These guys are terrifying beings that make even I feel a chill down my spine. They are villains among villains, criminals among criminals, with no bottom line, morals, or ethics. Their names alone are enough to stop children from crying at night in some places.

If I were Muen Campbell, if I were a peak level 3 warrior... No, be bold, even if I were a level 4 warrior, and even with the props and items I might carry...

It would be impossible!

Even if he pulled a magic cannon, it would be impossible!

This is a gap in level, and it can never be solved by simple excellence and external objects.

Unless Muen Campbell becomes a believer of the evil god on the spot and directly obtains powerful power from the evil god, there is no possibility!

But to obtain that level of power, the price paid... I'm afraid it's more terrifying than death.

And is Muen Campbell crazy to give up his bright future and go to believe in the evil god?

As for the little girl who was teleported with him in the intelligence, it is said that she is just a goddess believer who practices holy light and has no frontal combat ability. What can she do?

"Do you understand?"

White Tiger raised his wine glass and chuckled:

"There may be no absolutely perfect plan in this world, but for that Moon Campbell, when he was teleported into the Forest of Death, it meant that his life also entered the countdown."

"So that's it, I was worrying too much."

Robin also raised his wine glass and smiled:

"Then let us wait for good news."

"Wait for good news."

The clash of wine glasses was crisp and moving, like the music played at the time of victory.


PS: It's not water, two chapters of foreshadowing, and the next chapter will start shark.

103. Let you feel refreshed

The dense forest was being torn by the raging wind at this moment. Countless gravel, along with the debris of branches and leaves, formed dark clouds covering the sky, as if the end of the world was coming.

On the periphery of the storm, countless huge trees connected like giants, with intertwined twisted vines, forming a huge wall, turning this area into a dead zone that no flying insects could escape.

A dead zone that only targets one person.

"What's wrong? Muen Campbell."

In the center of the dead zone, the priest still looked at the figure not far away with a calm smile.

"Just now you said that you are the type that will be stronger when fighting alone, but why can I only see you running away in a panic?"

"Ahem, sometimes there is always a gap between advertising and the real thing, please don't mind it."

Muen coughed up a mouthful of blood and wiped it on the gravel beside him.

At this moment, he was a little embarrassed.

No, it should be said that he was extremely embarrassed.

The golden hair that was originally spread like the morning sun, under the storm, was like the dry grass in autumn, swaying left and right.

After handing the coat to Leah, the only shirt he was wearing became tattered. The expensive fabric became a rag that even beggars would not look down on. It was hung on his body with difficulty, forming a sharp contrast with the priest who was still spotless at the moment.

And the muscles exposed from the rags were not as full of lines and beauty as usual like marble statues. There were a lot of scars all over, knife marks, claw marks, and even large areas of charred marks on the broad back.

——That was the result of Mu En being hit by the thunder hidden in the storm. If he hadn't reacted quickly at the time, I'm afraid that half of his body would have been pierced by the thunder wrapped in the power of heaven and turned into charcoal.

And the reason for Mu En's serious injury... was just a test.

That's right, the fight just a few minutes ago was obviously just a test by the priest.

He still stood there, from beginning to end, without even moving his feet.

But in just a few minutes, he used more than five kinds of grace, each of which had the ability to kill Mu En.

But he, who possesses such powerful abilities, is extremely cautious.

He seems to be fully aware of his weaknesses as an ordinary person, so from the beginning, he has been hiding in the solid barrier formed by the holy light, and only uses these divine powers remotely, leaving scars on Mu En little by little, like a blunt knife cutting meat, gradually squeezing Mu En's life and limits.

Just like an old turtle hiding in a turtle shell.

But this kind of enemy is the most troublesome.

Not to mention, there are more than one enemy here.

Even Mu En, who claims to be a human-shaped cockroach and can't be broken by an old cow, began to feel a little breathless in this storm-like offensive.

So, what should be done next?

Can only...

"Mu En Campbell, I have a suggestion."

And in this seemingly deliberate breathing opportunity for Mu En, the priest suddenly said.



The priest smiled and said:

"Why don't you just surrender like this?"


Moon, who was a little unsure of what the priest was suddenly planning, asked in confusion:

"If I surrender, you won't kill me?"

"Of course I have to kill, this is the employer's task."

"Does it make a difference?"

"Of course."

"Since death is inevitable, why not choose an easier way to die?"

The priest said:

"After all, I am also a servant of the goddess, and I am also a priest who has explained the scriptures to countless believers. Even if you are my enemy, even if my employer has asked us to kill you in the most cruel way, I will give you the necessary mercy.

So, as long as you surrender, I will let you die without pain."

The priest's face was compassionate, as if he was praying devoutly every morning.

But the words he said were chilling.

Dying without pain...

Mu En smiled.

For a villain, this is really enough mercy.

"But I'm sorry."

Mu En refused.

"So far, the only thing I'm afraid of is death... Well, no, the hatchet should be the second thing.


Mu En blinked and asked expectantly:

"Can I have a third choice? For example, you let me go directly and we can be good friends together?"


The priest restrained his smile and showed a sympathetic expression:

"It's a pity, Mu En Campbell, I admit that you are really amazing to be able to hold on until now."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"But... that's it."

The priest's cold voice fell, like the supreme judgment from the gods.

At the same time, unlike the step-by-step pressure just now, a strong sense of death crisis suddenly penetrated Mu En's mind.

The terrible malice that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly broke out.

The foul smell of the fishy wind, with terrible murderous intent, came from behind.

But this was not an attack from the priest, but... a hyena.

In the priest's temptation just now, a hidden hyena finally showed its fangs to Mu En at this moment!

It's just...

It was obviously a fatal blow that had been accumulated for a long time, but it was also carried out by a hyena?

Mu En couldn't help but frown and faced the hyena.

At this time, the hyena had completely turned into a monster, covered with scales, with hideous bone spurs, and sharp claws that seemed to be able to easily tear through steel.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to have no rationality at all.

But how could he, with his speed, still...

"I said, it's already a general."

A faint voice came from behind Mu En.

The priest flipped the scriptures in his hand.

In an instant, the air around Mu En suddenly stagnated.

The raging wind seemed to have been suddenly paused, and then Mu En felt that the air around him suddenly became extremely sticky.

Like water.

Like mud.

Like cement!

The sticky gas was accidentally inhaled into his lungs, causing a burning pain in his chest.

Mu En's breath suddenly became chaotic, but what was even more terrible was that the terrible pressure around him, which was like being in the deep sea, made his movements... slow down.

With the blessing of time delay, Mu En's speed can indeed reach an extremely terrifying level. In terms of speed alone, even the hyena, whose body is far superior to that of ordinary people, can do nothing to him.

But that is under normal circumstances.

Even if you are faster...

What if you are in the water?

What if you are in the mud?

What if you are in the cement that is about to solidify?

Can your speed still be so fast?

The answer is...


"Giggle--one billion!"

The hyena almost instinctively let out an excited scream from its mouth full of saliva, and its claws with poison and powerful fighting spirit stabbed Mu En's vitals without any hindrance.

When the speed cannot be exerted, and without any blessing of holy light, the difference in realm and strength will eventually be truly displayed.




Seeing this, the priest smiled faintly.

"The speed you are so proud of is just this speed. As I said before, I already know your limit, so you naturally have no chance of winning."


The sound of claws piercing into flesh and blood rang out, and bright blood splashed.

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