But even the seemingly extremely hard scales were as fragile as paper in front of the pure white blade. The holy sword light cut off the twisted tentacles with almost no hindrance.


The rage in the eyes of the giant octopus became more and more fierce. From the broken tentacles of those spasms, new tentacles with viscous liquid were reborn in Mu En's eyes almost without any delay.

More tentacles crisscrossed each other, like a dragnet with nowhere to escape.

"There's some trouble now."

Mu En narrowed her eyes slightly, and nimbly avoided those tentacles during the delay.

"Sure enough, for this kind of mollusk, limb regeneration is basically a necessary skill?"

No matter how hard the shell is, it won't be a problem for him who has Elizabeth.

But if it is reborn at this level, although it is still impossible to close the strength gap between it and itself, but I don't know where the limit of this octopus is, it will only consume Mu En's physical strength in vain.

But now Mu En does not want to waste his energy in vain.

So in this case... it is better to retreat tactically first...

"Classmate Mu En!"

At this moment, Liya's voice came from behind Mu En, accompanied by a blessing of holy light that refreshed his spirit.

"Alien species is actually a branch of Warcraft, so it should also have a core!"


"Probably in the center, where the brain is, most soft-bodied monsters are there!"

Mu En's eyes lit up.

So, even if there is no magic power, is there still something like a core?

This way, it's simple.

Mu En swung the knife again, facing countless intertwined tentacles. In an instant, there seemed to be a roaring thunder on the pure white blade!

Thunder·Five stacks!

Five overlapping shock waves, carrying the indestructible dazzling sword light, fell straight down.

And with the blessing of some kind of holy power, this power becomes more and more powerful!

The lake surface at Mu En's feet was separated in an instant, and also separated together was the extraordinarily huge head of the giant octopus.

Various soft tissues unfolded layer by layer and joined together in an instant, but this fleeting gap was enough for Mu En to lock onto the core that was particularly bright under the starlight.


Without any hesitation, Mu En threw the short knife in his hand.

Like a fleeting flash of lightning, the pure white holy weapon broke through the layers of defense of the giant octopus without any hindrance. Finally, with a clear crisp sound, it hit the target with great accuracy.

The movement of the giant octopus, baring its teeth and claws, suddenly stopped, and its body seemed to completely turn into a pool of soft mud, gradually sinking.

"Finally solved. The creatures in this forest are really not simple."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and the pure white dagger flew back to his hand.

"Hmm...a lot of slime."

"Buzz -" the short knife buzzed.

"Okay, okay, I'll clean you up in a while and don't lose your temper."

Mu En comforted Elizabeth, fell back to the shore, and looked at Liya, who had already returned to the shore first:

"Is everything okay?"

"Huh, no...it's okay!"

Liya's cheeks were still bulging and she looked away:

"But for someone as strong as classmate Mu En, he definitely wouldn't understand how helpless someone as weak as me felt at that time."

Sure enough, I lost my temper.


"Weak? Is classmate Liya weak?" Mu En scratched his head and asked doubtfully.

"I am no match for that octopus, so why am I not weak?" Liya said in frustration.

Looking at the corpse of the giant octopus in the lake, she felt more and more the gap between herself and the top people of the same level like Classmate Mu En.

I'm afraid no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to make up for it, she thought.

"Not being good at fighting doesn't mean you are weak."

Mu En suddenly laughed and said:

"And at that time, wasn't it because of Liya-san that I was able to defeat that octopus? Otherwise, all I wanted to do was run away."


Liya stiffened for a moment, turned back slightly, and quietly looked at Mu En's innocent eyes with her peripheral vision.

For some reason, the inexplicable ripples appeared deep in my heart again, just like the waves on the lake surface that could not calm down for a long time.

"However, compared to that kind of trivial matter..."

Mu En's eyes suddenly turned and looked at the faint treetops in the distance. He made a fist with one hand, put it to his mouth and coughed dryly:

"Ahem, Liya-san, is that okay with you?"


Liya tilted her little head, a little confused.

But then, she followed Mu En's sudden move back and lowered her head blankly...

Well, after getting rid of that nasty big octopus, the first thing I did was to wear my clothes properly.

But the problem is...

The coat, which was originally white, was now soaked with water and stuck tightly to her skin. It not only made the majestic and majestic area particularly clear, but also vaguely highlighted the pink color of the skin inside...


In an instant, it was like a steam oven was boiling.

A large blush skillfully occupied the girl's pretty face. Liya suddenly hugged her chest and squatted down, with tears in her eyes:

"Flow... gangster!"

"Ahem, I didn't look at it. I'm a gentleman."

"Ugh...bad guy, I'll ignore you."

"Do you have any spare clothes?"



Mu En gritted his teeth in pain, and an inexplicable sense of guilt filled his heart silently.

After all, Liya, the future saint, was in such a mess, all because of him.

She won't make things difficult for him in the future because of this.

Mu En sighed, took off his coat, and put it on Liya.

"Just make do with it for now, don't think I stink."


Liya was startled, raised her head, and subconsciously stretched out her slender fingers to pull the coat:

"What about classmate Mu En?"

"It's okay."

After taking off the coat, Mu En, who was left with only a vest and a shirt, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong biceps, and said proudly:

"I am a warrior, and I am not bragging. When I just entered the second level, I soaked in the river water in late autumn for a whole day and night. This kind of weather is not a threat to me."


Liya blinked and asked curiously:

"But why did classmate Mu En soak in the river for a day and a night?"

"Hehe, it's better not to explore this kind of thing."

Mu En laughed and looked around:

"Anyway, let's find a place to light a bonfire and rest."


Liya hesitated, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay."

As if he could see what Liya was worried about, Mu En comforted her:

"If those people have a way to track us, it would be difficult to get rid of them even if they erased all the traces. On the contrary, if they just rely on luck, in such a large forest, even if we have a bonfire party, they will find it difficult to find us.


Mu En suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed a huge octopus tentacle. He said excitedly:

"I just found out that this octopus is not poisonous, perhaps because of its huge size.

So... Miss Liya, even if you don't like this big octopus, you won't... dislike the fragrant grilled octopus, right?"


Liya looked at the annoying octopus tentacle, and the words "dislike" should have come out of her mouth, but as luck would have it, her unlucky stomach protested at the right time.

The girl couldn't help but make a big face again.

Mu En laughed and waved his hand:

"What are we waiting for? Let's go. This is a rare barbecue party!"


The bonfire was bright in the open space by the lake, making the girl's pretty face particularly bright.

Liya sat in front of the bonfire, holding her cheek, and quietly watched Mu En use a pure white exquisite short knife to skillfully scale the giant octopus tentacles, slice them, and then string them into skewers with cut branches and roast them on the fire.

During the process, he also ground some unknown plant into powder and sprinkled it on the skewers. After a while, the fragrant aroma filled the air, making people salivate.

But while swallowing her saliva, Leah couldn't help wondering, these...are these really what a spoiled duke's son should master?

Although Ariel was also very independent since childhood, Leah dared to guarantee that the food she made would not make people so appetizing.

And Leah wanted to help several times, but was driven back by Mu En on the grounds of how to let the lady do it herself.

So the girl had nothing to do, so she could only hug her knees and secretly look at Mu En's focused profile.

This person... is getting harder and harder to see.


"Come, eat."

Soon, Mu En handed over a skewer.

Liya took a bite gently, and sure enough, just as she expected, although there was no seasoning, the taste of the ingredients themselves, plus those unknown spices, were enough to make people feel extremely delicious.

"Has classmate Mu En learned this?" Liya finally couldn't help asking.


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I haven't learned it specifically, but in the past, my rare hobby after 996 was to grill skewers."

"99... 6?"

"Don't mind, just treat it as a bad culture."

"Oh, what about the spices?"

"For this, I have to thank my ancestors."

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