"Barton, the dismemberer who likes to drink raw blood and has a necrophilia, is a defector from the Tower of Origin. She is the younger sister of the Baisha sisters who personally killed her teacher and many of the trackers sent by the empire.

As well as the man-eating hyena, it is said that he comes from a secret laboratory in the empire and is also a monster with blood on his hands. "

"I see……"

Mu En raised the corners of her mouth and smiled stiffly.

"It's quite different from what I thought."

After all, apart from these real desperadoes, there are few people who dare to take on the task of hunting down the son of the Duke.

But even though I guessed correctly, it doesn't make me happy at all.

"It seems that head-on confrontation is no longer possible."

Seeing the confident joking expressions of several people, Mu En suddenly said:

"Guys, how about we talk?"


Barton sneered:

"What's there to talk about with prey? Is it possible that the noble son of a duke still wants to choose the way to die? Okay, do you want to be quartered alive, or skinned first and then the tendons picked?"

"I'm sorry, I don't even want to. I've been spoiled since I was a child, and I'm very afraid of pain."

Mu En shrugged, showing the cowering expression of a dandy nobleman, blinked and said:

"What do you think? You want to get money, but I don't want to fight, so how much the person who hired you will give you...I'll give you double!"


The room suddenly fell silent.

Flair opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Mu En in surprise.

Barton, who looked arrogant, was about to say something, but was stunned by Mu Enhao's angry words.

The hyena shook its head and kept muttering words such as "two billion"...

The tense atmosphere that was originally tense suddenly eased.


Barton swallowed,


"Of course, lying at this juncture won't do me any good."

"Give it now?"

"That's not possible now. After all, no one can carry so much money with them at all times, right?"

Mu En spread his hands and said:

"You have to let me get out of here first."

"Then how do we know if you are lying to me!"

Barton smiled evilly and said:

"I'm not stupid. Who knows if you will turn around and find your Duke father to kill us as soon as you go out! I won't believe a word you nobles say!"

"If you don't believe it, then why did you accept the commission from those people?"

"We don't know the identity of the employer, and... they give a deposit."


"Let's do this. Since you are so sincere, as long as you give us a deposit, we will believe you. How about that?"

Barton suddenly rolled his eyes and fell on Liya:

"You seem to care about this young lady. How about you hand her over to us and use the money to redeem her later?"


Flair frowned, but Barton didn't care and continued:

"Don't worry, we are different from you hypocritical nobles. We are the most honest. As long as you take the money, we will definitely return this beautiful lady... intact to you when the time comes."

Barton glanced at Liya's perfect figure without concealment, even if she was wearing a loose men's coat, his eyes flashed with heat, and he specially emphasized the word "intact":

"What about my proposal? Your noble son, the Duke."

"...Well, it does seem like a good suggestion."

Mu En thought for a moment, turned around and smiled:

"What do you think, Leah?"


Liya stared closely at Mu En, whose expression was gentle and showed no trace of falsehood. An unspeakable light flashed in her eyes. She suddenly lowered her head and tightly grasped the corners of her coat with both hands.

"I...can do it. If I can help Mu En, I can do something as small as being a hostage."

Her tone was trying to be calm, but it was still trembling slightly. Her hands seemed to be working too hard, and her knuckles were even a little white.

"……very good."

Mu En paused for a moment, then turned around, still smiling warmly:

"Since Liya herself has agreed, there is nothing to hesitate about. Liya will be left to you for the time being, and I will get the money. A total of two billion, right? I can still collect this kind of small money.

But on the contrary, you must ensure that she is safe and... intact. "

"Haha, I just like a cheerful person like you. Don't worry, everything will go as you wish. Staying with the few of us is much safer than staying with a waste like you."

Barton laughed, and glanced at Liya fieryly from the corner of his eye again. A traceless sneer was faintly outlined on his lips. As if on purpose, he suddenly stretched out his hand to Mu En:

"Then...please cooperate?"


Mu En was silent for a moment, and sighed again. It seemed that she had completely convinced herself, so she put Elizabeth back on her waist, indicating that she was harmless now, and then slowly moved forward and walked to Barton.

Also extend a hand:

"Well, let's work together... happily!"

In an instant.

The ending sound suddenly lengthened.

Like the reverberation after a chaotic recording ends.

At this moment, what Barton received was not a hand symbolizing friendship.


The lightning-splashing...iron fist!

With an expressionless face, Mu En integrated the moves that had almost become instinctive into his fists. The infinite shock wave was tightly grasped by him, and with a huge force, he smashed hard against Barton's face!

The air is torn and the wind is howling!

In such a short distance, it is basically impossible for even a fourth-level warrior to react suddenly.

However, the sneer on Barton's lips did not diminish at all.

Even more brilliant.


There was a dull loud noise, like a low roar of steel.

Mu En's fist stopped just a few centimeters away from Barton's face. No matter how the thunder roared, it couldn't get an inch closer!

At the same time, bright red blood flowers bloomed in Mu En's sight. The severe pain stimulated Mu En's expression, making him frown slightly.

He seemed to have hit a steel knife.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The sarcastic smile finally spread completely, and Barton, with unparalleled joking, laughed at the stupidity and naivety of the person in front of him:

"Ha! The son of the Duke! Ha! The blood of Campbell! Haha! Boy, do you really think I will agree to such a ridiculous thing? Do you really think I will believe that you will pay a full two billion for a woman? ?

Ha, cheating, betrayal, abandoning companions, and retaliating afterwards, these are all tricks that labor and management are tired of!


Barton licked his lips with an exaggerated expression, "As long as I kill you, this woman... I can still do whatever I want? Why should I foolishly agree to your innocent request?"


"Haha, have you been fooled, have you been deceived, have you been deceived by my awesome acting skills? You damn nobles are still as stupid as ever!"

Barton stared at Mu En. He wanted to see shock, anger, and unconcealable fear on Mu En's face. This was what he liked to see the most. Just like his title of corpse cutter, he often Breaking the opponent in half, watching half of the opponent's body keep climbing forward in despair, letting the internal organs and blood flow to the ground, crying and shouting for help.

That look really makes people feel the joy and pleasure of fighting...


A trace of doubt suddenly flashed in Barton's eyes, because Mu En's face at this moment did not show the expression he wanted to see.


It also outlines a hint of sarcasm.

"It's great that you're so good at acting, Mr. Button."

Mu En still smiled, as if her smile had never changed.

But the smile at this moment made Barton's expression suddenly change.

"Look, weren't you very good at deceiving...your companion?"

Mu En said this with the same teasing look in Barton's eyes.


Barton turned his head suddenly, only to find that both Flair and the hyena were a little stunned, as if they had not recovered from this sudden change of situation.

That's right, after all, we are all acting. If we don't wait and see for a while, who knows what the hell you two drama queens are doing?


This is the opportunity Mu En has been looking for!


The loud shout that burst out of his chest almost shattered Barton's eardrums.

For a moment.

It was as if the majestic holy light that had been accumulated for a long time fell from the sky and poured into Mu En's body from every pore.

There was an endless feeling of emptiness, like being in the clouds in the sky.

Mu En suddenly pulled out Elizabeth. Under the holy light of the same source, the pure white dagger hummed happily!

At this moment, the suppressed anger flowed out from Mu En's eyes. Under the extreme time delay, the light of the sword that illuminated the sky suddenly fell like a draped Milky Way!



Ten stacks!


The sword light collided with the invisible sharp blade in front of Barton, and the agitated aura raged like a storm.

But no matter how hard the blade is, how can it resist Elizabeth who is fed by the Holy Light?

In an instant, blood flowers scattered, and a knife mark spread from the sole of Barton's foot to a distance of a hundred meters.

"Damn it!"

It was like the clown's mask was torn directly to pieces. Feeling the stinging pain coming from his body, all the sarcasm on his face disappeared and turned into surging anger:

"Asshole, do you think this will work? You are just a second-level ant after all!"

The surrounding area of ​​Barton's body began to twist, and the majestic fighting energy surged out of his body, and then turned into a solid barrier.

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