
Barton shook off the feathers and blood on his body without any care, and glanced at the woman:

"If that's the case, then what is the purpose of inviting you, a magician? As a vase, Miss Flora? But I don't like a vase with wrinkled skin like you."

"Are you looking for death, Barton?"

Flar's expression became cold, and magic power surged all over her body:

"If you don't mind, I can bury you now."

"Oh? Do you think I'm afraid?"

Barton sneered: "Your sister, the famous Baifa Flora, is here, I might be a little scared, but you Flora, what kind of ugly melon, a waste who hasn't broken through the brilliant level for decades, I..."


The faint voice sounded, but the atmosphere of the two people confronting each other suddenly stagnated.

The white-haired priest squatted down, buried the crow that was broken into two pieces, held up the holy book in his hand, and sang a eulogy of pity.

His expression was so kind and peaceful, as if he was bathed in the glory of the Holy Spirit, but when he spoke, Fular and Barton showed respect... and fear.

"The great Lord brought us together, not to let us fight, but to fulfill our destiny, so... be friendly, okay? My Lord is watching."

After mourning, the priest dug the crow out of the ground again with a face full of mercy and calmness, and then... swallowed it in one gulp.

Both of them shuddered at the same time, looked away, and remained silent.

"Found it!"

On the side, the hyena that had been crawling on the ground suddenly inserted its hand into the ground that seemed to have no special marks, and took out a... wild fruit.

He excitedly stuffed the wild fruit into his mouth, chewed it hard, and the juice flowed along the corners of his mouth, like the saliva of a beast.

"Yes, absolutely. According to what the Council gave me, that Muen Campbell must have been here, not long ago!"

"Ha, ha, he is very cautious and thinks he has erased all traces, but as long as he passes by here, how can he not leave traces?"

"How long will it take?"

"Three hours at most, we can catch up with him in three hours!"

"Very good."

The priest took out a handkerchief, wiped the corner of his mouth elegantly, looked at the quietness deep in the forest, and smiled:

"Then let us start this hunt that will please the Lord under His gaze."

PS: The state is still not very good. I have been holding it in for an afternoon. This is all. Let me sort it out again. After all, the plot later is a small climax.

89. Bunny is so cute

In the dense jungle, Muen and Liya trudged hard.

Perhaps because of the lack of sunlight, there are not many shrubs on the ground, but there are various vines growing on branches and trunks.

Those vines were extremely tough, most of them were as thick as Mu En's arms, densely intertwined, if it weren't for Mu En holding Elizabeth to clear the way, it would be very difficult to move forward.

"Are you okay?"

Mu En looked back at Leah behind him.

The girl looked a little tired, her hair was soaked with sweat and stuck to her forehead.

Like a small white flower that was about to break.

"Use the Holy Light to recover."

Mu En suggested.

"No need."

Leah shook her head gently, "I can still hold on."

"No need."

Mu En sighed, "Even if we may encounter enemies in a while, it's not a big deal..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu En's eyes flashed, and he clenched the pure white short knife and swung it hard, as if he had predicted it in advance, and slashed at the tiny afterimage that shot out from the dense vines.

With a ding, sparks flew out like metal and iron intersecting, but the tiny afterimage only blocked the sharp blade for a moment before it was cut in two, turning into two bodies struggling and wriggling on the ground.

"Another snake?"

Looking at the half of the tiny snake body struggling on the ground but still trying to pounce, Mu En felt a little uncomfortable physically.

In his previous life, as a modern man, he would go weak when he saw a snake. Could he have a cute creature, such as a cute little white rabbit that bounced around?

Cut off the snake's head with another knife.

Feeling the slight vibration in his hand and surprised by the solid scales, Mu En frowned slightly:

"It's not an ordinary snake, but I can't feel the breath of magic. It's not a monster. It's really weird."

Since the beginning of the journey, although they didn't encounter monsters, they often encountered various strange snakes, insects, ants and beasts along the way. Not only were they extremely agile, but they also often carried a strong toxicity that could corrode rocks.

If it weren't for Mu En's speed and reaction far exceeding that of ordinary people, he would have been hit long ago.

"This is... an alien species."

Liya looked at the red venomous snake with only one head left, still baring its fangs and gleaming coldly, and her expression seemed a little timid.

"I've seen in books that although these alien species have no magic power in their bodies, their flesh and scales are extremely tough, and their toxicity is strong. In a sense, they are more terrible than ordinary monsters."

"Without monsters, alien species that take other routes have been born. Is this also the influence of the natural disaster?"

"It should be."

"Sure enough, the forbidden land is a forbidden land, and it should not be underestimated."

Mu En shook his head and kicked the disgusting snake corpse into an invisible dark corner.

The excited crows cried, as if they were celebrating the delicious food that was delivered to their doorstep.

"Crows in every world are equally smart."

Mu En smiled, his eyes fell not far away, and suddenly he became focused.

"Huh? There's a lake there."

"Lake? Really?"

Hearing the word "lake", Liya's eyes suddenly glowed with a different kind of brilliance. The air in the forest was so humid, and she had been walking for several hours. If only there was a pool of clear water at this time...

But immediately she seemed to think of something, and the light in Liya's eyes dimmed.

"But... let's forget it."


Mu En smiled half-heartedly:

"Don't you want to wash yourself, soak your feet or something?"

"Of course I do."

Liya said, "But now is not the time to do such a thing."

"That's it, there's nothing we can do about it."

Mu En spread her hands and walked towards the lake while saying:

"Since Liya-san is so diligent, please work hard and move forward. It's getting dark, and I don't dare to act in such a ghostly place at night."

After saying that, Mu En turned around and waved her hands with a smile:

"Then I'm going to take a rest first. Goodbye~"


Seeing Mu En disappear directly on the other side of the vines, Liya was stunned for a moment. It wasn't until an inexplicable howl came from the depths of the forest that she came back to her senses. Then her cheeks bulged up a little bit, and she felt embarrassed. Stomping her feet, she chased Mu Enjiao and said:

"You... bad guy, wait for me!"

"What a nice view……"

Liya looked at the lake in front of her and exclaimed.

The calm lake water is like a bright mirror, and the rare clear skylight shines down, reflecting a dazzling galaxy.

In the increasingly dark night, the other side of the lake has become extremely blurry, and the big trees in the distance are hidden in the clouds and mist, like sleeping giants.

The beauty is breathtaking, as if all the fatigue in your body has dissipated with this beautiful scenery.

But Liya did not approach rashly, but first looked at Mu En quietly.

Mu En stood on a fallen dead tree by the lake, looked around the lake carefully, picked up a few stones, and threw them across the calm lake. When the ripples dissipated little by little, he He turned around and said with a smile:

"There shouldn't be any danger."


Leah breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he slowly walked to the lake, squatted down, and picked up a handful of clear lake water.

After hesitating for a moment, Liya lowered her head and took a small sip.

The cool lake water flowed in, instantly making her feel comfortable.

"While it's not completely dark, I'll go find some food around."

Mu En's voice came from behind.


Liya nodded slightly.

"Be careful all the way."



Mu En turned around and touched her chin, and suddenly muttered jokingly.

"Why do you feel like a wife sending her husband out?"

But how is that possible?

After walking around the small lake again and making sure that there was no danger, Mu En entered the increasingly dark forest again.

Liya was left alone squatting quietly by the lake.

"What...what do you mean by a wife sending her husband out?"

Liya, who accidentally heard those words, bit her silver teeth hard.

But after being angry for a long time, he just pursed his lips, looked at his reflection in the lake, which was slightly stained with red clouds, and uttered two words:

"Bad guy..."

Naturally, no one was listening, only the surface of the lake rippled mischievously.

Liya picked up the water again, drank a few sips, looked around again, found a huge leaf, and rolled it into a cup shape.

"You should be made to die of thirst!"

There was no one else here, so the girl gave full play to her imagination and couldn't help but smile when she thought about that guy's deflated appearance.

But as soon as he lowered his head, a holy light that had been carefully used lit up in his hand.


The clear lake water in the leaves swayed slightly, becoming purer as the holy light radiated from the girl's palms.

After doing this, the girl put the water-filled leaves aside and stared at the clear lake water, with a trace of hesitation in her eyes.

"It should be ok."

Liya looked around nervously.

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