Although she knew it was bad to do that kind of thing at this time, she had been walking for so long, and the air in the forest was already humid and hot.

At the end of the day, I was covered in sweat.

Even, I don't know if it was an illusion, but she could smell the vague and strange smell on her body...

No, no, Liya shook her head vigorously and rejected the idea.

The holy light passively escaping from your body has a cleansing effect. Even if you don't take a shower for a month, your body will be clean and smell good. How could you have a weird smell after just one day?

But if there really is...

Liya bit her lip and her eyes were unconsciously attracted to the clear lake water.

Although it's a little cold, it's just right for the surrounding heat.

"Move quickly, you should be fine."

Thinking like this, Liya unconsciously placed her hands on the buttons of her coat and slowly unbuttoned them...


The sound of waves surging sounded, making Liya startled.

She panicked and looked in the direction of the splashing water, only to find that it was just an ordinary swimming fish jumping up and splashing in the water.

Liya breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, her eyes noticed the dense aquatic plants on the shore.

If someone is hiding there, he will definitely not be able to find it.

"That guy...shouldn't he be hiding and peeking..."

"No, no, he's not that kind of person... right?"

Liya's little mind was entangled again, but the insufficient time left her with little chance to hesitate.

"Huh, just trust that bad guy for once!"

Liya finally made up her mind.

Anyway, I have seen his, so at worst, I will let him see it again!

Comforting herself in this way, Liya took off her coat and slowly submerged her little feet into the lake.

The cold lake water stimulated her skin, causing her to hum in relief.

There was silence all around.

Even the noisy crows seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep because night was approaching.

Liya also gradually felt relieved.

However, deep in the middle of the lake that Liya had not noticed, there were several deep black shadows that were slowly approaching.

No sound.

"Ha, surviving in the wild is really not an easy task."

Looking at the wild fruit in his hand, Mu En couldn't help but grimace and whine.

After working hard all day, he could only eat fruit. How could his eight-pack abs endure this?

You will lose muscle!

"But aren't there any normal creatures in this damn forest?"

After kicking away some weird insect snakes that attacked him again, Mu En sighed helplessly.

I don’t expect wild boar or deer, but it tastes like chicken, is crunchy, and has six times the nutrition of beef... You should definitely try it.

In such a huge forest, except for those alien species that picked on people and only attacked him crazily, and the crows perched high in the trees, he didn't even see any creatures that looked edible.


Just as he was thinking this, Mu En's eyes narrowed and he looked a little further away.

With his eyesight at the moment, he could clearly see that deep in the grass, a pair of erect white long ears, like those scantily clad women on certain streets in the lower city at night, were constantly making love to Mu En. Make seductive moves.

"Is this...a rabbit?"

Are there really rabbits in this broken forest?

Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly, suppressing the excitement in his heart. When the pure white blade touched, a vague electric arc spread, eliminating all his aura.

He approached cautiously, looking left and right cautiously.

But no matter how you look at it, this creature that is so cute and must be delicious when grilled is the rabbit he recognizes.

Except for being a bit bigger...

But in this magical world, it is normal for animals to be larger.

In short, as long as you can eat it!

Mu En made up her mind, took a deep breath, rushed out, and directly attacked the hungry wolf!

But in the next moment, Tutu, who was chewing the grass lovingly, suddenly turned back, with violent anger in his red eyes.

Then, its belly covered with white fur suddenly split open and turned into a huge mouth full of fangs. It also welcomed Mu En, who had thrown himself into the trap, with joy.

"Ah, my lovely bunny..."

Mu En felt like her heart was falling from heaven to hell, but she waved Elizabeth, who was already in her hand, as if without any surprise.

"Can't you just let me have some more fantasies?"

The sword flashed and blood splattered.

Mu En relied on her body skills to beautifully avoid the spilled blood.

Tsk tsk...

Blood flowed to the ground, and as expected, it made a corrosive sound that was no different from other alien species.

"Oh, it looks like it's inedible like this."

Mu En picked up the wild fruit she had just placed on the ground with a bitter look on her face.

"Anyway, let's go back first. Sooner or later, we will have to settle this matter with those guys..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu En's expression suddenly changed.

He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the lake.

In the distance, birds chirped, bringing the girl's exclamation.


90. Octopus is so cute (5,000 words))


The distant girl's exclamation came, making Mu En's heart suddenly sink.

Could it be...

Those guys came so soon?

Unexpected sudden situation made Mu En no longer care about too much. He threw away the sundries in his hand, started the shadow step directly, and flew towards the direction of the sound.

"Liya, hold on, I'll be there soon..."


About half a minute later.

Mu En stood by the lake, looking at Liya with a red face and the ferocious beast behind her, holding Elizabeth in his hand, and fell into a stagnation.

"Mu... Mu En."

Liya's eyes were filled with pitiful tears, and she kept struggling:

"You... why are you standing there, save... save me..."

"No... wait, this scene, let me slow down first."

Mu En held his forehead and suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

Let's sort out the current situation first, yes, let's sort out the current situation first.

First, it was Liya. She was half-undressed at the moment, vaguely revealing her underwear with cute patterns inside. Although she didn't reveal anything that shouldn't be revealed, this kind of mysterious feeling that was looming but completely invisible would make people more excited.

However, in this scene, Liya's slightly indecent dress is not the key point, the key point is the huge and ferocious monster behind her.

——It was a giant octopus!

Damn! Where did the octopus come from in the lake!

There is no magic aura on this octopus, no wonder I didn't notice it before.

No, the magical world cannot be speculated by common sense. After all, rabbits will eat people by fishing, and it is normal to hide a larger octopus in the lake.

However... this look... or should it be more appropriate to describe it as a tentacle monster?

No, no, no, it's even worse to think like this.

Because that tentacle... Oh no, that giant octopus is waving its tentacles, constantly trying to entangle Liya.

If Leah wasn't trying to open the holy light protection, it's conceivable that those tentacles covered with suction cups and mucus would tightly wrap around the girl's fair skin in an extremely bad posture...

Think about Leah's future identity...

Tentacle x Saint...

Fuck, what a top-level non-human...

And the things in the picture are completely different from the real ones.

Too cool.

Just thinking about it makes me want to bleed from the nose...

"Mu... Mu En Campbell!"

Seeing that Mu En still didn't move, Liya had already puffed up her blushing cheeks,

" me!"

"That... Liya classmate."

Mu En spread his hands and blinked innocently:

"Didn't you say you like octopuses? Now that the thing you like is right in front of you, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Wu... No... I like the small ones... the size of a palm... and very cute..."

Liya's tone was already crying:

"It's not such a scary thing, wuwuwu, save me quickly, or I won't pay attention to you in the future..."

"Okay, okay..."

Seeing that if he continued to tease like this, the girl might really get angry again, Mu En also put away the idea of ​​​​joking,

"Since it is a lady's request... then I naturally can't refuse."

Mu En clenched the pure white blade with both hands and jumped up.

At this time, the giant octopus seemed to have finally noticed Mu En, the uninvited guest. The round eyes on both sides of the body instantly burst out with volcanic anger.

The calm lake surface was stirred up by surging waves, and the long tentacles shot out from the dark bottom of the water.

Unlike the gentle entanglement when facing Liya, those soft tentacles seemed to have turned into sharp spears at this moment. As they shot out, Mu En's ears suddenly heard a sharp sound of breaking wind!

"Really, why do you only like beautiful girls with fragrant smells?"

Mu En twisted in the air with a weird posture, deftly dodged the tentacles that almost turned into afterimages, and at the same time crossed the two blades, and the cross-shaped sword light was like a divine punishment!

"I can't take your punch!"

Mu En suddenly slashed!


The deafening sound of metal and iron sounded, and the surface of those seemingly soft tentacles was actually covered with hard and dense scales.

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