"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a familiar low voice came to Liya's ears, and then she felt herself being hugged tightly by a warm embrace, and rolled violently to the side.

"Hmm...what happened?"

The sudden change made Liya's head a little dizzy. She raised her head from Mu En's arms with difficulty, and opened her eyes to look around without caring about the accelerated heartbeat caused by this extremely intimate action.

Then, her breathing suddenly became rapid, and her expression became as stiff as Mu En beside her.

Because in front of them, those tall, thick, giant-like trees seemed to come alive, with countless branches twisted and entangled, like a group of giant pythons, about to devour everything that moved forward.

And just where Mu En had just dodged, the huge palm slowly rose from the sunken deep pit and turned into gray-green branches again...

Liya couldn't help but feel a chill. If Mu En had moved a little slower just now, she might have been crushed into meat paste with him, and they would really be indistinguishable from each other.

"The attack method without any signs, without any fluctuation of magic power and fighting spirit, but it can easily mobilize the power of natural rules... This is..."

Mu En looked gloomy and turned back suddenly:

"God's favor?"

"No, no, no, you think too much. How can a person like me deserve the unconditional mercy of my Lord?"

A calm voice sounded, and the priest in a pastor's robe, holding the holy book devoutly, stood not far behind Mu En without knowing when.

"At most, I just rely on some devout prayers to exchange for a little insignificant grace from my Lord, which is not worth mentioning."

The priest looked kind and smiled, but for some reason, Mu En felt a sense of fear just by approaching this person.

"Pray devoutly..."

Mu En looked at the giant trees that seemed to come alive... It didn't seem like the power of the evil god.

"The power of faith... priests?"

"I guess so."

The priest nodded seriously.

"I am indeed a worshiper of my Lord."

"So it is..."

This statement...

"Mu En."

Liya gently pulled Mu En's sleeve,

"This divine grace seems to come from the forest god in the south."

"Forest god?"

Never heard of it.

"A god with a very small number of believers. Currently, only some ancient tribes still have his believers."

"So that's it..."

Mu En took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and then looked at the priest and sneered:

"Then you are neither a god who controls divine power from the rule level, nor do you have a powerful church to back you up. You seem to be a mortal who is powerless. You dare to take the initiative to get so close to me. Aren't you afraid that I will chop you directly?"

"You can try." The priest still smiled.

96. Priest (two in one)

"You can try."

The priest still smiled, as if he was gently inviting.

Then, a whistling sound suddenly rose.

A figure, like a cannonball, rushed over!

Let's try it!

Logically speaking, even the clergy who obtain the grace of God by offering their faith to the gods, mostly only use this power as an auxiliary. The so-called faith-based warriors and faith-based mages come from this.

So even if Leah, who relies on the name of the agent of the goddess of life Emile and accumulates the faith of countless believers across the continent, as a candidate for the saint, has to practice hard.

But the charlatan in front of him has no magic power and fighting spirit, and is obviously just an ordinary person.

Even if the grace of God is strong, you are more fragile than a mage. How dare you jump in front of me, an assassin and berserker, and taunt me at close range?

Don't you know what it means to kill instantly?

I won't give the magic girl the opportunity to release her ultimate move!

Mu En's eyes flashed coldly, holding Elizabeth tightly, and slashed down suddenly!

Once he made a move, he was full of strength!

Thunder, ten stacks!

In the thunderous sound that seemed to fall, the dazzling sword light, from top to bottom, was like a galaxy, cutting off the sky.

Under the knife light, the wide priest robe of the priest holding the holy book was blown by the wind, rustling, highlighting his thinner body.

Just like a small tree that is about to fall in the storm, it is unknown when it will be uprooted and turned into miserable debris.

But the priest's face remained unchanged.

He seemed to wear a mask called a smile, and the deep depths of his eyes reflected the cold knife light.

In the face of this approaching death, he just calmly raised the holy book in his hand.

Then flipped it.

In an instant, Mu En's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because light came.

The bright light, sacred and pure, with a tranquility that can make people indulge in it, turned into the most solid barrier, easily blocking Mu En's full-strength attack.

"This is..."

Mu En murmured in disbelief, the holy light made him extremely familiar.

Of course it is impossible not to be familiar, because during this period of time, he has been living with people who can also use this holy light day and night.

This isn't...

"The Goddess's...holy light?"

"What? Are you scared?"

The priest looked at Mu En, and the expression on his face finally changed. The corners of his slightly drawn mouth kept rising and rising... and finally turned into a silent laugh with endless joy, like a beast.

Fierce and weird.

"Yes, this is the incomparably noble holy light from the great goddess of life!"

The holy light fell, but this time Mu En could not feel any warmth. Instead, it was as sharp as a sword, making people feel chilled.

"Are you kidding me?"

Mu En suddenly pulled back, avoiding the holy light, and then turned to look at the girl beside him without even bothering to fight back.

Liya was also staring blankly at the holy light around the priest, her pale face full of confusion.

But after a moment, she turned her little head stiffly and nodded lightly.

Real guy.

Mu En understood what she meant.

But how is this possible...

Isn't the god he believes in... the god of the forest?

"The great god of the forest is indeed my noble Lord."

As if seeing through Mu En's doubts, the priest answered word by word with that weird smile:

"But, I never said... I only serve one master."


Mu En was shocked,

"You can still serve the two masters with this thing of faith? Aren't you afraid that you will be struck to death by the goddess's lightning because of your half-heartedness?"

"Half-hearted? No, no, no, I am extremely attentive and extremely pious."

The priest held the holy book in his hand, his smile subdued, and he prayed in a low voice with an extremely respectful expression.

“After all, if your faith is not true, how can you possibly receive divine grace?”

"You mean you are serious about your belief in both gods?"

Mu En sneered, even more unbelieving.

It stands to reason that the conflicts between believers of different gods are more acute than the conflicts between the salty tofu brain sect and the sweet tofu brain sect. In the name of holy war, killing the whole family of believers of the other party, no matter what world it is in Historically, it has happened from time to time.

But you said you believe in different gods at the same time?

Unless you have two brains, each of which is unrelated, who would believe it?

"Why not?"

The priest stared at Mu En, meaningfully:

"Let me ask you, after you fall in love with someone, will you never really fall in love with someone else again?"


Mu En's expression suddenly became stiff.

"This question has nothing to do with the current matter, so I refuse to answer." Mu En said seriously.

"Ha, you don't have to answer, because I already know the answer!"

The priest laughed:

"Human beings are creatures of love. They love family, friends, lovers, and wives. Human feelings are diverse, but they can all be called true.

The same is true for belief in gods. As long as the gods themselves do not conflict, and as long as your inner beliefs are true, why can't you worship several gods at the same time?

As for the gods...the great masters don't care about such trivial matters. "

As he said that, the smile on the priest's face twisted, and he rarely showed a trace of anger:

“Unfortunately, those hypocrites, in order to cover up their own inner weakness, fabricate false doctrines to create a prison for themselves and deceive the world.

ridiculous! How can true faith need to be constrained by doctrine?

but me!

And I... clearly exposed these truths and took a broader path, but those... those hypocrites branded me as a heretic!

Ridiculous, haha, how ridiculous! "


Seeing the priest who was becoming crazy as if his mask had been torn off, Mu En suddenly didn't know what to do but answered.

His words do sound reasonable, but upon closer inspection, they sound more like the crazy words of a madman.

"Mu En..."

At this time, Liya suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed Mu En's clothes.

"I know who he is."


Mu En turned back and frowned slightly.

Because at this moment, Liya, the little hand holding the corner of her clothes... no, it should be said that her whole body was trembling slightly.

She seemed scared.


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