
"Thanks to our ancestors for preferring to put thousands of strange books in the library of the Duke's Mansion rather than a magic book." Mu En sighed with a sigh.

"Is... is that so?"

Liya seemed to understand and continued to ask:

"Then the two knives of classmate Mu En... are they also left by your ancestors? Why do I feel..."

"Illusion, absolutely an illusion!"

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Mu En's forehead. He quickly stuffed Elizabeth under his buttocks and said in a deep voice:

"What you feel is an illusion. This knife has nothing to do with the church, nothing!"


Liya pouted in confusion, "But why do I feel..."

The girl secretly glanced at Mu En who was constantly wiping sweat, chuckled, and said nothing.

She just hugged her knees and looked at the jumping bonfire.

It's really amazing.

Clearly in such a critical situation, clearly just experienced such a terrible thing.

But at this moment, just sitting next to this person, I still feel so calm and peaceful in my heart.

"Are you sleepy?"

Mu En's voice sounded, "Then good night, classmate Liya, we have to get up early tomorrow to travel."



"Just call me Liya."

"...Is that so."

Mu En smiled slightly, "Then you can call me Mu En too."

"Hmm, good night, Mu En."

"Good night."


It was a night, and the stars were still shining.

A slightly cold wind blew from the lake, Li Ya opened her eyes and exhaled a breath of white mist.

Is the temperature difference so big? It still feels hot during the day, but at night, it seems to have entered the cold winter directly.

Li Ya secretly glanced at Mu En, who was sitting against the tree trunk not far away, still wearing only a light shirt.

After thinking about it, she moved her body and leaned over.


In the haze, Mu En seemed to feel the movement beside him, and half of his eyes were opened in doubt.

"Are you still cold?"


Liya nodded gently, "A little."

"Then you can come closer, as long as you don't mind."

Mu En sat up a little straighter, so that the girl could lean on him better.

The girl leaned gently.

In this way, he could feel warmer.

Thinking like this, the girl fell asleep with a little sweetness that she, a pure woman, still couldn't understand.



After a while, Mu En suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the girl beside him.

The look in his eyes was particularly complicated.

It was like reason and emotional intelligence were fighting fiercely in his brain.

After all, Mu En was not a slow-reacting Asian male protagonist, and he still saw the girl's various reactions.

That's why he felt confused.

But in the end, it was the reason that had been deeply rooted in his mind for a long time and was more convincing that prevailed.

"I told you, I must have thought too much. Liya is just too kind and likes to blush. As the future saint, she should be so gentle to everyone."

"Besides, I didn't do anything. Instead, I pitted her hard. How could the wall fall down before I even dug a corner?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but smile with relief.

That's great. If Liya could treat him as a good friend like this, it would be great.

After all, in the original book, Liya and Ariel had a relationship that was only a thin membrane away. If he dug a corner, Mu En couldn't imagine how he would be torn into pieces by the angry Ariel.

Of course, he is not a stallion male protagonist who wants to capture a beautiful girl when he sees one.

So it's good like this.

I will send her to the Holy City intact, and Ariel will help her become a saint.

Everything will be exactly the same as the original plot.

As a little yellow-haired girl who has nothing to do with the plot, just watching the situation develop as usual is the best ending.

Thinking of this, Mu En closed his eyes with peace of mind.

91. Crows are so cute

"Damn, these damn bugs and snakes, so annoying!"

In the same forest, it was a dark place where the starlight could not shine. Ariel kicked away the alien species that wanted to attack her, and she couldn't help but gnashing her teeth.

What made her feel irritated was not only the difficult road, and the snakes and insects that attacked her from time to time, but also that she had entered this forest for more than ten hours, but now she not only did not find any trace of Liya, but even she herself was a little confused about the direction.

Sure enough, as the master said, wanting to find a person in this huge forest is like looking for a needle in a haystack, isn't it?

"But... why didn't Liya play the sound transmission stone for me?"

Ariel held her sound transmission stone tightly in her hand, expecting it to remember countless times, and trying to connect to that familiar frequency countless times, but so far, there is still no movement.

This is very abnormal. Although, as Master said, due to the influence of the natural disaster, the perception of the strong may be blocked by this forest, but the sound transmission stone is not a kind of perception, and it should not be affected. Ariel's current sound transmission stone can still be used, which is the best proof.

Moreover, with Leah's soft and cute personality, she should contact me as soon as possible when encountering such an emergency. How could there be no movement for so long?

"Could it be that... there really was an accident?"

Uneasiness spread in her heart, and Ariel quickened her pace again.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she looked somewhere on the grass not far away.

A trace of doubt and solemnity flashed in her eyes, but in the end, she slowly walked over and picked up the thing that was incompatible with the environment.

It was a pendant, with a jade structure like a delicate crescent moon.

But the faint aura of magic on it also showed that it was no ordinary pendant.

It is a magic guide, a space magic guide.

Unfortunately, it has been destroyed. There is a clear gap on the crescent moon. The contents inside have probably been lost through the gap. Now it is just a useless empty shell.

But Liya still felt familiar, no, it should be said that it looked very familiar.

Because of this space magic device, she could say that she would see it every day.

——It is Liya's space magic device, which is always hung around her waist.

"how so?"

Ariel's hand holding the magic device has gradually begun to tremble. This is the magic device that Liya carries with her. Although Ariel knows that she also has a space ring that is specially used to store precious things, the loss of this personal thing, This explains the problem.

"Could it be that... Liya, she really..."

Ariel's bad thoughts became stronger and stronger, and even began to shake her mind.

"Ariel, calm down!"

At this time, the master's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Feel carefully, there is the aura of space magic on it. This may have been lost during the transmission of space magic. That little girl Liya may not be in danger."


Ariel came back to her senses, her eyes refocused and fell on the magic device.

Indeed, if you feel carefully, you can feel the chaotic magical atmosphere on the magic device.

Ordinary teleportation will not damage the magic device, but an exception will be made if the chaos attribute is maliciously added to the space magic.

In that twisted and chaotic space, the first thing to bear the brunt was the magic device that also had spatial attributes. This pendant of Liya was just used to carry her belongings. It was of average quality and it was normal for it to be damaged in that situation.

In this way, it can be explained that Liya did not contact herself through the sound transmission stone.

It seemed that she was too nervous.


As a gust of cold wind blew, Ariel's heart couldn't help but feel in her throat again.

The forest at night is so cold.

So dark.

There is no food yet and I am so hungry.

He is still like this, and even Liya who has lost her belongings, even if she is safe for the time being, how miserable will it be?

In Ariel's mind, she pictured Liya huddled in a dark corner, cold, hungry, shivering, like a little white rabbit, who could only call her name over and over again.

No one can help her, she is simply pitiful, weak, and helpless.

"No, I can't relax, I have to continue!"

Ariel took out a piece of black bread that was so hard that it could knock out a monster, and took a few bites. After briefly replenishing her energy, she continued to take a deep breath and continued on the path to find Liya.

"How is it? Did you sleep well?"

As soon as Liya opened her eyes, she heard the gentle voice ringing in her ears.

Her consciousness was still a little hazy, but she nodded subconsciously.

She was still leaning in her previous position, with the bonfire in front of her that had been refilled with firewood.

It's really strange. Even though she was in such a strange but dangerous environment, and she didn't even lie down, but just sat leaning like this, she slept particularly peacefully and sweetly last night.

Is it because...

As if remembering something, Liya subconsciously pulled down the coat that was still wrapped around her body after a night of deep sleep, and quietly hid her head in her arms.

Then he quickly looked up again.

"This... jacket is back to you."

"You should dress first, it's quite cold in the morning."

"and you……"

"I just went out for a walk and sweated a little. I'm hot, so I don't need it."

Mu En smiled and handed Liya a skewer:

"Breakfast is just a bit, just yesterday's octopus meat, but I also added some wild fruits and grilled it together, but I don't know how it tastes."

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