Liya's eyes flickered.

Barton's moves were very strange. They had the terrifying power and magical characteristics of magic, and the activation speed was even faster than martial arts. Under the invisible sharpness that was almost indestructible, one could not resist and dodge at all.

Even just falling into his rhythm would put oneself in great danger.

So, at this time, one could only...

In an instant, unlike the warm holy light that healed the wound in her left hand, the light that Leiya had been holding tightly in her right hand became more and more brilliant... and sharp!

Like a blade of holy punishment from a goddess!

[Holy Protection].

A holy breath filled the air.

She held the holy blade tightly, and under the protection of the holy light, she actually... took the initiative to rush towards Barton!

Strength enhancement.

Speed ​​enhancement.

Reaction enhancement.

And... countless holy light threads spread out, induction enhancement!

At this moment, under the reflection of the holy light, Leah's temperament suddenly changed, her hair was flying, her skin was white as jade, just like a Valkyrie who killed evil spirits and walked towards victory step by step!

Leah swung the Holy Light Blade, towards the vulnerable part of Patton in her perception, and suddenly-cut it down!


The blades collided.

It was like cutting on a sharp object that had been waiting here for a long time. Leah's hands trembled. Fortunately, the Holy Light Blade was not a real object, so it didn't fall out of her hand directly.

But in front of her, there was still nothing.

"Oh? Interesting."

Barton only hooked his finger, and the sharp holy light that pierced his skin stayed not far in front of him. He looked at the girl in front of him and sneered:

"I admit your courage, but you are not a warrior, you don't even have fighting spirit."

"...So what?"

"Since you are not a warrior, you dare to fight a real warrior who has powerful martial arts at close range. Don't you think you are...too stupid?"

The finger that Barton hooked fell gently.


The invisible blade, wrapped in the biting cold wind, cut towards the nearby girl.

Barton's smile became more and more pleasant.

He seemed to have seen the beautiful scene of blood splattering on the girl's body.

Oh, even if the body is strengthened, it doesn't matter. Without the experience and on-the-spot reaction of a warrior, a sudden attack at this distance...


Barton's sarcastic expression suddenly stagnated.

Because in front of him, the girl dodged the sudden attack with her flexible posture, as if she could predict it, and then twisted her slender waist, and the Holy Light Blade in her hand stabbed at another tricky angle.

That angle happened to be the defense loophole that he had not noticed among the layers of invisible blades.

Damn, how did she react!

Barton's heart almost stopped beating, and the fighting spirit automatically started to work, forming a defense on the surface of the body.

Crossing the third-level natural chasm, reaching the fourth level, the powerful fighting spirit that can be materialized is a barrier that the son of the Duke with a powerful weapon cannot quickly break through.

But... the next moment, what happened in front of him made Barton's souls tremble.

Because the Holy Light Blade seemed to have no sense of the fighting spirit around him, and stabbed in without any hindrance.

Stabbed...his vitals!


A brief silence.

Perhaps because it was close to the edge, there would always be one or two cold breezes blowing in this forest.

Barton's cold sweat was stirred by the breeze, and he shuddered. He came to his senses and looked to the side with lingering fear.

Next to his neck.

A little bit.

Just a little bit.

The terrifying and scary holy light blade directly stabbed into his aorta.

If the holy light that can ignore even the defense of fighting spirit really enters the body... Barton didn't dare to think about it.

Damn it!

Is the holy light such a terrible thing?

If I had known earlier, I should have believed in the goddess!

Barton cursed in his heart.

Fortunately, the reaction of the fourth-level warrior on the spot saved him, allowing him to avoid this attack at the critical moment.

But why...

Can a little girl who doesn't even have a little fighting spirit really do this kind of action?

Even if the physical fitness is enhanced, the close combat skills and experience that only warriors have...

"I... like reading."

Suddenly, the girl in front of him seemed to see his doubts and whispered:

"So, while reading, I learned a little bit... the skills of a warrior."


Barton's eyes widened with anger.


Learning a little?

The skills of a warrior?

What a joke!

The martial arts skills that I have worked hard to practice, can you surpass them just by reading a book?

Barton growled, and did not use the special skill that he used most often, but punched fiercely, hitting the girl who was close at hand.

But it really seemed like she was joking with him. The girl's movements were as flexible as a fish swimming in the water. She could successfully dodge his attacks every time, and sent the holy light blade in her hand to his defensive blind spot, forcing him to dodge awkwardly.

Although he was not attacked once, Barton was furious, because he actually felt like he was being played around by his prey!

"Sure enough."

At this time, in the graceful attack like a dancing butterfly, the girl's voice came again:

"Mr. Barton, your strength is only that one strange move. Your other aspects, whether it is strength, speed, or moves, are extremely... mediocre from the perspective of the fourth level.

At least... it's far worse than Mu En. "


Barton's breathing stagnated.




How is it possible!

As if Liya's words had stimulated some sensitive nerves, Barton's eyes suddenly turned red, and his expression was as ferocious as a beast:

"Nonsense! I am Barton! I am the dreaded corpse cutter Barton! Ordinary? No! No one has ever dared to say that to me, never!"


"Barton! You are so stupid!"

"Barton! You are so lazy! Fer, who is in the same grade as you, has already learned new moves!"

"Barton! Are you only good at playing with these useless things? If you continue like this, you will become a complete waste!"

Some unpleasant pictures emerged in his mind.

"Anyone who dares to say that... is dead! "

Barton's ten fingers were bent like claws, as if outlining an invisible silk thread, pointing in front of him, in the direction of Leah.

As if she felt something, Leah's pretty face suddenly turned pale.

But no matter how she dodged, there was still a slender, faint, and seemingly harmless ink line falling on her fragile body.

"Oh no."

She whispered softly, her dress fluttering like a fallen flower.

But this delicate appearance only earned Barton's increasingly ferocious and happy laughter:

"Go to hell! "

Barton opened his hands and swung them suddenly!

Instantly, just like what happened before on the giant trees, rocks, and holy light barriers, the ink lines attached to Leah's body turned into smooth cuts at this moment.

The cut that separates life and death!


The sound of flesh and blood being cut apart rang out, and the delicate girl, in Barton's excited sight, was cut into two pieces by the invisible blade without exception.

Like the last petals of a withered flower, the two pieces of the body fell to the ground decadently, without even struggling or wailing.

100. There Should Be Holy Light (Part 2)

"Ha...haha, damn it."

Barton panted, looking at the two pieces of the body that made him extremely excited, and couldn't help cursing:

"I wanted to keep your life temporarily and play with you in front of that Moon Campbell. Who the hell told you to say that?

Forget it, taking your body parts and placing them in front of him, that kind of scene is indeed a pleasure to think about. "

Patton took a deep breath and his emotions gradually calmed down.

Although he was easily angered, as long as he smelled enough blood to excite him, no matter how angry he was, he could quickly dissipate.

That's right, as long as there was enough blood, just like the blood coming out of the girl's body at this moment...


Patton's body suddenly stiffened as if he saw something.

Then, he unconsciously widened his eyes.


The girl's body, which was broken into two pieces, was indeed lying in front of him.

However, there was no blood from the severed part of the girl's body.

Nothing, only...

A brilliant golden light.

Then, the golden light surged and turned into countless golden butterflies, flapping their wings and dancing gracefully.

It was so beautiful that it made Patton cold all over.

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