The sword light fell on the barrier and advanced layer by layer, but in the end it was no match for this almost constant invisible obstacle and eventually gradually dissipated.

Seeing this, Mu En looked a little helpless.

After stacking so many layers of BUFF, he was still blocked. This is the insurmountable gap between realms.

Teacher Mela has also said before that one of the reasons why he does not recommend learning powerful martial arts is because the more powerful a martial skill is, the more it needs to be at the fourth level in order to exert its due power.

The reason for this is because after a warrior reaches the fourth level, he will undergo his first transformation.

Fighting spirit solidified.

After advancing to the fourth level, the condensed fighting spirit is no longer just a kind of energy to assist oneself, but a powerful thing that can be transformed at will. It can be transformed into a sharp sword or a solid protection. shield.

Really easy to use over-separation spectrum.

Therefore, no matter how many plug-ins there are, they can't hold up against someone with a higher level.

But Mu En was not discouraged.

Because even if your hard power is indeed inferior to others, now that you have entered your own rhythm, whether it is disco or cha-cha, there is no room for you, a bumpkin!

Mu En clenched both blades, swung the sword, and then slashed! Cut again! Cut again!

Ten stacks!

Ten stacks!

Ten stacks!

Blood spurted out and the skin cracked, but Mu En didn't care.

Thunder roared and shock waves surged.

Under the blessing of abundant holy light, Mu En was like an indestructible ox, frantically displaying his stormy offensive.

The Dou Qi barrier gradually weakened.

After holding on for a few breaths, Barton couldn't resist and took a step back.

There is a first step, then a second step, a third step, and then there is defeat.

Finally, the battle energy barrier completely collapsed. Barton's face turned pale, he spit out blood, and roared:

"Fral! Hyena! How long do you want to watch the show!"


The long chant finally sounded, and the blazing flame snakes gathered together and pounced fiercely on Mu En.

Mu En ignored it.

Because there is a holy light.

Divine protection blocks the invasion of magic.

But the next moment, the stench of the fishy wind hit, and the sharp claws suddenly tore open the protection of the holy light, leaving a hideous wound on Mu En's back.

"Woo...two billion! My two billion!"

The hyena shook his head, with tears streaming down his face, but his hands, which were deformed into sharp claws, continued to tear apart the protection of the holy light one after another.

The sharp claws fell on Mu En's back, causing bloody wounds and a bright green color.

That's poison.

Violently poisonous.

Mu En also coughed up blood, but his expression remained unchanged and he continued to swing the knife.

"It's... useless!"

Barton put his hands on the ground and kicked his feet wildly, quickly avoiding Mu En's attack.

Sometimes he laughed, sometimes with fear on his face, and sometimes with sarcastic eyes, like a madman or a clown:

"The hyena's claws will tear you into pieces soon, and Flair's next magic is coming soon. You can't kill me, Moon Campbell, you can't kill me!"


Mu En scanned the surroundings with his peripheral vision, suddenly paused in his movements, and sighed softly:

"It seems that I really can't kill you!"

"That's right, that's right!"

Seeing Mu En stop, Barton was ecstatic and suddenly became arrogant again:

"Moon Campbell, kneel down and beg for mercy now. I may be kind enough to leave you with a complete body later. Otherwise, I will let you experience pain that is more terrifying than hell..."

"Oh, there is no other way. At this time, I can only..."

Mu En, however, turned a deaf ear to Barton's threat. He put Elizabeth back on his waist and said casually:

"Using my special skill."

"What... a special move? Do you still have a special move?"

Barton's expression froze.


Mu En sneered:

"Mr. Barton, you don't think that, as the son of a dignified Duke, I am still a peerless genius who can beat you like a dog with only the second level of realm. I don't have any special tricks to defeat you."

As soon as the words fell, the powerful magic that was about to attack suddenly paused, suddenly rolled back, and turned into a magic barrier, protecting Fral's side with a solemn expression.

After being stunned for a moment, the frantic hyena jumped away and exclaimed:

"Top move, a two-billion-dollar trick! Terrible!"

Barton almost vomited blood watching this scene.

At the same time, these two guys actually chose to protect themselves.

But it’s natural to think about it.

They thought it was just an easy task, but the target, Moon Campbell, turned out to be much more terrifying than they imagined.

If he could beat Barton like a dog with just ordinary moves, how terrible would his so-called unique move be?

Maybe... it wouldn't be a problem to have one or two more people support me.

His performance just now cannot be faked!

So at this time, self-preservation is naturally the top priority. One less person will not cause them any loss, but they can also get more rewards!

"You... bastards, he is lying to you, lying to you! He has no special skills at all!"

Barton's eyes were splitting, and he quickly retreated while roaring crazily:

"Kill him quickly, kill him quickly!"

"Oh, Mr. Barton, since you don't believe I have a trick...why are you so afraid?"

Mu En flashed and quickly caught up with Barton, who was running away. He stretched out his hand and pointed his palm at him.

"Stop running away and accept my wrath, Mr. Button!"

Mu En's expression was as cold as iron, and huge magic power gathered in the palm of his hand.

Barton was extremely frightened.

That's right!

He gathered all the magic power in his body. This is his ultimate trick!

He really has a trick up his sleeve!

So, panic turned into despair.

Barton closed his eyes miserably, waiting for death.

Others also looked solemn and strengthened their defenses.

In despair, Barton heard Mu En shout out the ear-splitting name of that unique move——

"Eat my trick, try the holy light modification of hundreds of spirits, the ultimate demon penetration light kill-illumination technique!"


Several people couldn't help but let out dumb exclamations at the same time.



So, amid the clown-like expressions of astonishment on the faces of several people, light like the sun bloomed from Mu En's palms.

Cover everything.

93. Ancient ruins

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Everything returned to the calm lakeside. Barton opened his eyes that were nearly blinded by the illumination, and his face was full of ferocious incompetence and rage:

"Illumination? Moon Campbell, his unique skill is actually lighting?"

Damn it, how could it be lighting?

How could that level of magic surge be a low-level magic like lighting that even cats can learn?

Moreover, with the kind of light intensity that can almost blind people's eyes, how could anyone upgrade a mere lighting technique to this level?

With your Campbell family, you can't learn any powerful magic, but why is it the lowest level of lighting?

Is this intentional? He deliberately used this method to humiliate himself!

Barton felt like a clown, being fooled around by that damn Moon Campbell!


This is absolute humiliation!

"Barton, don't move."

In the still blurry vision, Flair's voice came:

"I'll treat you."

"Go away! I don't need you to cure me!"

Patton roared:

"You cowards, cowards, greedy snakes!

Don't think that I don't know what your plans are. You had such a good opportunity just now, but you were frightened by Moon Campbell's little lighting trick!

If you had taken action earlier, he wouldn't have been able to escape! "


Flair's expression suddenly darkened, she put away her magic power, and retorted:

"No matter what we do, isn't it all because of you that Moon Campbell was able to escape? If you hadn't played such inexplicable tricks, we would have captured him long ago!

And what a coward, you were the one who was really scared just now, right? "

"Nonsense! Nonsense! I'm not a coward! It's just you who are too stupid, that kind of low-level trick, that kind of trick that even a three-year-old child can see, you guys..."


Suddenly, a faint scolding sound sounded.

The voice was not harsh, but it carried a majesty that was irrefutable.

The second half of Barton's words were still filthy, but because of this faint rebuke, they were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them out.

There was a hint of fear on his face, and even though he was still unable to see clearly, he still turned his head in the direction of the sound.

There, like a statue from just now, the priest who had been praying for a long time finally stood up and closed the holy book in his hand, with a compassionate and calm expression, as if he didn't care what happened just now:

"You are right, Barton. We are not from the same group. Everyone has his own calculations in his heart, so it is normal for us not to work in the same direction. I don't blame you.

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