The blood on Barton's face faded again, becoming as pale as paper.

Because he suddenly remembered that there were no ordinary creatures in this forest.

So even these crows, which have nothing special about them other than being a little bigger, are actually ferocious alien species.

Before, he could easily crush these stupid birds to death.

But now, he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

And it's obvious.

Just like his sneak attack on Mu En before at the lake was also disturbed by this damn crow,

Crows are very vengeful.


The larger crow that fell first took the lead and jumped on Barton's chest.

Scarlet eyes reflected Barton's frightened face.

But Barton had no time to say anything.

The crow lowered its head and pecked, and in its long and slender beak, it already held... an eyeball.

Patton's eyes.


Barton screamed, but the scream was quickly drowned out by the cries of excitement.

As the crow at the head crows again, it is like the bell ringing the door of the canteen. The hungry diners rush forward to enjoy the meal with their sharp beaks and claws in the wail of extreme pain and despair. Enjoy this feast of blood.

Not long after, the crow, which was slightly larger, with darker and brighter feathers, and more vivid eyes, spread its wings and took off.

It did not enjoy this feast because mere human flesh and blood was a bit dirty to it.

Its wings flew across countless giant trees, and it suddenly stopped somewhere.

The scarlet pupils reflected several figures who were fighting fiercely.

After watching for a while, my eyes lingered on a certain blond figure a few more times. It spread its wings again and flew silently into the distance.

This time, it was fast, like a black lightning bolt.

Giant trees, lakes, and clouds quickly retreated behind it.

Finally, it came to a huge mountain.

Half of the mountain peak is covered with white snow and storms, but it easily passes through this forbidden area that is insurmountable for ordinary people and reaches the top.

There was no wind and there was silence.

There was only a huge hole like a crater, pitch black and bottomless.

It flew into the hollow, and then also landed on a mountain.


It opens its mouth.

Then the object that had been held in its beak naturally fell down.

Those were not the eyes from before, but... a heart.

A heart like a stone.

Dong dong dong dong...

The Heart of Stone rolled down the edge of the mountain.

The little bits of light emitted illuminated the true appearance of the mountain.

It was a mountain made up of countless bronzes, gold, gems, swords, ancient relics, treasures that could not be compared to those accumulated by dynasties from generation to generation... and bones.

Judging from the blurry silhouette not far away, there is more than one such mountain.


The Heart of Stone rolled down to the lowest point and hit something, making a crisp sound.

There was another brief silence.


There was a low hum in the darkness, like countless bellows sucking in huge amounts of air.

The mountains trembled.

At this moment, all the darkness was dispelled.

Because, there are extremely majestic golden pupils that light up, like two bright suns, overlooking everything.

102. Cover your hands and make it rain

The shadow of the flying bird fell from the sky, passing through the layers of warnings and restrictions, and finally landed on... a precious ancient wooden table.

The robin raised his head and looked at the white tiger who was at the other end of the long table and was carefully tasting the red wine in the glass.

White Tiger was well dressed, shaking his wine glass, looking intoxicated. Judging from the red wine logo on the table, this was oak red wine from the Royal Winery. It was extremely precious, with an annual production of less than a hundred barrels.

The reason why it is named after oak is because it is said that the barrels used to brew this red wine must be made of oak that is more than a hundred years old to give it a special aroma.

"Your Excellency Speaker, I'm so excited."

The robin poured himself a glass casually, rolled up his wings and took a sip without hesitation, and said:

"It is said that His Majesty has just issued a new tax bill, and he cut the aorta of ours and let out a wave of blood. The Speaker is still so leisurely at this moment, which really makes us feel at ease."

"Of course, if you are as restless as those idiots at this time, what's the use except letting other people see the joke?"

Bai Hu opened his eyes and said with a cold smile:

"Anyway, as long as our goal is achieved, we will eventually get back what we lost, and even...even more."

"...makes sense."

"How did things go?"

"Although your condescending tone is very unpleasant, all I can say at this moment is..."

The robin put down the wine glass, which was almost as big as its body, and said:

"Everything goes well, the prey has been caged, the hunter has appeared, everything is just waiting for the result."

"I think it will be a good result."

"The Speaker is really confident, but..."

The robin's eyes flashed:

"I have a bad feeling about it."


Bai Hu raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Because plan A failed."

said the robin.

Before executing this plan, Robin felt that it was almost a seamless plan, and for Moon Campbell, it was an unsolvable dead end.

A veteran crown wearer still made a sneak attack without warning. Even if there was a pink bear, he was not a real crown wearer after all, so how could he possibly stop him.

But it still failed.

Because Moon Campbell seemed to have predicted this in advance, and there was also a crown wearer hidden in the team!

Damn, what on earth did he go through to make him so vigilant? According to a recent investigation, in order to invite the stargazer in a short time, he even sold several of his father's estates!

Robin felt that if he had such a prodigal son, the first thing he would do would be to be beaten to death with a big ear-scratcher.


It was precisely because of Moon Campbell's abnormal vigilance that Plan A failed completely.

The failure of one seamless plan made the robin couldn't help but wonder, would another seamless plan be equally likely to fail?

"I see, it's normal for you to have such thoughts."

Bai Hu's eyes were still calm,

"But I think your idea is completely unnecessary."

"Oh? Why."

"Because you care too much about Moon Campbell."


"Yes, the previous assassination and the intelligence coming from the academy indicate that Moon Campbell has undergone earth-shaking changes during this time.

It is even possible that his stupid appearance before was just a disguise. It was not until his engagement ceremony with Princess Celcia was approaching and no one threatened him anymore that he gradually revealed his fangs as a little lion.

All of us have been deceived by him, and he is far better than we thought.


Bai Hu suddenly changed his voice, with a disdainful smile on his lips, and said:

"This time he was able to temporarily save his life in Plan A. Is it really because of his excellence?"

"Is not it?"

The robin frowned:

"If it weren't for his vigilance this time, we would have..."

"of course not!"

Bai Hu interrupted him:

"So what about excellence? So what about vigilance? Are these the reasons why he can really escape? None of them!

He can survive until now because he is the son of a noble duke, because he can afford a crowned person to protect him, and because of the aura he has!

Haha, excellent? genius? Tolerate? Without a foothold, these things are useless, otherwise, you think..."

The white tiger stared into the robin's eyes and sneered:

"How many self-righteous geniuses have I killed over the years?"


Robin was horrified. Until this moment, he seemed to see... the darkness hidden deep in the eyes of this person whose true identity was still unknown, but who could single-handedly create the behemoth of the inner council.

"Do you understand? This is the meaning of Plan B. When the halo fades, and when you are alone in a desperate situation with no one to support you, no matter how good or talented our Duke's son is, he will be better than we thought. Times!

But... so what? "

The white tiger slammed his claws on the table, crushing an ant to death easily.

A bug that has lost its halo is still a bug no matter how strong it is.

"Of course, if Mr. Robin is still uneasy, then you can put yourself in the scene of Moon Campbell. Well...according to the previous information, we will tentatively assume that his strength is a third-level warrior...No, just assume It is the level of the third level peak.

Mr. Robin, use your smart mind to think carefully, is it possible for Moon Campbell to survive? Bai Hu asked with a joking expression.

"The possibility of survival..."

The robin was deep in thought.

Although this plan was formulated by Bai Hu, he personally conducted the entire process, so he had extremely detailed information about every character involved.

And those people who are currently hunting down Moon Campbell...

The corpse-dismembered Barton, who killed his biological father and had at least hundreds of lives on his hands, would be wary of even fifth-level experts with his strange moves.

Coming from a secret laboratory, the hyena is known as the monster among monsters. Its physical strength and recovery ability are enough to allow him to survive the charge of an entire heavy armored cavalry.

The traitorous Floral sisters of the Tower of Origin... being able to enter the Tower of Origin proves their excellence.

And... Father Sion, who has been hunted by the Church of Life for several years, but is still alive and kicking.

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