Although he could not appreciate the desperate face because he was facing away from him.


It was beautiful.

This reminded the priest of the morning when he left the church.

The flowers that bloomed from those children at that time were so beautiful.

"What a pity."

The priest murmured:

"No one always understands my kindness."

He slowly closed the Holy Scripture, as if to put a perfect end to this hunt that was beyond their expectations.


But suddenly.

Just as the performance was about to end, the actors were going to bow and thank them, and then happily go off the stage to get their lunch.

Someone who was supposed to perfectly play the corpse coughed inappropriately.

"Too anxious, I haven't finished my lines yet."


The priest's hand on closing the Holy Scripture froze.

He suddenly looked up and looked at Mu En.

The hideous monster pounced on Mu En, looking like it was going to tear him apart and devour him bit by bit.

That sharp claw did pierce his flesh accurately, and it only needed to stir it gently to tear him into two pieces.

However, at this moment, in the gap between the claws, there were two pure white short knives interlaced, holding tightly, even if they were still trembling slightly, making the claws unable to move forward any further.

"How is this possible!"

The priest's pupils shrank slightly, and for the first time he showed a somewhat inappropriate expression:

"You should have been suppressed to the limit! It is impossible for you to still withstand the hyena's attack!"

"It has indeed reached the limit."

Mu En looked at the hyena with a ferocious face and a bit of dullness, grinning:

"But only when you reach the limit can you have the possibility of breaking through, right?"

Suddenly, like the rushing river finally broke through the long-blocked dam, the majestic fighting spirit flowed on Mu En's body, and with this momentary burst, Mu En swung the blade and actually directly forced the hyena back head-on.

The wound on his abdomen caused by the claws was still bleeding, but Mu En didn't care. He just closed his eyes and carefully felt the feeling of accumulating to the peak and then suddenly releasing it.

Realm breakthrough.

Level 3 warrior.

"No wonder all the protagonists like to play this trick, it's cool..."

Mu En let out a long breath, looked at the priest, and smiled:

"Thank you, pressure man, without you, I might have to wait for several months before I can reach the third level smoothly."


The priest's eyes flashed with a hidden light, but it quickly subsided, and he said expressionlessly:

"But so what, even if your realm is improved, the second level to the third level still can't solve your dilemma."

He flipped the holy book again.

The storm brought down by the gods once again enveloped this dead area, leaving Mu En nowhere to escape.

"You're right."

But this time, Mu En shrugged casually as if he didn't feel the terrible pressure.

Whether it's the second level or the third level.

There is no difference between facing a fourth-level monster and a clergyman who believes in countless gods.

Because this level upgrade is not an essential upgrade.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It's impossible for you to be like the protagonist, just by suddenly upgrading a small realm, you can turn the offensive and chase the enemy.


Mu En's mouth curled up, and suddenly revealed a strange smile:

"Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need for me to hide anymore."


The priest frowned.


What to hide?

Is there any back-up?


Be calm.

Even if he has some tricks that he hasn't used, it can't change the existing outcome.

Any external objects are not worth mentioning under the blessing of the gods.

But at this time, the priest saw Mu En raise his hand and gently touch the two short knives.

The arc was surging, and the alchemical field spread out, covering Mu En and the hyena not far away.


The priest frowned again.

Because Mu En's breath disappeared.

It seems to be blocked by that strange domain.

...He used this trick to avoid our pursuit before.

But why?

Is this his backup?

Eliminate the breath in front of us?

We are not blind!

"Just now, you made me feel good enough."

Just as the priest was thinking and hesitating carefully, Mu En, who was in the alchemy domain, suddenly began to burn with flames.

Red flames.


Covered in red flames, Mu En looked at the priest and smiled slightly:

"It's my turn to make you feel good too."

104. God Loves the World (Four in One)

"Now, it's my turn to make you feel good too."

As the domain with flashing arcs expanded, wisps of flames began to flow out of the wounds on Mu En's body with his breathing.

The flames were red, slightly different from ordinary flames. They kept swaying and flowing around Mu En, just like jumping elves, giving people a sense of agility.

But if you keep staring, you can seem to be able to glimpse the deepest part of the flame... a hint of death and destruction.

"This flame is..."

The priest's eyes narrowed slightly.


Martial arts?

Magic device?

Alchemical weapon?

Or is it the effect of an ancient relic?

Unable to confirm.

The strange field with arcs flashing completely blocked his perception extended by the grace of God. Although Muen was in front of him, in his perception, there was nothing in front of him.

Including the strange flame that suddenly appeared.


With the appearance of those flames, the temperature in the air did not rise at all, and the darkness shrouded in the dead zone was not illuminated by the flames at all. Even the tattered cloth on his body, stained with those flames, did not change at all.

Although it was fire, it did not have any effect or characteristics of fire. It was swaying like this, as if light and heat did not exist in the fire.

It looked non-threatening.

Of course, this might be because this strange field obscured the effect of the flame, but no matter how magical the flame was, the priest still did not think that Muen Campbell had the possibility of a comeback.

As he said just now, in front of the grace of the gods, any external objects were not worth mentioning.

The only thing that made people care was...

The priest looked to the side, looking at the hyena who was also in that field.

The hyena was not far from Mu En. At this distance, he could have launched another fatal attack at any time and stabbed his claws into Mu En's flesh again.

But he didn't.

He just stared at Mu En with his red and confused eyes, and almost all the scales on his body stood up, sometimes baring his teeth, and sometimes making low whimpers from his throat.

Like a wild dog encountering a lion.

He was actually afraid?

This monster, which had lost most of its rationality and only had bloodthirsty instincts, was actually afraid and trembling at this moment?


What did he feel in the field?

"Let's start with you."

At this time, Mu En suddenly turned his head and smiled at the hyena.

The smile was gentle, but it made the hyena's back cold, like an ignorant girl who ran into a pervert in the woods. .

Then, Mu En's body shook, and in an instant he crossed the not-so-distant distance and came in front of the hyena.

Without the restraint of God's grace, Mu En has surpassed the hyena in terms of speed.

So the hyena had nowhere to escape, and could only let Mu En reach out and pat his shoulder gently like an old friend who couldn't be more familiar.

Then, the red flame flowed and rushed towards the hyena.

He was...

Wanting to burn the hyena to death with that flame?

The priest frowned and was about to turn the hand of the holy book, but suddenly stopped.

For the sake of caution, he needed to understand the true effect of that kind of flame, so it was necessary to give the hyena a little bit of injustice.

Moreover, with the hyena's terrible vitality and recovery ability that would not necessarily die even if it was cut into pieces, even if the flame was indeed a bit powerful, it would not be...


But the next moment, the priest's meditation was interrupted by a piercing roar.

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