

With a clear sound of the hinge, the dust that had been settled for a long time flew up, and the bronze door burst open, revealing the deep and dark passage behind it.


Liya was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to her senses from deep thought, held Mu En's hand, and said excitedly:

"Mu En, look, I...I really succeeded!"


Mu En nodded, smiling as bright as the morning sun,

"I saw it all, thank you for your hard work, you see, I said, Liya is very powerful."


Liya wanted to say something, but it seemed that she suddenly realized that her initiative to hold Mu En was a bit too intimate, so she let go like an electric shock, but her wrist was still tightly held by Mu En, and the blush climbed skillfully on her cute face, and she muttered in a low voice:

"Thank...thank you."

Her heart was beating so fast, I don't know if it was because of the joy of successfully breaking through herself, or because of something else.

"Then let's go in now."

In order to dispel this inexplicable emotion, Liya turned her head to look at the pitch-black darkness behind the bronze gate and changed the subject.

"It feels... so dark."

There seemed to be some special power floating behind the gate. No matter whether it was perception or the light blooming in Mu En's palm, it could not penetrate into it. It was like a huge mouth from the abyss, which was daunting.

But Liya was a little happy.

Because the opening of the gate of this relic meant that they could finally get rid of the pursuers behind them.

No matter how terrible those desperate criminals were, no matter how magical their methods were, they could not track themselves and Mu En who went deep into the ruins.

And this kind of ruins often have more than one exit. Maybe they can leave the forest directly through other exits.

As for the crisis mentioned in the text on the door "opportunities and crises coexist"... Of course, ancient ruins will be very dangerous, this is the consensus of everyone. long as she felt the warmth on her wrist, Liya felt magically that the danger was not so terrible.

It's really strange. This feeling has appeared more and more frequently recently, but what exactly is it?

... Forget it, I won't think about the problem I don't understand, and I will explore it later.

Liya skillfully left this question in the unsolved matters in her mind, and prepared to study it carefully after leaving here safely.

"Mu En?"

However, when Liya was mentally prepared and was about to step forward, she found that the owner of the hand holding her wrist was still motionless.

"What's wrong?"

Liya looked back in confusion:

"Don't you want to leave quickly? It will be bad if those guys catch up."


Mu En was speechless, and the glimmer in his hand flickered, illuminating half of his face.

He was still thinking.

His eyes swept across the darkness behind the door, his brows were sometimes frowned, sometimes relaxed, and suddenly looked behind him, his lips whispered silently, as if he was calculating something.

For a long time.

Mu En finally turned around.

He first closed his eyes tightly, then slowly opened them, as if he had made up his mind, and then his eyes, as blue and deep as a lake, revealed a rock-like firmness.

"Forget it."

He said.

"We won't go in."


Liya was stunned:


"Because going in is not a good choice."

"Not... a good choice?"

Liya was even more confused.


"I know what Liya is thinking."

Mu En interrupted Liya and said:

"Entering this gate, it is indeed very easy to get rid of the pursuers behind us, get out of trouble, and even directly leave the forest through other possible exits of the ruins.

But there is a problem with all this."

"What...what problem?"


Mu En said in a deep voice:

"The ruins are unknown, we don't know how long it will take to pass through this ruins, but judging from the difficulty of cracking this gate just now, Liya, this time will not be too short."

"Of course, it is normal to explore and clear a ruins for several months, but compared to being hunted by those dangerous people, it is only a few months..."

Liya frowned slightly and looked at Mu En in confusion.

Such a good choice is not chosen, could it be...could it be...this guy hates being with me!

Thinking of this, Liya's little mouth immediately pouted in hatred.

It's okay to stay for a few days, but will you hate it if you stay for a few months?

If you dare to say so, I will...I will bite you to death!

"Alas... a few months is certainly not a problem."

But Mu En didn't say that. He just sighed and looked at Liya with a hint of helplessness:

"But, Liya, did you forget something?"

"Forgot what?"

Liya tilted her head.


Mu En paused, looked at her and said word by word:



In the silent silence, Liya felt her heart thumping and almost stopped.


How could she forget?

The most important goal of her trip.

The ceremony to decide the next saint woman.

The Mu-saint ritual.

That's right.

As long as I choose to walk into this gate here, then there is a great possibility... no, it should be said that it is 100%, and I will miss the ceremony that is not far away.

There are more than one candidate for the saint, and it is impossible to wait for her alone.

Therefore, not going... means failure, complete failure.

My unremitting efforts for that goal for more than ten years have come to nothing.



Liya also looked at the darkness behind the door, and suddenly turned her head to look at the distance behind Mu En.

She lowered her head, recalled the previous battle scene, recalled those terrible villains, and recalled that although Mu En didn't say anything, he was indeed injured.

She thought, thought, and thought again, and then her eyes, which were like the misty morning mist, gradually became clear in a little bit of shaking.

Finally, she raised her head and stared at Mu En, her eyes were dull, but her expression was also firm:

"No, it's okay."

"As long as it can help us escape safely."

"It's just a small matter like this, I don't care, yes, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all..."


Mu En also looked at Li Ya,

and sighed in his heart again.

What do you mean it doesn't matter?

If it really doesn't matter, how could it be like being electrocuted, shaking with every word?

"But I do matter."


"I said...I do matter."

Mu En said very seriously:

"Because I was cheated by a loli old woman, I need to go to the Holy City as quickly as possible, so I can't afford to waste a few months!"

" that so?"

Liya widened her eyes, trying to find a trace of lying on Mu En's face.

But the light and shadow flickered, and it was completely unclear.

"And, I said it." Mu En said suddenly.


"I will definitely send Leah to the Holy City successfully. If this time is a few months later, how can it be called a success?"


"No buts, and..."

Mu En said in a joking tone:

"I have placed a big bet on Leah, and I thought that if Leah is a candidate for the Holy Maiden with a hidden identity, I will make a lot of money, but if you can't even participate in the Holy Maiden Ceremony, my idea will be in vain.

Gamblers will risk everything for their bets!"


Liya's heart trembled again. She looked at Mu En's expression carefully through the faint light.

He...really found out my identity?

No, my identity, even in the church, is the highest secret.

Even if he is the son of the Duke, there is no way to know it.

In other words, the reason why he said this is actually because...


The girl muttered in a low voice:

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