You are so kind and cute, you will definitely not..."


The blade pierces flesh and blood.

Her hands were still trembling, but Liya clenched her silver teeth and followed the instructions in the book. When facing a bad guy, she would insert the knife into his heart and then stir it up.


Barton coughed up blood, and his eyes that gradually lost their luster looked at Liya blankly.


"I don't want to kill anyone."

The girl rotated the blade of holy light vigorously, staring closely at the holy light burning Barton's flesh and blood bit by bit, and said seriously:

"But... you want to kill Mu En."

"I am angry."

101. Crow

"Huh... are you finally dead?"

In the forest, shadows flickered.

Liya stood up slowly from a squatting position and took a deep breath.

The breath he exhaled was very deep, as if he was trying to expel all the gas in his lungs.

But the violent heartbeat was still... difficult to calm down.

She lowered her head and looked at her hands.

Those slender, white and tender hands, like onions, were now stained red with blood.

dyed red by other people's blood.

She killed someone.

First time killing someone.


Liya suddenly felt a little upset in her stomach.

In the peripheral vision, disbelief and hatred still remained on Barton's pale and lifeless face. In his chest, due to excessive force, the big hole was stirred and burned by the blade of holy light, like eyes from the abyss, dead. Stare at yourself.

Choosing the path of a saint who saves the world and leads countless believers forward, Liya originally thought that she would never be associated with the word "murder" in her life.

But I didn't expect...

" scary, so scary."

The feeling of the sharp blade piercing the flesh, the sight of the blood splattering, and Barton's curses, begging for mercy and screams on the verge of death were still intertwined in Liya's little head.

I really don’t want to have this feeling again.

But... now is not the time to think about this.

Liya stretched out her hand, wiped Barton's eyes open, and then shook her head vigorously to expel all these mixed thoughts from her mind.

She raised her head and looked into the dark and deep distance, her eyes... gradually becoming firmer.

"Wait for me, Mu En."

Liya also took steps firmly:

"I'll rush there now. Before that, please be sure nothing happens."

After Liya left.

Silence returned to the forest.

The sun peeked out from the dark clouds and shone on this open space where the giant trees had been cut down, making it particularly messy.


Suddenly, a sharp crow woke up the silence.

And what was awakened at the same time was...


"Damn, cough, is that crazy bitch finally gone?"

Under the sunlight that was not too bright, his heart had turned into a big hole. Barton, who was supposed to die and could no longer die, actually... opened his eyes.

He came to life.

No, it should be said that he never died.

"Holy shit, damn, damn, I almost fell into the hands of that bitch."

Barton looked ferocious and gritted his teeth.

Being stabbed into the chest with a blade made of holy light, and then turned around cruelly for several times, it was not an overly wonderful experience no matter what.

"Fortunately, labor and management still have backup plans."

He raised his trembling hand and touched it with his backhand, and a heart that seemed to be carved out of stone appeared in his hand.

The strange thing is that this stone heart is beating slowly at this moment, as if there is really fresh blood being pumped out by it.

Barton slowly placed the stone heart into the hole in his left chest.

When the stone heart entered it, it strangely blended with the broken blood vessels, as if it really became his heart, beating powerfully.

Barton took a long breath, and a touch of blood finally appeared on his face.

Ancient Relic·Heart of Stone.

The effect is that when his heart is irreversibly damaged, he can replace it and become his new heart.

And not only for heart injuries, no matter what the cause of the injury, as long as the life is in a critical state, it can temporarily help to hang up, and it can also extend the life of its owner by exchanging hearts.

It is a very powerful ancient relic.

When Barton killed that annoying old guy in his family and was chased by the empire's hawks and dogs, he accidentally discovered these two ancient relics deep in a cave, which enabled him to dismember his body. He has a frightening reputation.

Another ancient relic is naturally the bracelet that has the power to cut off all things.


Thinking of the bracelet, Barton turned his head with difficulty and looked at the pile of debris on the ground. His cheeks twitched hard, and his face became extremely ferocious again.

That ancient relic no longer exists.

In just a few minutes, the most important thing that supported his reputation as a corpse-dismemberer was turned into a pile of useless debris.

"Damn, damn, damn! Little ****, I will definitely... I, Barton, the Corpse Breaker, will make your life worse than death!"

Barton's eyes were red, and he cursed fiercely at the empty place:

"Wait for me, I will torture you in the most cruel way, and make you regret what you did to your labor, for sure!"

Even if he loses the ancient relics, he is still a fourth-level warrior, a genuine fourth-level warrior!

Next, I will personally take you...

No, that little bastard is also quite strong, so a head-on confrontation is not a wise choice.



Yes, family, friends, anything is fine, as long as they are the ones that little bastard cares about, capture those people one by one, torture them severely, and then leave a video, and send them to that little bastard with things like eyes and ears...

Ha, ha ha, at that time, the little bastard's expression must be very exciting, very exciting...

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Barton's excited imagination was interrupted by a weak cough.


Barton stroked his chest.

The wound healed slower than he thought, as if it was affected by the holy light.

But that was just a small problem. The only trouble was...the use of the Heart of Stone was not without cost.

While it becomes your heart, it will take away half of your life and all your strength.

Life is indeed helpless, but fortunately, strength can be restored.

With the help of some potions and magic stones stored by him, it would only take about half an hour to recover to the point where he could move freely.

This was nothing.

Although he was just a powerless ordinary person for the time being.

But because of the aftermath of the battle between him and that little **, there should be no blind alien species that would...

Barton turned his eyes casually, but happened to see a... scarlet pupil.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

He felt that his heart, which had just been put in, was almost scared to jump out again. Barton was still in shock, and he looked carefully, but found that the owner of the scarlet pupil...

was a crow.

The huge crow, half a person's height, which was unique to this forest, folded its wings, hopped and landed next to Barton, tilted its head, and stared at him straight.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death."

Barton frowned, raised his hand and waved, driving away:

"Get out, damn crow, or I'll drain your blood in a while!"


The crow ignored Barton's driving and threats, and let the hand fall on itself.

So powerless.

So, a hint of humanized teasing flashed in the scarlet eyes.


It suddenly spread its wings and cried loudly.


Barton was stunned, and then his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because more crow cries began to echo in the surrounding woods.




The black torrent rushed over, circling over Barton, blocking the sunlight.

That was, countless, huge flocks of crows.

Then, the crows fell one by one, landing on broken trees, gravel, and beside Barton.

The light disappeared.

Patton was surrounded by crows.

All the crows tilted their heads and stared at Patton with their scarlet pupils.

It was as if they were staring at a hot buffet.

" guys..."

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