Mu En said in a deep voice:

"As I said before, let's go!"

"But...but we agreed before, didn't we two break out together? Why..."

"The plan has changed. You go first and I will arrive soon."

Mu En smiled.

He was between the strong wind and twisted vines, but his smile was still as dazzling as the morning sun.

"Trust me, just like I trust you, okay?"


Liya was still hesitant and looked behind her.

The originally dazzling escape route had now become so dark, so cold, so...frightening.

Compared with that, she wanted to stay with that person more.



Mu En's sharp shout rang in her ears.

She had never heard him take her so seriously.

The storm is expanding, the vines are spreading, and the crisis is gradually approaching in this fleeting opportunity.

At the same time, another voice also sounded in her heart.

"Let's go..."

"Liya, let's go quickly..."

"You can't do anything if you stay here..."



This is her own voice.


97. Thoughts of the Saint

"Finally gone?"

Looking at Liya's disappearing back, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, "She's more stubborn than I thought."

He lowered his head and looked at his hands.

The skin was cracked, bleeding, and hanging down weakly.

This was the sequelae of his forced use of twenty stacks of thunder.

But... the injury was still much lighter than he imagined.

At least I can still hold the blade tightly.

"Holy light... is such a convenient power."

If it weren't for the blessing of Liya's holy light, I'm afraid his two hands would have been completely destroyed in that moment.

After all, it is directly doubling the strength. No matter how many cheats it seems, in the end, what you can rely on is your own physical fitness.

"It's really, really... touching."

The priest stopped attacking and just looked at Mu En calmly, as if he was teasing the prey who was forced into a desperate situation:

"You tried your best, but you sacrificed yourself and left the chance of escape to the church lady. Is this the cultivation of the son of a duke?"

"Oh, this is the first time I heard someone say that I am well-educated."

Mu En moved his arms, his face remained as usual, as if he was completely unaware of the impending impasse.

"But I have never said anything about sacrificing myself."

"Do you think you still have a chance to survive?"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"Yes, that makes sense."

The priest nodded:

"But I'm not the only one who doesn't think so."

A sharp sound came, like steel cutting solid stone.

Mu En glanced back from the corner of his eye, and saw the hyena that had completely turned into a monster, dragging its sharp claws at least a foot long, baring its teeth, and its eyes were bleeding, blocking his retreat.

The injuries on his body have fully recovered, and are covered with scales and sharp bone spurs, making him even more ferocious.

On the other side, a green light full of life flashed. Flair was healing his wounds while casting a vicious look at him. It was only a matter of time before he regained his fighting strength.

Around him, the storm was raging and the giant trees were twisting.

The terrifying atmosphere filled the place, constantly oppressing Mu En's nerves.

The ability to suppress these people before was just through some small tricks.

After all, there is an insurmountable chasm between the third level and the fourth level.

But now, they probably won't give themselves this chance again.

In addition, there is an unfathomable priest.

No matter how you look at it, this is a truly desperate situation.

"You have no escape, Moon Campbell."

The priest said compassionately:

"I admit your excellence, but you made a wrong choice. If you join forces with that young lady, you might cause some trouble for us.

But now, without the blessing of that lady's Holy Light, how can you bridge the gap in strength between us? "

"That's the saying, how do you know if you don't try?"

Mu En smiled: "Maybe I'm the type who is better at fighting alone?"

Mu En moved his arms more and more, as if the two limbs on the verge of collapse were recovering at an extremely fast speed under the promotion of some kind of force.

There was a fire burning in his eyes, but no one noticed it.

"The courage is commendable... I don't know if I am really that confident, or if I am just delaying to save my companions, but...

The priest's expression suddenly became meaningful:

"No matter what the possibility is, do you really think she can escape?"


Mu En frowned, looked around, seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly realized:

"I this your order?"


The priest smiled brightly, as if he was enjoying the opening of a grand performance:

"I just allowed the seed you planted with your own hands to take root and sprout."


But Mu En just shrugged casually and chuckled as if he was not worried:

"I think you're overthinking it."

In the dark forest, the girl kept running.

She looked delicate and fragile, with a thin figure, but her chest was exceptionally majestic and majestic, which seemed to make her running a little more difficult.

But with the blessing of the holy light, her speed was exceptionally fast.

So fast that she left a shadow, so fast... When she finally saw the light behind the dense forest in the distance, her consciousness finally returned to her body.

"Is that... the exit of the forest?"

Liya stopped, her chest rising and falling with her panting, staring blankly into the distance.

That light was so dazzling and so warm.

For someone who had been wandering in the darkness for a long time, that light was like an oasis in the desert, full of temptation.

She stopped and moved again unconsciously.

Yes, that was the exit, and judging from the distance, at her speed, it would probably take less than half an hour to leave the forest.

Leave this forest full of poisonous insects, beasts and death.

That's right.

Just move forward.

As long as she walks out of this forest, everything will be back on track.

She can continue to go to the holy city, participate in that important ceremony, and compete for the honorable position of the saint with the help of Ariel.

That's right, everything is as planned, and there won't be any accidents.

As long as...


The harsh crow cry awakened the lifeless girl. She shivered all over, looked at the light in the distance, and her feet that were moving forward suddenly stopped, and then... fell down.

"What am I...doing?"

She lowered her head, her fingers were deeply sank into the mud mixed with rotten leaves.

The girl who always liked cleanliness was completely unaware of this filth.

"I actually...really ran away?"

Leaving behind that guy, the guy who saved me many times, helped me many times, and brought me warmth many times...ran away alone?

How could I...

"No...that's not right."

"He asked me to go first, he said he would catch up, he said he had a way."

[Believe me, just like I believe in you. 】

Mu En's words rang in the girl's mind, making her smile with joy.

"That's right... that's what he said."

"I just need to believe him."

"Believe him..."


The smile only lasted for a moment, and the girl lowered her head again, weeping.

"How can I believe it?"

Just like when we met by chance in the restaurant.

Just like when we were in the carriage.

She said some reasonable words, but if you think about it carefully, those words that sounded very equal, such as needing musicians and betting, were actually all lies made up by that guy... to help himself.

Yes, you are so used to telling me these white lies, so who knows that your words this time... are just to deceive me deliberately in order to save me?

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is visible to the naked eye.

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