"Okay, I've finished my words, beautiful lady, you can run away now."


"That's right! The struggling prey is the fun of hunting, isn't it?"

Barton clapped his hands as if to drive away prey: "Run! Run away! The exit of the forest is not far behind you. Go there, towards the light, and use all your means to escape!"

I, Barton the Dismemberer, will enjoy it. "

It was extremely cold in the forest.

The alien snakes and insects everywhere seemed to be frightened away by the terrifying aura emanating from Barton's body. Except for one or two crows that sounded from nowhere, there was total silence.


Liya looked at Barton in front of her and couldn't help but her teeth chattering.


very scary.

Everything this man said was true, without a trace of falsehood. He had killed many people, and he had killed many people in an extremely cruel way.

The blood in him was so rich that it could hardly be dispersed.


Run away, Liya!

You are not good at fighting, you are no match for her!

That voice came to Liya's mind again, constantly tugging at her nerves, causing her to run away quickly, just like Barton said, like a harmless prey, obediently tucked her tail and ran away.

This is what the cowardly girl who has been hiding behind Ariel should do.



"I...I won't run away again."

At this moment, clear words echoed in the forest, breaking the dead silence.


Barton showed a puzzled expression.

Because the girl in front of her seemed to suddenly have something... different.

She lowered her head at first, the aura of fear filled the air, her delicate body couldn't help but tremble, and everyone felt that she was just a helpless, pitiful, and non-threatening girl.

But gradually, she straightened her drooped head bit by bit, and stopped her trembling body bit by bit.

Little by little... hold your hands tightly.

There were still tears in the corners of his eyes, but gradually a light called determination and courage gathered.

"I will never run away again, even if I am alone, even if Ariel is no longer in front of me, I will never run away again."

That's right.

She is Lea Angel.

One of the candidate saints of the Life Church, Liya Angel.

Among that population, she is the most suitable person to become a saint.

The future saint will not turn around and run away in embarrassment because of such a scumbag.

"I want to go there."

The eerie wind blew her long hair, revealing her brows and eyes that were still weak but would no longer be easily impressed.

Leah holds the Holy Light.

But this time, those holy lights are no longer warm and soft, but like...sharp swords!

"So... please get out of the way!"


After a brief silence, Barton looked straight at Liya, and his strong body... gradually began to tremble.

But it wasn't out of fear.

But because...excitement!

Extremely excited!

"Interesting, you are so interesting!"

Barton scratched his head, and blood stains appeared, making it even more ferocious:

"I have never seen such an interesting person like you. What happened, in just a few minutes, what happened to make you... so perfect?"

"But... wouldn't this make it a little more fun?"


Barton laughed and said:

"Let me... completely destroy you!!"

99. There should be holy light (Part 1))

"Come on! Let me destroy you completely!"

Barton laughed harshly, stretched out his five fingers, towards Liya, and grabbed her fiercely.


There was a harsh sound in the air, like cloth being torn.

As if she felt something, Liya's expression changed, and the dense holy light solidified in an instant, and the golden light shone brightly, turning into a solid barrier.

【Holy Protection】

Her strongest defensive move, in the previous space magic, she used this move to keep herself and Mu En safe and sound in the terrible space turbulence.

But just after Barton made a casual grab, the circular barrier began to twist to a degree visible to the naked eye, and several regular depressions appeared on the golden light, like several top-notch alchemical knives cutting off it at the same time.

But Liya saw nothing.

"Martial skills...?"

Liya murmured, her big eyes flashing.

There was no trace of magic, just martial arts.

"But it's too fast."

Martial arts indeed do not require any forward movements, but they are usually accompanied by specific moves of the warrior. After all, they are a combination of fighting spirit and martial arts moves. They can be called martial arts. But when Barton took action just now, he just moved his fingers casually.

Liya recalled that when Mu En had a brief fight with him before, it seemed that his moves were also so hidden.

So, is he worthy of being a desperado who is also at the top of the Empire’s most wanted list?

"Hey, little girl, you are fighting with me, how dare you get distracted?"

The ferocious laughter sounded like a beast, and for a moment, Liya was startled, feeling a chill carrying the aura of death rushing towards her face.

The space in front of him was distorted, as if there was something invisible standing there.

A dark line appeared from one end of Liya's field of vision to the other, reminding Liya of the ink lines she had seen before, used to organize materials when building houses.

But it wasn't something so harmless.

Because the moment the line appeared, she saw a trace appear on the holy light barrier in front of her.

Cut marks.

The cuts were countless times clearer than before!

"Hey, although it's a bit rude to have such exciting fun, but after all, I am a bad guy who does all kinds of evil."

Barton grinned and said:

"So, forgive me, cute little beauty! I am not so gentle to everyone!"

Barton aimed his palm at Liya and waved violently.


It was like a very thin steel rope bouncing, and the sharp sound made people's ears hurt.

Liya's pupils shrank suddenly. In this flash of lightning, there was no chance for any move to be released, not to mention that she had already used her strongest defensive move.

He only had time to quickly throw himself down to avoid it.

So, the same line appeared behind Liya, in the huge trees that required more than a dozen people to surround, in the uneven rocks on the ground, and... above Liya's holy light barrier. .


Everything is disconnected.

The giant trees, rocks, and holy light barrier were all completely split in half in an instant.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can clearly see a sudden fan-shaped area between the neat and dense forests, as if it has been swept by the scythe of death.

"Ahem, what exactly is this..."

Amidst the loud noise of the giant tree falling and the smoke and dust, Liya got up with difficulty after falling down.


Feeling a throbbing pain in her abdomen, she slowly raised her little hand covering her abdomen.

The vision is stained red.


Her eyes trembled.

She had obviously escaped so quickly just now, but she was still injured.

"Ugh...it hurts...it's so scary..."

"Am I really still...so useless?"

Obviously by Mu En's side, even if he faces a more terrifying enemy, he will not be harmed at all.

But he was just one-on-one with Barton, and he was almost cut in half in one encounter.

Is this... the gap?

"Hey, hey, isn't this okay?"

Barton twisted his fingers and said disappointedly: "I haven't had enough fun yet."

"……Not at all."

Liya suddenly clenched her bloody hand.

Holy light escapes from the palm of the hand and evaporates the blood.

Under the treatment of the holy light, the wound on the lower abdomen healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"As you wish, this is just... the beginning."

She slowly raised her head, dispelling the fear from her mind little by little, and then looked firmly at Barton.

Think, Liya, you must think at this time.

The enemy is very strong and his level is far beyond his own.

But it's not without a chance of victory.

After studying hard for the past ten years, I will definitely find a way to win.

Before, he had always believed in himself.


It’s time to believe in yourself.

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