But it was because of you that we let Moon Campbell go, which cost us more precious time and energy.

Therefore, after this matter is over, you need to pay an additional 30% of your reward, how about it? "


Barton's face turned blue and red, sometimes fierce, and sometimes showing a trace of fear, but in the end, he lowered his head and said hoarsely:

"I have no objection."

"Very good, Fular."

"Tsk, for the sake of money."

Fular tsk tsk unhappily and waved the wand again.

Magic power surged, and under the healing magic, Barton's eyes saw the light again.

But he lowered his head, and his expression could not be seen, only his clenched... and shaking hands could be seen.


The hyena crawled on the ground, constantly moving his nose, sniffing something.

After a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said with a hint of panic:

"One...one billion is gone, gone! I can't feel his breath! "

"Did he use any means to hide his breath? Yes, from all the way, that Muen Campbell is more outstanding and cautious than the Duke's son described in our intelligence.


The priest raised his head and looked at the quiet jungle in front of him where not even a flying bird could be seen. Finally, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked like a beast that had just woken up from a nap and became more hungry.

"Where can you run to under the watchful eyes of my Lord?"



In a dark cave in the jungle.

A ray of light flashed on Muen's fingertips, and he looked at the girl beside him.

"Are you okay, Leah?"

"No...it's okay."

Liya shook her head gently, but her chest was still heaving violently, and she lowered her head and kept panting.

After escaping with Muen's tried-and-true lighting technique, in order to get rid of the enemy, the two of them ran all the way until they accidentally found this hidden cave, and then hid in it and rested for a while.

"That...that. "



Liya lowered her head, her voice as light as a mosquito's buzz.

"Ah, sorry."

Mu En also suddenly realized that because of his hasty action, he was still holding the girl's white and slender wrist.

But Mu En did not let go.

"Sorry, but only in this way can we conceal the breath of both of us at the same time. Be patient, okay."

On Mu En's body, a layer of arc-like outline flashed, which was the alchemical field stimulated by Elizabeth.

At this moment, the field spread to Liya through the slender wrist, completely covering up the breath of the two people.


Liya responded softly, and then said nothing.

After all, it was a matter of discretion, and he didn't do it on purpose.

And...it's just holding hands, it's not like he hasn't held hands before...

"Thank you." Mu En said suddenly.


"At that time, Liya's holy light was too timely and helped a lot. "

Mu En smiled:

"I clearly said that to you. When I said that, I didn't have any hope. "

"Because... because. "

Liya bit her lip and replied:

"I think you... shouldn't do that kind of bad thing. So... I kept a little bit of caution. "


Mu En's eyes lit up, and he raised his head and said:

"Liya, you finally understand that I am a good person, not the bad guy you said?"

"... Hum."

Liya puffed up her cheeks, turned her head and muttered:

"No... No, you are just a bad guy."



Using the lighting technique in his palm, Mu En looked around.

The entrance to the cave was relatively hidden, but it was surprisingly spacious inside. It was not as humid as imagined, and there were not even the alien snakes and insects that Mu En was wary of.

"Why does it feel... not like a natural cave?"

Mu En frowned.

"A... trap? "Liya followed and became alert.

"It should be impossible."

Mu En shook his head,

"If those people were so powerful that they could have anticipated that I would suddenly hide in such a cave, it would not have been so easy for the two of us to escape with just a lighting technique."

Mu En pondered for a moment, took Liya's hand, and carefully went deeper.

Under the light in his hand, after passing a narrow road, the space in front of them suddenly became clear.

What appeared in front of the two at this moment was a very clear man-made creation.

A... bronze gate.

"This is..."

Liya suddenly exclaimed, "Ancient ruins!"

"Ancient ruins?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment. He looked at the strange patterns carved on the bronze gate, scratched his head, and said to himself:

"This is... There must be adventures in times of crisis? When did I get the treatment of the protagonist? ”

The so-called ancient relics are all secret places, tombs and ruins left behind by some civilizations or powerful beings that have disappeared in the long river of history, especially those left over from the dark and chaotic "ancient times" thousands of years ago on the mainland, which are not described in detail in history books.

The discovery of every ancient relic will cause a big stir on the continent, and the various ancient relics excavated from them are not only historical, but also contain strange abilities that make their value beyond money.

"There are words on it!"

After seeing this bronze gate, Liya's eyes were completely attracted by it, and she even took Mu En's hand and rubbed the gate full of traces of time like a fascination.

When the rust and dust on the gate were swept away by her, revealing the ancient words engraved on it, she couldn't help but exclaim again.

"Can you decipher it?"

"I'll try!"

Liya's fingertips swept across the strange words that looked like tadpoles that couldn't find their mothers in Mu En's eyes. A glimmer of light kept flashing in her eyes. Soon, she successfully deciphered a coherent sentence:

"The natural disaster came, and we were unable to cope with it. In the face of destruction, we specially stored everything we had here. Behind the gate, crisis and opportunity coexist. In the future, those who are capable can... I can't see the words behind it clearly."

Liya's little face showed a trace of regret. She couldn't find the name of the civilization that left these words and the bronze gate, otherwise she might be able to find the corresponding records in her memory.

"However, we can know the origin of this ancient relic."

Mu En touched his chin and carefully looked at the pattern on the gate.

When the dust and rust left by time were wiped off, combined with the meaning of the words, Mu En finally understood the pattern.

Above a bronze city, a giant dragon that covered the sky and sun descended from the sky, raining down fire and destruction. Men took up swords to resist, but were no match for the dragon. Terrified women and children turned to ashes in the flames, and even the bronze was melted by the hot dragon's breath.

This is probably what it means.

"So... this so-called natural disaster is the same as the natural disaster we understand."

Mu En let out a long breath and said:

"The dragon of death entrenched in the depths of this forest."

"Yeah, it's just as I thought."

Liya nodded gently, with a complicated look in her eyes:

"So this huge forest was once a prosperous country a long time ago? What a pity."

"No civilization can be immortal, but the way it declines is different."

Mu En comforted him, looking at the bronze door, suddenly remembered something, and asked again:

"Then can Liya open this door?"

There are no obvious locks or mechanisms on the bronze door, but since the destroyed civilization wants future generations to discover their things, it is impossible to make a door that cannot be opened.

"I'll try..."

PS: Sorry, sorry, very sorry, I was suddenly dragged out by my friends to eat skewers and drink some wine last night, and I forgot to post this chapter. I just woke up and found it.

PPS: There will be more later.

94. Choice

"I'll try..."

A white light flowed from Liya's fingertips, gradually penetrating into the bronze gate. Faint lines appeared on the gate, and it was ringing slightly with Liya's breathing.

"Really amazing..."

Looking at this scene, Mu En, who was just asking a question casually, couldn't help but admire:

"You can even crack the mechanism? You are worthy of Liya."

"No... I just saw it in the book... And this is just a try, I'm not sure if it will succeed."

The white light shook for a while, and Liya showed a shy expression, but she quickly came back to her senses and focused on cracking the gate in front of her.

The formation engraved on the door is extremely complicated. Although as in the words just translated, the people who left this door did not want the traces of their former civilization to be completely buried in the loess.

But they certainly didn't want their legacy to be trampled on at will.

So, this door is the first test.

The words "crisis and opportunity coexist" are just meaningless exhortations before you are qualified to open this door.

The incompetent naturally cannot grasp the opportunity.


As the cracking process progresses, Liya's eyes become brighter.

Her forehead is already covered with a thin layer of sweat, but her five fingers tap lightly, becoming more dexterous.

The white light sank into the door and spread out little by little along the complex lines. The knowledge accumulated through long-term unremitting efforts turned into the most accurate guidance, allowing her to quickly get back on the right track even if she occasionally got lost.

It was like solving a series of puzzles. Every breakthrough and every verification made her feel excited.

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