Liya said: "The Hundred Believers, Father Xien. He was once a priest in the Melans Cathedral. Later, for some unknown reason, he betrayed the church and was convicted of heresy at the same time. The crime... the crime was blasphemy."

"Is he powerful?"

"As you can see, he is just an ordinary person without any cultivation, but... but..."

Liya paused, "His name is also very high on the blacklist of the Judgment Temple. The Judgment Temple has arrested him for several years, but he still..."

"I understand."

An "ordinary person" who has been arrested by the Judgment Temple of the Church of Life for several years but is still alive and well, this is no longer something that can be described by the words "scary or not".

And the title of the Hundred Believers...

This guy can't really believe in hundreds of gods.

No, no matter how top-notch the scumbag Sea King is, it is impossible for him to really have so many boats at the same time. This is just an exaggerated title at most.

But this title is enough to prove his troubles.

Mu En lamented.

Those guys behind the scenes really invited a terrible guy to kill me.

"Wait, I have a question. Since this guy is on the wanted list of the Church of Life, why can he still use the holy light of the goddess?" Mu En asked.

"... Because... Because."

Liya lowered her eyes and whispered:

"The goddess is kind and equal."

"... Really."

Mu En retracted his gaze.

Oh, in short, it's what the priest said just now.

God doesn't care.



The priest suddenly looked at Liya, his deep eyes flashing:

"She actually knows me, and with such a strong holy light, this lady's status in the church seems to be not low."

"... Mu En."

Liya hid behind Mu En, holding his clothes even harder.

The fear in her heart was hard to suppress.

Not only because of the strength of the enemy in front of her, but also because...

As a believer of the goddess and a former priest of the Church of Life, Father Xien knew the use of holy light better than anyone else.

My moves may be ineffective in front of him.

Although the moves I can use are not only holy light, but... but...

I am so useless at this time...


Suddenly, Liya felt her trembling hands surrounded by warmth.

Mu En's hands held her tightly, broad and warm.

"It's okay, believe me, I have a way."

"...Yes, is that so?"

Liya stared blankly at the face of the man in front of her. His eyebrows were so firm that he did not show any fear even in front of such a terrible enemy.


Mu En must have a way, yes, he is so powerful, he must have a way.

In an instant, Liya felt her panic calm down, as if as long as she was with this person, she didn't need to be afraid of anything.

"Then... what should we do next?"


Mu En showed a thoughtful expression, his eyes swept over the priest in front of him who was shrouded in holy light, and then turned his head to glance at the vines that were intertwined like a giant python.

"It seems that this is the only way." He murmured in a low voice.


"It's okay, let's go."


"Yes, according to the original plan, break through!"

Mu En took Liya's hand, turned around without warning, and ran!

"Oh? I thought you would struggle again, but you chose to escape directly? How decisive."

"But it's a pity that it's not easy to escape from my hands. Let me show you something new."

The priest flipped the holy book in his hand again.

Mu En's breathing stagnated.

But this was not because he was frightened, or because something incomprehensible happened again in front of him.

But because... he really couldn't breathe.

The air began to flow.

It turned into wind, rolling up the fallen leaves.

But the leaves were instantly torn apart by the suddenly accelerated wind, and the messy airflow seemed to be stirred by an invisible big hand, and began to rotate at an extremely terrifying speed.

Dust, branches and gravel were frantically lifted up.

The storm really came.

But it was not the priest who became the small tree that could be broken at any time in the storm, but Mu En.

The raging wind cut his skin like a knife. Under the strong wind pressure, his speed was useless, but he was constantly oppressed and ravaged.

This was another new grace!

At the same time, the huge branches turned into a cage and spread again.

"Mu En."

Liya held up the holy shelter to block the wind, looking a little anxious.

"It's okay."

Mu En took a deep breath and let go of Liya's hand:

"It's just that you have to rely on yourself next, I can't spare my hand."

"I... I can do it."

"Very good, then run quickly and do what we said before!"


Liya rushed forward, and under the blessing of the holy light, her body became extremely light.

During this time, she seemed to have mastered the trick of moving forward in this terrain. For a while, her speed was not much slower than Mu En pulling her.


The priest's sneer came in the sweeping wind.

The wind pressure suddenly increased, and Liya's face suddenly turned pale, and countless vines covered her again, covering the sky and the earth, leaving her nowhere to escape!

"Keep running, don't stop!"

Mun En's voice came to her ears, and Liya gritted her teeth and ran towards the dead end in front of her.


The knife flashed!

Mun En crossed his hands, held Elizabeth tightly, and swung it down suddenly!


Ten folds!

Under the blessing of the holy light, the sharp blade light cut through the wind.

But it only cut through the wind.

The natural moat and cage formed by the interweaving of giant trees and vines still exist.

In this case...

Then use more force!

A fierce look flashed across Mu En's face, and a burning sensation came from his back. The alchemy core was pushed to its current limit again.

Time was delayed, sixty times!

In his sight, everything became extremely slow.

Including himself.

But in this slow world, Mu En forced himself to ignore the shackles of the flesh and swing one knife after another at a speed far exceeding the speed of the surroundings.

Then these accumulated sword lights bloomed at the same time in an instant!

Twenty folds!


The dazzling sword light, with the power that seemed to separate the sky and the earth, made Leah's eyes suddenly clear.

The storm was cut open, and the vines and giant trees were crushed.

No more obstacles.

Leah took a step forward, feeling the breath of freedom and vitality coming over her, and her face showed joy.

"Success... Success!"

Father Xien is just an ordinary person, which means that his mobility is definitely not as good as those who have practiced.

Otherwise, he would not have used the gift of the forest god to block the road in the first time.

In other words, as long as you escape from the range of his grace...

"Mu En, success!"

"We succeeded!"


Leah looked back excitedly, wanting to share the joy with that person at the first moment of escaping.


The words stopped abruptly.

Liya's face was stiff.


At this moment, the man was not behind her, not where she could reach out and feel the warmth.

He was still in the storm, still in the giant tree vines that were about to be rewoven into a cage.


It was not us who succeeded.

But... me?

"Let's go."

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