The target was naturally the magician who was the most vulnerable and most likely to cause them big trouble among the opponent's group.

When you still don’t know the details of the priest, it’s common sense to cut the C position first in a team fight.

The only thing not perfect is...

I couldn't end it with one blow.

When Mu En pulled out the blade and was about to strike again, Liya's anxious voice sounded in her ears:


"I know."

Mu En's eyes darkened slightly.


But that's okay.

At least with such a serious injury, the magician should not be able to make another move for a long time.

This is enough for their next actions!

A fishy wind came from behind.

Mu En kicked Fular away, turned around suddenly, released his hold on Liya's hand, unsheathed his swords, crossed them, and resisted!


The sound of steel clashing was deafening!

The sharp claws collided with the short knife, as if a huge mountain was crushing down!

"One billion! Haha, one billion, you're here!"

The hyena's eyes were red and his expression was excited. His hands had been deformed into claws, and his body was covered with dark scales. Sharp bone spurs protruded from his back, making him even more ferocious!

His mouth full of fangs opened wide, and foul-smelling saliva slipped from the corners of his mouth. He stared at Mu En closely and kept muttering:

"I'm so happy that you can show up, so happy!"

As he spoke, the hyena's muscles all over his body were tangled like a horned dragon's, and he suddenly pressed down!


Almost instantly, Mu En was suppressed and fell to one knee. The blood and energy in his body was boiling and it was difficult to calm down.

"Damn... I'm not happy at all. Are you also a mutant who escaped from some mad scientist's laboratory?"

Although I was prepared, the difference in realm was still too big.

And this hyena is obviously a monster with a specialized body.

If his body, which had been tortured by Teacher Mela, was not strong enough, he might not be able to bear this simple attack!

"Mu En..."

Liya's worried voice sounded behind her.

"I'm fine."

Mu En let out a long breath, and abundant holy light flowed into his body, making him feel much more relaxed.

"Remember the plan I just mentioned?"


Leah nodded vigorously.

"I remember it very well!"

"That's good."

Mu En gritted his teeth, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes:

"Then let's get started! Fulfill our plan!"

The voice fell, and in an instant, holy light surged!

The hyena seemed not to have thought that someone else would interrupt his battle with Mu En. There was a trace of confusion on his wild and ferocious face, and then... his face was blurred by the holy light.

The holy light brought burning pain, and the hyena roared in pain.

Taking this opportunity, Mu En stepped forward, slowed down time, and swung his double blades neatly.

Don't forget, from beginning to end, his strength is not head-on contact, but... speed.

A long-lost fighting technique.

In this short moment, Mu En himself could not count how many hyena attacks he had avoided and how many knives he had swung.

With Elizabeth's sharp attribute and the blessing of Liya's holy light, even if there is still a huge difference in realm, the blade can smoothly cut through the hyena's hard scales, and the holy light attached to it is constantly burning. Stained with the filthy, fetid blood of hyenas.

Blood splattered everywhere and holy light filled the air.

Although the strong recovery power allowed those wounds to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, the severe pain almost immediately drove the hyena completely crazy.

The hyena roared and struggled, as if it had lost its mind, and could only instinctively wave its claws randomly.

Mu En took this opportunity to accurately swipe the hyena's eyes, mouth and nose with the sharp edge.

"Ho-a billion!"

The hyena's vision fell into darkness, and his sense of smell was filled with the smell of blood, but at the last moment, he also grabbed Mu En's chest with his sharp claws!


The flesh and blood were torn apart, and several horrific scars appeared on Mu En's chest, with the bones clearly visible.


Liya immediately approached, "I'll treat you."

"Need not."

Mu En suddenly grabbed Liya's wrist to stop her behavior, and said firmly:

"This injury is nothing to me. As I said before, let's go first!"

Mu En pulled Liya up, turning around and running away as fast as possible, regardless of the hyena, which could be said to be in its most vulnerable state now.

That's right, Mu En's plan was not to defeat these people from the beginning.

But... breakout!

Because from the last brief confrontation, he clearly felt that under normal circumstances, he and Liya alone could not be the opponents of these people.

Putting aside the differences in realms, the fact that these thugs who are also famous on the empire's wanted notices are able to get away with them to this day has their own particularly terrifying aspects.

Not everyone is the kind of miscellaneous fish who has an empty realm and is killed by the protagonist at random. The guys behind the scenes can't let the miscellaneous fish chase them.

It's impossible to fight head-on, so we can only play some tricks.

First, use a sneak attack to destroy the magician who is the most vulnerable and can track and attack remotely, posing the greatest threat to their breakout.

Another surprise, risking injury for injury, and taking advantage of the hyena with the sickest brain to go crazy, temporarily disabling this psychotic's sense of smell and vision.

Then comes...

"Ha! Moon Campbell!"

An angry laugh came, and a premonition of crisis suddenly arose!

Mu En subconsciously let go of Liya and intertwined the two blades in front of her.


It was like a huge invisible steel knife slashing at him, and the terrifying force immediately made Mu En's hands tremble, and she kept retreating. With the help of Liya, she gradually stabilized her figure.

Yes, then there is this guy.




Liya stretched out her finger, and the holy light evolved into countless white butterflies, flying gracefully towards Barton.

Mu En also suppressed the sweet blood in his throat and tightened his grip on Elizabeth, ready to attack at any moment when Barton was exposed by Liya's harassment.


Looking at the flying Holy Light Butterfly, the crazy smile on Barton's face, as if seeing an enemy, suddenly stopped. He glanced around, and then took a deep look at Liya. He actually took the initiative not to resist and let it go. He was enveloped in butterflies.

what happened?

Mu En was stunned for a moment. He thought Barton would be a big trouble. After all, he had played tricks on him before. Before executing the plan, Mu En had imagined how he would face a completely crazy fourth-level warrior. this a conflict with a teammate?

A guess flashed through Mu En's mind.

But there was no time to confirm that no matter what the reason was, Barton's initiative to give in was a good thing for them.

Mu En took Liya's hand: "Let's go!"

Running at full speed again.

This time no one stopped me.

Then finally...

All that's left is the mysterious magic stick.

Mu En's peripheral vision glanced at the figure that had not moved much from beginning to end, and the vague premonition in his heart still did not fade at all.

But since he didn't move, we could only ignore him for the time being.

"Liya, can you still feel the location of the Holy City?"


Liya nodded vigorously, "Closer."

"Okay, try harder. I think the reason why the other party is so close is because we are almost at the edge of the forest."

Mu En said:

"So as long as we can survive this wave, the probability of successful escape will be greatly increased."


Liya responded softly.

The surrounding scenery recedes rapidly.

Liya had no intention of lingering, she just let Mu En hold her wrist and ran away like an eloped lover in the story, and then silently looked at his extremely serious profile.

"That's amazing..." Liya murmured subconsciously.

It was obvious that the enemies were all at least one level higher than him, and their hands were stained with countless blood, and they were extremely vicious villains.

But the person in front of him showed no fear at all.

Before, when Mu En told her about this breakout plan and that they would face the enemy head-on for a short time, she even thought that Mu En was crazy.


They succeeded.

In other words, he succeeded.

Those enemies who were incomparably terrifying in his own eyes were all successful and temporarily lost their ability to fight in his hands, making them unable to catch up.

It was obviously an extremely desperate situation, but he could still find a chance to win.

If I had changed myself, maybe...

No, definitely not.

I can't handle any of those guys, so all I can do is provide a certain level of support to Mu En like I do now.

That's all... nothing more.

But the good thing is.

I am very lucky to have Mu En...

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