He would certainly be dangerous.

"Then at this time, I should..."

"By the way, the most sensible thing to do at this time is to go out and call for help."

"As long as we can find help quickly, Mr. Pink Bear, or the gentleman invited by Mu En, as long as we can find them in time..."

Liya's eyes lit up with light again, but that light also quickly extinguished.

"As long as we find them in time..."


How to do it in time.

At his own speed, it would take at least half an hour to completely get out of the forest, even if the pink bear and the very powerful gentleman invited by Mu En happened to be waiting for him outside at that time...

But the one who wears the crown cannot enter the forest. If he wants to save Mu En, he still has to mobilize manpower.

How much time will it take to do this again and again?

Can Mu En hold on?

He is so strong, but it only takes an hour or two. If he persists a little longer, he can...

Of course I can't hold it.

How could this battle between life and death drag on for so long?

"So...it's too late."

Liya murmured:

"This way of life is very close to me, but to him... it is extremely far away."

That is to say...

At this moment.

In this huge world, among countless people.

able to help him.

There is only...



Liya curled up, hugged her shoulders with her hands, and her body couldn't help shaking:

"But what can I do?"


It would be nice if Ariel was here.

If it were her, she would definitely be able to help Mu En get out of this crisis.

But unfortunately, that person... is me.

But I am so useless.

So cowardly.

All this time, I would just hide behind Ariel and work hard.

Watching Ariel fight, watching Ariel experience life and death, watching Ariel solve all troubles like a hero.

He just needs to follow her and keep moving forward.

Like a parasite, nothing can be done without Ariel.

Nothing can be done.


Liya seemed to be crying and laughing, looking at her hands in confusion, her hands that kept shaking.

At this moment, the rich holy light on her body was flickering like her wavering state of mind.

"Goddess...what should I do?"

Liya closed her eyes and prayed to the goddess:

"Please tell me, am a useless, timid, and weak person like me really qualified to...become a saint?"

"People like me, really..."

【certainly. 】

As always, sincere prayers.

However, what appeared in his mind was not the loving figure of the goddess.


[Liya is so powerful. If I were to directly designate the saint, I would definitely choose Liya. 】

【You can do it for sure. 】

The blond figure smiled at her.

Bright as the morning sun.

【I trust you. 】

I believe you.

Just like you believe me.

There was darkness in the forest.

But Liya felt that her eyes were blindingly bright.

"It hurts."

She clutched her chest tightly, tears welling up from the corners of her eyes, which she quickly wiped away with her sleeves.

The holy light is bright, making her unstained by dust.

She stood up slowly.

"I'm really useless."

"I have learned so much knowledge in all aspects and read so many books, but I still don't understand...why my heart hurts so much just thinking that I may never see you again."

"But... now, I think I know..."

"Compared with danger, compared with death, compared with inner cowardice, I am more afraid of... experiencing this kind of pain."


I want to go back.

Go back there.

And this time,

Not behind him.



98. The girl’s determination

"I have to hurry up."

After making up her mind, Liya acted without any hesitation.

She turned around, turned her back to the light, and ran towards the depths of darkness.

Be it fear, cowardice, or incompetence, these are not things that should be considered now.

What she has to do now is to get to him as fast, fastest, and faster.

Every minute of delay may lead to the outcome she least wants to see.

Therefore, although she was obviously running towards a dangerous place that she had never had the courage to face before, Liya's speed was actually faster than when she escaped from there.

...However, before she could advance very far, her steps suddenly stopped.

She looked at the shadow cast by the huge tree, her pretty face extremely serious.


"Oh? Were you discovered?"

In the forest, the wind suddenly blew.

Eerie and bone-chilling.

And what sounded together with the wind was an equally eerie voice:

"What a pity. Originally, I wanted to give you complete despair at the last moment when you were about to step out of the forest and thought you had escaped.

I really like to see the expression of a beautiful girl falling from hope to complete despair. Every time it makes people unforgettable, but I didn't expect that you would choose to turn around? Just as stupid as that Moon Campbell. "

The figure slowly approached, stepping on the leaves in the forest, making a rustling sound, like the whisper of a monster.

"But think about it carefully, isn't this better? The more you care about that Moon Campbell, and the more that Moon Campbell cares about you, the more... I feel excited."

The figure was finally fully revealed in front of Liya, and that familiar cold face made Liya's expression suddenly freeze.

My heart also sank suddenly.

"Is it you...Barton?"

Why is he here? Shouldn't he...

"Hey, hey, don't look like you don't believe I'm here."

"Indeed, according to common sense, the most important thing I should do now is to surround and kill Moon Campbell in that place, and chop him into pieces myself with one knife to vent my hatred for being teased by him before.

But... think about it carefully, wouldn't that take away a lot of flavor? "

Barton grinned and laughed ferociously:

"Since before, I have used various methods and means to kill many people and conducted many experiments.

I know better than anyone how to make a person die in complete despair and pain.

For example, a wife is killed in front of her husband, a son is killed in front of his father, and a mother throws her newborn child into a hot pan of oil in the midst of a mother's desperate wailing.

Another example is, after killing an entire village, leaving behind a pair of childhood sweethearts who have a deep relationship, throw them a knife and tell them, the winner will survive.

Ha, ha, ha, looking at the childhood sweethearts who were inseparable, but fighting like wild beasts with red eyes, that feeling is really unstoppable.

Of course, in the end, in the unbelievable and desperate eyes of the winner, Yi Dao understood, making him look at the dead face on the other side and die with incomparable regret. This is also an unavailable sideshow! "


Liya's delicate body trembled, "Scum!"

"Yes, I am indeed a scumbag, so beautiful lady, do you understand the reason why I appear here."

Barton licked his lips, and his beast-like eyes swept over Liya's perfect figure wantonly:

"In front of that Moon Campbell who would rather sacrifice himself to save you, I will torture and rape you thoroughly, in the most cruel and painful way, so that the son of the aloof Duke can feel What a despair!

Ha... Just thinking about his expression at that time, Lao Bang was so excited that he almost couldn't control himself! "

"...It's useless for you to do this. You have misunderstood. Mu En...Classmate Mu En and I do not have a close relationship." Liya gritted her silver teeth and said.

"Oh, who knows?"

Barton smiled and said:

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