"How can someone like me be a saint?"

"I think Leah is very similar. She is cute, kind-hearted, and knows so much. If I were to designate a saint, I would definitely designate Leah." Mu En said with a smile.


A faint holy light emanated from the girl whose mind was shaken, and finally merged with the light in Mu En's palm, reflecting the surroundings with exceptional clarity, and making the girl's eyes bright again.

Very bright.

Mu En glanced at her in confusion, but didn't care, and said:

"Okay, close the door again. I'm sorry for bothering you to open the door."

"... Yeah."

Liya stretched out her hand.

However, when her finger was about to touch the door, she hesitated again and asked:

"Is it really okay? Even if we don't talk about other things, the things in an ancient ruins, even if you are the son of the Duke, Mu En..."

"Indeed, even if I am the son of the Duke, I will be jealous of the things in the ancient ruins."

After all, it is a good thing left by a civilization at the end. Who can say that they will not be tempted by it?


Mu En sighed lightly:

"Unfortunately, I am not the protagonist."

"Huh? The protagonist?"

Liya didn't quite understand what Mu En meant.

But Mu En didn't answer, just as if he had let go of something, and looked at the slowly closing door with ease.

That's right.

He is not the protagonist.

He is just the yellow-haired villain in the story.

So this kind of opportunity that belongs to the protagonist should be left to the protagonist.

As for him...

Mu En raised his hand that was still holding Liya's wrist and smiled:

"All I have to do is grab what I can grab in front of me."

95. Breakout

"It should be in this area."

The priest held the Holy Book in his hand and looked over the area in front of him.

The crows flew up from the branches, chirping and leaving in fear. The sunlight could not penetrate the dense branches and leaves, making the jungle even deeper and quieter.

"But I still haven't found the location of Mu En Campbell."

Behind the priest, Fular couldn't help but frown.

Around her, invisible magic threads have spread like spider webs. She doesn't even need to find Mu En Campbell himself. As long as he passes by here and leaves a little breath, she can clearly detect it.

And this is the division of labor among their group. The things given by the employer controlled by the hyena and his keen sense of smell determine the approximate location of Mu En Campbell.

Then she uses magic to determine the detailed location.

With this two-pronged approach, even in this vast and deep forest, Muen Campbell had nowhere to escape.

But when the hyena's perception failed, the priest took over the task of guiding the general direction, but in the area he demarcated, no matter how Fular sensed, he still couldn't find the target.

Nothing will go wrong...

"Are you questioning me?"

The priest suddenly turned around.

His tone was calm and his face was kind, but Fular immediately lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look him in the eye.


"Don't worry, he must be in this area."

The priest scanned the surroundings again.

In his sight, in this windless forest, all the trees and vines were shaking their branches and leaves to point him in the direction.

This is the Lord's gaze.

So, Muen Campbell must not have gone far.

"It's just that his method of hiding his breath is better than I thought. He has come so close, but you and the hyena still can't accurately confirm his position."

"What should we do?"

"No problem."

The priest actually sat down cross-legged, like a leisurely traveler taking a rest, and said without any concern:

"Since the prey doesn't show up, we just wait. Anyway, we don't need to be anxious. Patience is a necessary quality for a good hunter."


Seeing that there was no other way, Fular could only agree helplessly.

The magic thread continued to spread, but her eyes glanced to the side.

That annoying Barton, since what happened just now, has been silent, and now he just leans against the foot of the tree with his eyes closed, and has no reaction to her contemptuous gaze.

The other crazy hyena was still shaking his head at this moment, just like a dog, crawling on the ground, turning over the rotten leaves from time to time, constantly chasing the traces of Moon Campbell.

But the son of the Duke was much smarter than he and others expected. After suffering a loss before, he did not leave any trace.

"Really, one or two, they are so useless."

Flar kept lamenting.

If it weren't for collecting her own promotion materials, she would not take such a dangerous task that would offend a duke.

Not only do she have to associate with dangerous people like priests, but she also has to endure the stupidity and incompetence of her companions.

Even the employer is not a reliable thing. In the intelligence they sent, Moon Campbell is not so difficult!

And after this action, she may really have to flee the empire, although she has no attachment to this country.


It will implicate her elder sister.

She likes this country very much.

Most of the men in this country, especially the nobles, are stupid and rich, which suits her taste.


What a pity.

Flora looked sideways, and suddenly saw a pure white butterfly fluttering between the leaves beside her.

The magic perception thread was still expanding and extending, and the constantly consuming spirit made her a little tired.

She stretched out her fingers and let the bold butterfly stay on her fingertips.

Looking at the pure white, beautiful, and seemingly unstained butterfly wings, Flora felt that her fatigue had dissipated a lot, as if she had been purified, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"I really want it to end quickly."

She whispered softly.

"Sister must still be waiting for me."

The butterfly flapped its wings, as if gently responding.

"Don't worry."

At this time.

A low male voice.

It sounded very abruptly in her ears.

"I will fulfill this wish for you."




Flora's pupils shrank suddenly, and her hand subconsciously clenched the magic wand, and the barrier magic that had been surrounding her body suddenly brightened.

But a pure white short knife, like cutting tofu, easily cut through the barrier magic, and then stabbed in without any hindrance.


A magic device on her body was broken, and the invisible force released deflected the fatal blade, preventing it from stabbing into the vitals, and at the same time, gave her time to react.

With a slight movement of her fingertips, several magic scrolls that had been prepared long ago fell out of the space magic device and spread out, with exquisite magic patterns flashing, and powerful magic instantly took shape and activated!

But at this moment.

Fular saw the pure white butterfly dancing in uniform again.

The pure white blade sank into her lower abdomen, and the severe pain came, which made her suddenly wake up.


In this terrible forest full of disgusting alien snakes and insects, how could there be ordinary butterflies, such gentle creatures?

But why did she think this butterfly was normal?

What on earth is this butterfly...

"Holy Breath."

This time, it was a clear and melodious voice like a lark. The butterfly instantly spread out, turning into pure holy light, pouring into the magic scroll.

The magic patterns that she had carefully engraved suddenly stagnated, just like a pipe with gurgling water running through it, mixed with other things.


Then burst.

The pipe was scrapped, and the magic accumulated in it naturally dissipated chaotically.

The precious magic scroll almost instantly turned into waste paper.

Fular's eyes were confused for a moment, the light in front of her was distorted, and the figure of a blond man slowly emerged.

He held a girl with an amazing bust in one hand, with a faint arc of electricity floating on her body, and with the other hand, he stabbed the pure white blade into her abdomen, and then stirred it fiercely.



"How is it possible..."

She coughed up blood and flesh, staring at the man in front of her dully, countless questions echoing in her mind, and she urgently needed answers.

But Mu En just smiled contemptuously:

"Lighting... is not just for lighting, right?"

Yes, the so-called lighting is actually a simple application of light.

But just make this application a little more complicated and extend it a little, and you will get something completely different.

Light distortion... or, in other words, a magical version of optical camouflage.

This is the result of Mu En's continuous efforts to make up for the basic application and related knowledge of magic during this period, and thus extending it on the only magic he can use.

And the dim light around, the complex environment, and the large areas of the same green, where else can better play this result than this forest?

Combined with the alchemy field that can conceal the breath, and Leah's holy light, it constitutes a nearly perfect assassination!

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