things and the 500,000, it's not a big problem. I will compensate you at the original price later."

"No...no." Liya subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But Mu En immediately said with a straight face: "But this won't work. We have already made an agreement. If you don't accept the compensation, wouldn't it be that I will take the initiative to breach the contract?

What if the goddess really punishes me?"


Hearing the word "agreement", Liya's eyes wavered slightly when she remembered what she had said to this guy in the carriage late at night. Then she bit her lip and changed her words:

"Okay then."

"That's right."

Mu En smiled again.

It would be a pity if the Ariel special death-free gold medal that he had finally tricked (crossed out) out was lost.

"However, the current situation is indeed a bit bad."

Mu En's expression gradually became serious.

He glanced around again.

The dark environment made people's skin cold.

Although no danger has been encountered so far, it is like the calm before the storm, which makes people feel more and more uneasy. '

"And now the most important question is...how can we get out of this forest."

Mu En fell into deep thought.

He just walked around and even tried to climb to the top of the giant tree, but still got nothing.

There were only trees and trees, as if he was in the center of an endless ocean. Looking around, he saw the same scenery everywhere.

It made him feel desperate.

And because the treetops blocked the sky, Mu En had no way to tell the direction.

He asked Heishu, but Heishu didn't respond, as if he was too lazy to bother with him because of such a small problem.

If he continued like this, he would be completely lost in this forest.

"That... about getting out, I might have a way."

Just when Mu En was in distress, Liya suddenly raised her hand and said tentatively:

"Hmm? Do you have one?"

Mu En's eyes lit up:

"What way?"

"That...holy light."

Liya stretched out her palm, and holy light gathered in her palm. She looked at the holy light and said softly:

"As a place dedicated to the goddess, the Holy City has the most concentrated holy light in the world. Therefore, I can remotely sense the direction of the Holy City through the holy light on my body."

"This way I won't get lost in the forest!"

Mu En hammered his palm and said happily:

"You are so awesome, classmate Liya. This way the biggest trouble is easily solved!"

"No, nothing...just..."

Seemingly embarrassed, Liya's cheeks were slightly red, shy Said:

"It's just that the Holy City is too far away after all. I can only sense it vaguely. If the direction is wrong..."


Mu En lowered his head and began to pick up the things on the ground. He said indifferently but very confidently: "I believe you, classmate Liya. If the direction of the Holy City you pointed out is wrong, then I'm afraid no one in the world can find the Holy City."

After all, she is the future saint...


But Liya didn't know what Mu En was thinking. She just watched Mu En busy in this no longer scary silence. The ripples that she couldn't understand once again appeared in her heart.


This is the nth time she answered like this today.

But this time, she was a little excited that she didn't even notice.


At this time, Mu En, who had wiped the traces on the ground, suddenly raised his head and teased mischievously:

"If you can't get out, staying in this forest with a beautiful girl like classmate Liya, even if you stay there for a lifetime, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing, don't you think?"

"One...a lifetime!?"

Liya's delicate body shook, as if struck by lightning.

The brain that was a little slow just now began to work quickly, extending all the way according to what Mu En said.

For a lifetime... For a lifetime... In other words, they have to stay here forever, naturally become that kind of relationship, and then naturally do that kind of thing?

What did this guy do with that senior?

At the end of the thinking road, Liya once again remembered that embarrassing picture. After a few months, it was still so clear.

How can this be!

As one of the candidates for the saint, how can you do such a shameless thing?

So as the thighs rubbed quietly, the blush spread skillfully on the pretty face. At the same time, a small pink fist quickly enlarged in Mu En's confused sight.

"Eh? Wait, Liya classmate, did I say something wrong?"

"Pervert... Pervert!"


The cry of pain startled the birds resting on the branches in the distance, and the harsh crow's cry was like a tune to summon souls, and also like a light chord.

“Hey, dead bird!”

The afterimage passed by, and the sinister man with fierce eyes grabbed with his big hand. The huge crow half the height of a man had just woken up, and before it could flap its wings, it was grabbed by the man from the treetop.

The man licked his lips and asked:

“Did you see a blond man?”

“Quack——” The crow struggled to get away, so he nodded spiritually.

“I heard that she has big breasts and is very beautiful?”

“Quack——” The crow flapped its wings spiritually.

“If you see it, reply.”

“Quack——” The crow cried spiritually.

"Yeah, that's how it is."

The man nodded seriously:

"I didn't understand a word you said, you're useless, you can't even speak human language."

The man grabbed both ends of the crow and twisted it hard. It was like an invisible sawtooth falling down, and the wailing bird was immediately broken into two pieces. The man drank the blood and laughed:

"This dead bird tastes good!"


Aside, a woman with long wavy hair, heavy makeup, and a magic wand in her hand covered her nose, moved away, and frowned:

"Barton, can you wait until the mission is completed before you drink blood? It stinks."

"Humph, it's in this boring operation that I need blood to keep my soul hot!"

"You'll expose us."

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