
Or clone?

But, when?

Just as Barton showed an expression of disbelief,

"Hua La——"

Because of the collapse of the giant tree, the dusty surroundings suddenly lit up with brilliant golden light, and then, golden chains as thick as fingers pierced through the dust and shot towards him.

Barton's pupils shrank suddenly, and his fighting spirit operated subconsciously, but those golden butterflies that were originally dancing suddenly all swooped over.

"[Holy Chant]"

It was as if there was a vague and holy song, and the golden butterflies turned into a rich holy light, causing Barton's spirit and body to stagnate at the same time, and his fighting spirit also collapsed for a short time.

When he came back to his senses, he found that his body and limbs had been tightly bound by golden chains.

"This is..."

"I said before, I like reading."

At this time, the girl's voice finally sounded.

Barton turned his head suddenly and looked at the dusty place.

"So, I'm not stupid."

"As Mr. Barton said, I'm not even a warrior, and I've never really fought with anyone. I've always just been doing some auxiliary work behind others. How could such a weak me take the initiative to rush over and fight you head-on?"

"That is to say..."

"That's right, what Mr. Barton fought hard just now was just a holy light afterimage created by me. By the way, the inspiration came from Mu En."

Barton's eyes were red with anger.

At this moment, as the truth was revealed, some abnormalities just now finally emerged little by little with Barton's memories.

For example, the girl condensed a holy light in the shape of a sword in front of Barton, but did not launch an attack at the first time. Was it intentional to let Barton have the awareness that she might take the initiative to fight in close combat?

Also, the holy light blade that ignored his fighting spirit... Of course it could be ignored, because it was fucking fake!

And, if you think about it carefully, the seemingly fierce battle between him and the girl before was actually... No one touched anyone at all.

Haha, damn it, but he was almost scared to death at that time!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Barton was so angry that he was shaking all over. There were so many loopholes and flaws, but under the deliberate guidance of the girl, he still fell into the trap.

He was like a stupid prey, being led into this seemingly ridiculous trap little by little by the shrewd and cunning hunter!

But he was obviously the hunter, and the girl was the prey he wanted to hunt!


"So what!"

Patton took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and roared at the girl who had covered her figure in the dust:

"You are just stalling for time!"

"...Hehe, you didn't take this opportunity to escape. Are you still expecting someone to save you..."

"I don't expect anyone to save me."

The girl interrupted Patton:

"Besides, I have said it many times, this time, I don't plan to escape."

"...Then, so what!"

Patton was stunned for a moment, and continued to roar:

"You think you can trap me with this kind of thing, a mere chain, look at me with my powerful martial arts, I can easily..."


Before Patton finished speaking, more chains shot out from the dust and accurately wrapped around Patton's...fingers.


Patton suddenly turned pale.

"What's wrong, Mr. Barton?"

The footsteps sounded, and Leah finally walked out of the diffuse dust, bathed in the holy light, without any dirt.

She looked calm and asked softly:

"It's just that your hands and feet are tied up, and your fighting spirit should still be able to operate. Why don't you use... your powerful "martial arts"? "


For the first time, Barton's eyes revealed an emotion called fear, and he asked in a trembling voice:

"How did you find out?"

"It's very simple. Mr. Barton's moves are too abnormal and too powerful. They are so powerful that... they are incompatible with your other ordinary aspects.

So, I was wondering if you used some external force?

When I thought about it, the answer was obvious."

Liya stretched out her hand and pointed, and the chain pulled, forcing Barton to raise one hand, and then the cuffs fell, revealing a quaint bracelet hidden in it.

Sure enough.

There are only a few things that can make a person suddenly stronger.

Magic device.

Magic scroll.

Alchemical weapons.

But these things are easy to distinguish.

There is only one type left.

Among all the props, it is also famous for its strangeness and unpredictability...

Ancient relics.

"And ancient relics often require activation conditions."

Liya said:

"Mr. Barton, the activation condition of your ancient relic... is just to hook your fingers, it's really convenient, no wonder you can make such a big name in the whole empire with just this one move."

"You... you... even if you know it, what does it matter!"

Facing the dilemma of his biggest trump card being completely revealed, Barton forced himself to stabilize his mentality and said fiercely:

"After all, there is a real realm gap between us. I am a powerful fourth-level warrior. This small chain, I can rely on my flesh...

Huh? Why can't I break it?"

The crazy look turned into pale despair.

Barton kept mobilizing his powerful fourth-level fighting spirit and kept struggling, but those seemingly extremely thin golden chains did not move at all.

"Of course I can't break free."

Liya rubbed the chains with her fingers and said casually:

"The time just now was enough for me to engrave 120 third-level solidification arrays on these chains. Even if you are fourth-level, it will take some time to break free."


Barton looked like you were kidding me:

"One hundred and twenty third-level solidification arrays, how is this possible? It was only a short time ago, less than three minutes. Even Fular can't do this speed!"

"It can be done."

"Just read more books."

Liya said seriously, then stepped towards Barton.

Holy light condensed in her hands again, like a sharp blade.

This time, it was no longer a false deception, but an extremely real murderous intent.


Barton panicked:

"Let's talk, let's talk!"

"It was just a misunderstanding, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"I am willing to pay enough, don't kill me, don't kill me, okay?"

Liya kept walking.

"By the way, I can give you this ancient relic!"

"It has my mark on it, if you kill me, it will also self-destruct!"

"This relic is very precious, even a fifth-level strongman can pose a certain threat!"

"Use it to buy my life, it will definitely be a big profit for you!"

Liya finally stopped very close to Barton.

She turned her head to look at Barton's wrist and whispered:

"Ancient relic...precious?"

"Yes, yes!"

Barton's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly:

"It is very valuable, priceless, even if you don't use it, you can at least sell it at auction..."

With a click.

The crisp sound echoed, making Barton's words stop abruptly.

He stared blankly at Liya silently retracting the Holy Light Blade in her hand, and then looked at his wrist. The ancient relic that made him the corpse slayer and could be sold for at least 1 billion, an extremely precious one, was broken.

"Why... why!"

Barton's expression was distorted, and he screamed at Liya: "Do you know what you destroyed! Do you know how precious you destroyed it!"

"I know."

Liya had no expression on her face.

"But... who knows what you will do with it."


Barton's expression froze.

"Besides, Ariel said that you should never accept things that others give you, especially those that men give you!


As she was talking, Liya suddenly tilted her head and showed a bit of cuteness:

"Have I violated what Ariel said... Forget it, it's okay to accept Mu En's things."

Liya raised the Holy Light Blade and pointed it at Barton's chest.

"Wait, don't..."

Barton came back to his senses with a start, and begged for mercy in fear.

"Wait, don't, please, let me do anything, just don't kill me!"

At this moment, he saw the girl's trembling hands, and a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes:

"Little girl...Miss, beautiful lady, you haven't killed anyone yet, let me go, please let me go, there is no need to dirty your hands for a scum like me.

Besides, I already know I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I will never do the kind of thing I said before again.

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